Thursday, October 01, 2009

Mr Miliband's Banana Skin

It looks like David Miliband sunk into the gutter with his attacks on Conservatives this morning during his speech at the ghost town Labour conference. He accused the Conservatives of consorting with fascists, reckoned Eric Pickles was somehow defending the Waffen SS and that Michael Kaminski is an anti semite. Pretty strong stuff for a man in charge of British diplomacy. It's also further evidence of the desperate tactics he is deploying in order to keep himself in the post election leadership race. William Hague isn't best pleased. He has just issued this statement...
David Miliband’s smears are disgraceful and represent a failure of his duty to promote Britain’s interests as Foreign Secretary. He has failed to check his facts. He has just insulted the Latvian Government, most of whose member parties have attended the commemoration of Latvia’s war dead.

Just because Latvia is a small country does not give the Foreign Secretary the right to put cheap party spin before the national interest.

His accusation of anti-Semitism against Michal Kaminski is shameful and is based on remarks which the Chief Rabbi of Poland has said were misrepresented. This kind of shoddy politics should be beneath a Foreign Secretary.

It is also indecent to allege that Eric Pickles, who has an admirable record campaigning against anti-Semitism and other forms of racism, was defending the Waffen SS. Mr Miliband should withdraw that suggestion.

David Miliband would be well to reflect on what he said in his speech and his motives for saying it. He's always been someone in the Labour Party I had some respect for. But this sort of behaviour makes me wonder whether he is really cut out for top flight politics.


  1. I knew David Miliband at Oxford. He was a slimy git then, and nothing I have seen since suggests he has changed in the slightest.

  2. any one opposed to New Labour is a Nazi supporter.I'm pleased at least that they have now included the opposition Conservative party in this group. The brunt of New Labour's villifications have for too long been the man and woman on the English street. join the club.

  3. Maybe they wouldn't let him into the Bullingdon Club?

  4. Why on earth would anyone have any respect for David Miliband, Ed Miliband, Ed Balls, Harriet Harman or any of the other leaders in waiting?

  5. The situation in Latvia as a whole is hardly black and white with regards to the Waffen-SS, but it is highly likely that at least some Latvian Waffen-SS murdered Jewish citizens as auxiliary police prior to the unit itself being formed. There is conflicting evidence, and a lot of doubt, but the fact that For Fatherland and Freedom have made it a black and white issue by commemorating the Latvian Waffen-SS is awful, and is not a stance that should not be supported.

    So, I'm not terribly surprised that this has upset David Miliband. It upsets me, and I don't have any Jewish heritage.

  6. Our Foreign Sec said this???

    Clearly he hasn't read the ABC of Diplomacy has he.

    What a chump.

    Labour Conference = the gift that keeps on giving...

    Did you hear Hattie's rant - it was like a toddler's rant about sharing the toy box.

    Labour are going to find Opposition REALLY hard if they play up like this over the Sun switching sides.

  7. The more I see of Miliband the more I realise, however regretfully, that the man who has had the measure of him, and his capabilities, most accurately is the rogue who is the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, who shouted down the phone at him "What the f*** do you know about Russia? Who the f*** do you think you are?" or words to that effect.

    Clearly not only Russia to which that applies

  8. But it is undoubtedly true Iain that the Tories have unpleasant alliances in Europe

    "Valdemar Tomaševski, MEP from Lithuania, and member of the Tories’ Euro coalition, is on record as having branded homosexuality a “perversion”.

    Not only that, I can now reveal for the first time that he also personally voted for a Lithuanian law that has been described as a harsher, more wide-reaching version of Britain’s Section 28.

    The Lithuanian law was widely condemned by human rights watchdogs. The draconian “Law on the Protection of Minors from the Detrimental Effects of Public Information” bans discussion of homosexuality not only in schools but in any public places and media that could be accessed by young people.

    Amnesty pointed out that if adopted, the proposals would also permit the prosecution of an extremely wide variety of activities, including campaigning on human rights issues relating to sexual orientation and gender identity, providing sexual health information to lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) people or the organization of gay film festivals, or Pride events.

    Tomaševski voted for the law on 16th June, shortly before vacating his seat in the Seimas, Lithuania’s national parliament, to become a MEP (see his voting record [in Lithuanian] here – Row 10) Update: here is an English translation.

    Amnesty International has strongly condemned the Lithuanian hate law, saying it “deprives young people of their right to freedom of expression and access to information and risks isolating children who are already amongst the most at risk of violence at school or within the family.”"

  9. @ Oliver Drew

    Google is a wonderful tool:,2009-10-01

    And there are so many other tools in the world.

  10. His speech was born out of utter desperation. This was base politics at its very worst.Should anyone be surprised by Labours tactics?

  11. This is the danger you face Mr dale in attempting to 'get into politics', you are too nice.

    You continually talk about labour figures and say they are decent chaps and chapesses.

    But you are wrong. You must get clear into your head that these people are desperate self serving lying bastards.

    This is one more Labour lie - well 3 lies - amongst far too many.

    These lies must be exposed and exposed instantly - every time they are uttered the Conservative Party should circulate chapter and verse the rebuttal, a la Fraser Nelsons blogs, to the journalistic world

    I am available for employment.

  12. You're going to have to get used to this kind of thing, for the next six months at least. The Labour leadership has lost interest in appealing to any audience other than its own dwindling band of supporters. It's like that idiot Woodley tearing up a copy of the country's most popular newspaper - nothing mattered to him except getting a cheer from floor. It's all that's left to them now.

  13. He's always been someone in the Labour Party I had some respect for

    Showing your ideology there Dale. That can only be because of his right of centre politics and not because he has at any stage shown any competence, intellectual fortitude or statesmanship.

  14. The thing is, the version of events the Tories (this time repeated by Hague) put forward about Latvia is simply incorrect.

    The Tory claim is that all political parties attend war grave ceremonies, as if this includes the Waffen SS graves. This is untrue.

    In fact, Kaminiski did attend a small ceremony which most politicians routinely boycott in Latvia, organised by the neo-Nazi party there, in front of the Waffen SS graves.

    He has not apologised for, or apologised for, this act.

    So Hague and the other Tories, including Iain Dale, are just trying to gloss something which is actually glaringly unpleasant, eg, that they have allied their party with another led by a man who behaved in this way.

    I have no brief for Milliband, but in this case he is right and for all their trumpeting, Dale and Hague are wrong.

  15. Milliband knows all about despicable behaviour afterall his grandfather betrayed his country and fought for the Russian communists against Poland.

    He thenmade a run for the lowlands,found it expedient to become Brits - and then skipped back to Belgium when someone else had fought for their right to espouse Marxist b*llsh*t.

    Maybe he could help the country by finally paying tax on his late father's house? Not just any old council house was it?

  16. When the former Hitler-Jugend Pope visits the UK next year I assume Miliband will call him a Fascist too.

    (Alan Coren (GRHIS) once said: 'Miliband? Sounds like a kind of radio signal.')

  17. Anonymous
    I am a 62 year old grandmother and this is my first blog so bear with me.
    In all the years of watching politics/politicians I can honestly I am ashamed of the this country's government. I have never seen or heard such a nastier/deceitful/vengeful group of second rate individuals in my life.
    I should be a Labour voter as I am working class and was brought up in a council house but I have never voted for them as I know what a nasty bunch they are under the surface. They can't defeat.
    Too angry to write anymore.

  18. Now let me get this clear:

    In the modern Tory Party, if you speak your mind and are seen to be out of line, you lose your job (consider Alan Duncan);

    If you vote with your conscience, because your principles cannot compromise with some very dodgy characters, including Kaminski, you are given the heave-ho (consider Edward McMillan-Scott);

    If you donate to political parties standing against Tories -- say £13,000 here to Declan Ganley's Libertas and £25,000 there to George Hargreaves' theocratic, homophobic, anti-abortion campaign (the "Christian Party", as of today, had no other policies on its website) -- , you are celebrated as a co-treasurer of the Tory Party. Well, Crispin Odey did, and is.

    Now, lecture the rest of us on what we should do and what we should say.

    No: I'm not calling it hypocrisy. I'm merely saying that in the upper reaches of Toryism, money (£30,000 in Odey's case) speaks louder than words or votes.

  19. He's barely enough intelligence or common sense to run the tombola at the scout jamboree.

    Foreign Secretary? He's a feather-lightweight.

    A very, very low moment in the country's diplomatic history I'm afraid.

  20. Desperation, fear, adversity, they always reveal people in their true colours.

    OT, but I am wondering about Gordon Brown's declared plans to visit all regions of England and preach to the 'mainstream majority'. Is party political campaigning what a Prime Minister ought to be doing way ahead of an election? Shouldn't he be concentrating on running the country, taking the big decisions and making the hard choices, getting on with the job? Will the Labour Party be funding all this politically motivated travelling, or will the taxpayer?

  21. Iain
    I marked you down as having good political judgement. Not perfect but who is? :-)

    But you posted:..."always been someone in the Labour Party I had some respect for. "

    Sorry but Mr Milband looks and acts like an overgrown immature schoolkid.. Always has done.

    I'm not surprised by his comments: they suit his personality perfectly.

  22. Who is Crispin Odey? Never heard of him.

  23. I think if you have allies in your european grouping that have those views then those should be brought to peoples attention.

    Lets see how nice and fluffy the conservatives are at the party conference. I look forward to your posts iain.

  24. Miliband has proved himself to be a chump.

  25. Labour really are in the final stages of meltdown;

    "Cry havoc!
    And let slip the dogs of war"

    They just have so many enemies,real and imagined, that they will be exhausted by next May from attacking them all.

    Their behaviour since The Sun announcement has told the electorate all they need to know about the Labour Party.

  26. They don't like it up 'em do they? The tories threw over Merkel and Sarkozy in favour of a shifty group of jewbaiting troglodytes and you expect your opponents to pretend it didn't happen? Make no mistake, the ECR is a gift that will keep on giving. I'm amazed that McMillan Scott is the only one who seems to grasp this.

  27. What do you expect from someone like him? You can't expect someone with a peasant mentality to suddenly become sophisticated overnight! Not that I think people of his ilk ever become anything other than vindictive!

  28. Oh, Iain @ 3:51 PM, do try to keep up to speed.

    Crispin Odey is one of the few leading lights in the City who genuinely qualify as a “grandee”. The renowned investment manager and founder of Odey Asset Management, who has just collected an annual performance bonus of almost £28 million, is married to Nichola Pease, the chief executive of JO Hambro Capital Management and part of the dynasty that founded Barclays.

    He and his wife are, between them, worth £300 million, according to the Sunday Times Rich List, although that was reduced from £338 million last year.

    That's all from:

    As you will see there, and elsewhere (the Daily Mail money pages also like Mr Odey), Ms Pease was an independent director of Northern Rock, into the bargain. He and she are touted as (ahem!) the "Posh and Becks of the City".

  29. Crispin Odey is (or was - not sure if he still is) co-Treasurer of the Conservative Party. He is a major hedge fund manager/owner and a bigtime shorter of Northern Rock and other banks, significantly contributing to the credit crunch and market crash, making more than £28m himself out of other's woes.

    He is married to Nichola Pease, a former Director of Northern Rock, so I think we can all be sure that nothing improper would have been communicated by way of information between them during his shorting campaign that laid low the ordinary shareholders.

    Oh yes - he is also a close personal friend of David Cameron's.

    Strange that you've "never heard" of him Iain. Is that a tactical "never heard"?

  30. OK, but I still don't see your point.

    You're saying he donated to the No campaign in ireland. Did he break any law by doing so?

  31. Every day the scum of the Labour Party sink a little bit lower.

    Their shrillness, their rage, their impotence, the sheer ludicrousness of it all - I don't know which amuses me more.

  32. This milliband you have respect for Iain; it wouldn't be the same one who told the Indian goverment how to handle Kashmir, suggested that Sri Lanka should accept a British mediator to prevent Sri lanka defeating the terrorist Tamil Tigers, had a strip torn off him by the Russians for trying to explain how to run their country and foreign affairs?

    Perhaps it is the same milliband who has a private jet or two on call whenever he feels like flying off and endearing himself to no-one.

    The same milliband who is an arrogant over promoted little git.

    Iain, if you are going to be an MP please learn not to be taken in by a pretty face.

  33. The situation in Latvia as a whole is hardly black and white with regards to the Waffen-SS,

    And the reason it isn't black and white is because the Latvians suffered far more at the hands of the Soviet Communists (of whom Miliband's father was a famous apologist) than they ever did at the hands of the Nazis.

    During the Second World War, the peoples of the Baltic States found themselves caught between two great evils. Most of them chose the lesser and supported Germany. This does not absolve specific war criminals of their specific crimes but, by any rational measure, the Latvians (and other Balts) were far more sinned against than sinning.

  34. I genuinely think Miliband would be out of his depth as a local councillor; as Foreign Secretary he is a complete joke, or at least would be if there were anything remotely funny about Britain becoming even more of an international laughing stock whenever he opens his trap.

  35. Terrible But TrueOctober 01, 2009 4:40 pm

    I was already pondering that anyone who is these days mostly known (and referred to) as Miliband. D, and usually only in a pairing with E., and seems to spend his time with his chums in 3G trying to make up policies from papier mache and sticky back plastic, might have chosen not to have raised the topic of ’schoolboys’, especially as a pejorative. *

    If he is hoping to be taken seriously. As anything.

    And then this comes along.

    Politics of the playground? This doesn't even reach that level.

  36. I can very well understand David Milibands comments which are shared by many people in the country and throughout Europe. And no I am not Jewish although Mr Miliband is and of course his family on his mother's side are Polish.

    Firstly, I agree with Claire's comment above on the Waffen SS.

    Now Mr Kaminski was a member of the NOP and Committee to defend the good name of Jedwabne. He gave an interview in 2001 to the media saying the Polish government should not apologise for the massacre of Jews. His party in Poland included former members of anti- semetic groups (research Tel Aviv University and US State Department). In July 2000 a video was made by him in which he describes homosexuality as pedaly.

    I acknowledge Stephen Pollard amongst others made a defence of him in the Jewish Chronicle. However, the arguments used by Mr Pollard were torn to shreds in the Observer and Independent.

    David Miliband's views on Mr Kapinski are well documented. He gave an interview as recent as August stating that support for Kaminski was a real concern to the Jewish Community in London as well as throughout Europe.

    I also acknowledge that Mr Kaminski is trying to divest himself of his anti semitism. That is OK and is to be welcomed but it does not deny that there is evidence against him in the past. I would wish him to renounce his earlier associations.

    I support David Miliband's views and loathe his being leader of Tory MEPs. I would have wished for David Cameron to have reflected on leaving the EPP until he had held his position for longer. Somehow, I am left with the feeling that he was bull dozed into the decision by the likes of William Hague.

    It is within David Milibands remit as foreign secretary to speak to his party about his concerns over the leader of a group in Europe of which British MEPs are associated. It is within his rights to represent the views of the Jewish community in London too. I think it is wrong of you to criticise him in the way that you have done as he has reflected the views of many not just in the Labour Party but in your party too.


  37. Ho ho. The Tories don't like it up em. Get a grip, it's politcal banter at the end of conference, anyone would think Kenny Everett had never wowed the Tory faithful with his jokes about bombing Russia.

  38. Iain Dale @ 4:19 PM:

    Brian Lenihan, the Irish Minister for Finance, ripped into Odey and others for bank-rolling Ganley's Libertas "campaign" (let's be generous here) for tomorrow's referendum. You seem to have no problem with any of that. As we have disagreed previously, it smacks to me of neo-imperialism, using UK monies in the Irish referendum for British domestic purposes. Let's continue to differ on that.

    Ganley hit back at Lenihan. He said all of Odey's money had gone to the British Euro-election campaign. Again, let's not raise quibbles over Ganley's opaque financing nor his proven ability to shift funds around Europe as he pleases (consider Libertas in Poland).

    Which brings us to the bottom line. My ballot paper, in the London Euro-constituency, listed the Conservatives, with Libertas and the Christian Party as alternatives. Odey -- nominally a Tory official -- was, apparently, funding all three.

    Still no problem?

  39. Luckily, no one was there to hear Millibands speech...
    If the EU is so full of nazi apologists, why is the Labour party so keen to drag us into the mire?

  40. Unfortunately Jane, most of the commentators here are not interested in establishing the integrity (or otherwise) of the base on which Mr Miliband's comments were made. I'd be happy to read some actual evidence that the grouping does not have far-right ties and sympathies - no-one's highlighting this to go "HA! Evil Tories!" We have a right to question the direction in which a potential future government will take us under all circumstances, and especially so when extremism is on the table.

    "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." A well-used phrase, yes - but one we should take far, far more seriously.

  41. 'Ghost town' is about right. I saw Hilary Benn shopping for groceries at his local west London M&S at lunchtime.


  42. They truely are the New Nasty Party...

  43. Millie (the one who looks like a Thunderbirds puppet) is perhaps out to shed his wussy image in preparation for a leadership bid.

    He has about as much chance of being leader as Accrington Stanley have of being promoted. And even if he was eader Labour wouls be wiped out at the election.

    We have a new song for Labour at Boggart Blog today Isn't It Grand Boys To Be Bloody Well Red

  44. For what it's worth, I share a Chinese interpreter with Miliband. In China he came across as astonishingly ignorant and patronising - so much so that his interlocutor (vice mayor of a v big city, let's put it that way) was gobsmacked. Questions like: 'So how do Chinese people get their information, if they don't have the internt.' Being Chinese, he found a polite way to cover his astonishment. Still, he left a lasting impression . . . and not a good one.

  45. It shows how Labour will cling on with their very fingernails! Nothing is too low for them, remember they put the likes of Damien McBride on the public payroll.

    Milliband cut a sorry figure. He's intelligent but any intellect was cast aside so he could play to the gallery. We can see how he operates: when faced with a choice he prefers insult rather than debate.

  46. "You're saying he donated to the No campaign in ireland. Did he break any law by doing so?"

    I believe foreign donations are illegal in Ireland.

  47. "David Miliband [has] always been someone in the Labour Party I had some respect for."

    Are you mad?

  48. If Mr Odey (who I had heard of as a Tory treasurer/donor – and I’ve not been a member for 15 years) contributed to the no campaign in Ireland he deserves a medal.

    All these folks are untrustworthy; Miliband senior as pointed out above stood for everything to do down this country as lefties always do. Mrs Brown was partnered in her ailing business by the daughter of Eric Hobsbawm.

    Actually what we need is a UKIP/Conservative coalition. Ideally about 300 Tory seats, (and I think, Sir, you would have more influence outside the house, unless the Tories restore its fortunes) 175 labour, mainly Scotland (except they’ve busted their flush there by mucking around with the constitution (ha, ha), 50 Lib Dems (who can then join Labour where they belong), 40 odds and sods and about 100 UKIP seats to strengthen the resolve of the Tories to unwind the disaster that the EU has been for this country. Churchill was right and Heath grievously, indeed pathetically wrong. Out of the CAP, and with our fishing back, our Defence budget increased, together with than of the FCO. We could have LDV building army trucks instead of MAN in Vienna for example, (thanks to a Blair EU fix). We could build our own power stations again – except Brown flogged the last maker (Westinghouse) to the Japanese as he has lost control of the economy.

    There is much work to be done, as there was 30 years ago, the last time we bailed out a Labour mess.

  49. Am I imagining it, or has the tone of most of the lefties posting here got noticeably more unpleasant and petty in the last month? Anything Iain says is to be knocked, no matter how moderate it may be, and anything the Labour Party spouts is to be defended - no matter how indefensible it is.

    I fear we're going to have to read a lot less argument and a lot more posturing between now and the GE (May 6th wasn't it, Mr. Balls?)

  50. A bit lower fourth wasn't it? His brother appears to have a bit more gumption.

  51. I'd have thought the voters deserting Labour in the North and giving their votes to the BNP would actually be quite impressed if this all were true.

  52. Ooooh. Moderated out of Dale for the first time. Huzzah!

  53. Stronghold BarricadesOctober 01, 2009 6:36 pm

    If these are true

    What does this say about our image abroad?

  54. We have to remember that the Labour Party has been built on a tissue of lies.

    Blair's first act as PM was to lie about Ecclestone's donation.

    Mandy is a congenital liar, the most recent example being the few hours he spent on the oligarch's yacht which was actually several days.

    Presumably Prescott lied to his missus while he was commiting adultery.

    Campell gleefully admits to lying in his autobiography.

    That's probably enough examples.

    So these little Labour people have grown up - well, nearly grown up - in an environment where lying is perfectly acceptable and merely a tool of the trade. It doesn't even matter if you are found out, as Blair has repeatedly demonstrated.

    So, when they tell lies now and smear people like Eric Pickles (didn't some non-entity at the conference - bagshott or someone, say that only the right wing did this?) they have to be called out.

    Fraser Nelson did a good job over at the Coffee House, changing from calling Brown's untruths "Brownies" to the much more accurate "lies".

    So let's please not give these people the benefit of the doubt. They know they deserve to rule and will use any means to perpetuate that. We, the commmon people, thought we got rid of that notion in 1215.

  55. Iain, in the interests of balance I trust that you will also give blog time to denouncing the racist activities of Oxford University Conservative Club?

    They have been stopped from using the University name after their recent comments. I find it suprising that you have not commented on this.

  56. Just sue him for defamation. He wasn't in parliament when he spoke.
    Was he intending to make people think the less of him? Of course he was.

  57. Anonymous Grandmother @ 3:43PM

    I enjoyed that. When you have got your breath back, have another go!

  58. That'll be yet another member of the Labour Party who deserves to be drowned after the next election. At this rate, the Pacific Ocean won't be big enough to throw all of them into.

    On another note, I have a personal request. I think this entry would be so much better if it was accompanied with the infamous picture of David Miliband holding up a banana. Perhaps you can sort this out for one of your loyal readers, Iain? ;-)

  59. Very impressive attack on Miliband, Iain.

    But the fact remains that the Conservative MEPs ARE consorting with parties some of whom have fascist and racist sympathies.

    You can't just airbrush facts out of history. Cameron made a pact with the devil in order to become leader, and now he's saddled with it. And in the run-up to the election, he will have to face up to his decision, and justify it if possible. Good luck to him.

  60. Very impressive attack on Miliband, Iain.

    But the fact remains that the Conservative MEPs ARE consorting with parties some of whom have fascist and racist sympathies.

    You can't just airbrush facts out of history. Cameron made a pact with the devil in order to become leader, and now he's saddled with it. And in the run-up to the election, he will have to face up to his decision, and justify it if possible. Good luck to him.

  61. Don't be concerned Ian. David Miliband fluffed it back in the summer when he had a real chance of being Labour leader when Labour was in power.

    Now his only aspiration will be to lead a failed political party.

  62. Good to see you back on form.

    Getting bogged down in all that gayer stuff is just a waste of energy, time and effort.

  63. Could anyone enlighten me. Did Milliband's father fight in the war?

    Milliband is a boy attempting to do a man's job! He has shown us he is just not suited to serve us all. He should apologise, obviously but he should resign on as a matter of decency.

    Put him in the front line in Afghanistan as well as Col. Blimp the Defence Secretary!!

  64. Anonymous @ 4: 21 PM said...
    Every day the scum of the Labour Party sink a little bit lower...

    To be pedantic, scum actually rises to the surface, hence the present Cabinet.

  65. @Jane

    How can he be said to speak for the Jews?

    Milliband, like his father, is an atheist. His father was a communist and so was (may still be) he when younger.

    He may be good at playing the game of power within labour, but in the real world who would employ him.

  66. Jane

    David Miliband has absolutely no right whatsoever to "represent the views of the Jewish community in London". He is in no way part of that community which, in any case could hardly be said to have a single common view.

    He does not practice the Jewish faith in any way that I know of.

    He does not represent any London constituency.

    He does not describe himself as having Jewish parentage but as being of Polish ancestors.

    I have no problem at all with his lack of faith but that lack disqualifies him from speaking for Jews.

    His attacks on the new Conservative EU grouping and on Michael Kaminski have nothing to do with any thought process, they are motivated only by his desire to attack the Conservatives.

  67. lease check out my new blog: and leave a comment, encouraging or disparaging :)

    I am a keen, card-carrying Conservative 19-year old and would love to forge a career in politics. I see this blog as the first stepping stone. So please, do lend your support!

    It would also lead a lot to me, Iain, if you would include my blog next time you notify people of new blogs. Thank you.

  68. @ Jane

    "It is within [Milliband's] rights to represent the views of the Jewish community in London too."

    Why? Did they ask for him to represent them? If so, how would they then feel if he "represents" Muslims, or Christians?

    He's meant to be Foreign Secretary, and should realise that his loose tongue us rapidly alienating far too many people in far too many foreign nations who see him as a representative of Great Britain - not any particular ethnic or religious group he's just happened to latch onto to score political points.

    He needs to grow up, stop strutting and posturing and realise that his job is real, is important and it isn't a game.

    His speech today was bad, he should realise it will have been seen all over the world, not just here in Britain.


  69. trevorsden said...
    This is the danger you face Mr dale in attempting to 'get into politics', you are too nice.

    You continually talk about labour figures and say they are decent chaps and chapesses.

    But you are wrong. You must get clear into your head that these people are desperate self serving lying bastards.

    This is one more Labour lie - well 3 lies - amongst far too many.

    These lies must be exposed and exposed instantly - every time they are uttered the Conservative Party should circulate chapter and verse the rebuttal, a la Fraser Nelsons blogs, to the journalistic world

    I am available for employment.

    October 01, 2009 3:15 PM

    What an excellent post, I agree with every word. Mandelson, for example, is not some witty, engaging rogue, he is a corrupt cancer of a politician who has no place in a political system with any sort of integrity. There is nothing funny about him.

  70. I do love the way that accusing people of having links with neo-fascism now seems to be worse than actually having links with neo-fascism.

    Same as in the US, where accusing people of racism now seems to be more of a sin than racism itself.

    I wonder if the Daily Mail now thinks it's worse to accuse somebody of homophobia than to be homophobic?

  71. " Mosley and Alexander were photographed posing as Teddy Boys in Notting Hill during the 1958 race riots between Afro-Caribbeans and local white gangs of Teddy Boys. The following year, they canvassed for their father when he ran as a Union Movement candidate for the nearby Kensington North seat in the 1959 General Election. Sir Oswald used racist rhetoric during the campaign, which was run largely on anti-immigration issues"
    Grief glad the Labour party has no links to dodgy thinking men!

  72. David Miliband right as usual.

    I am sorry for any innocent Tories who don't want to be associated with apologists for old fashioned nazis.

    You should choose a leadership with more acuity more carefully.

  73. Better the Waffen-SS than the traitors of NuLab.

  74. Tell me David Miliband...

    which party tried to force England to apologise to Germany - the nation which threatened us with invasion and slaughtered 60,000 of our citizens and over 300,000 of our troops during WW2 - for bombing Dresden?

    The Scots Mafia behind New Labour, that's who.

    New Labour sickens millions of us in UK.

  75. Why are they wasting their time with David Cameron?

    The Latvian Fatherland and Freedom Party deserves British allies with deep roots in the former mining communities, in the women's suffrage movement, in the 1945 General Election victory, and elsewhere. We are unsullied by the weird cult of Winston Churchill. Instead, we can and do condemn his carve-up of Europe with Stalin, as surely as we condemn genocidal terrorism against Balts no less than simultaneous genocidal terrorism against Arabs, blowing up of British Jews going about their business as civil servants, and photographed hanging of teenage British conscripts with barbed wire.

    The Czech Civic Democrats, scourge of global warming hysteria, deserve British allies like the trade unionists who have spent decades defending the high-waged, high-skilled, high-status jobs of the working class. Not for us the restriction of travel to the rich, or the arresting of economic development in the poorer parts of the world.

    The Polish Law and Justice Party deserves British allies like the Catholic and other Labour MPs, including John Smith, who fought tooth and nail against abortion and easier divorce. Like the Methodist and other Labour MPs, including John Smith, who fought tooth and nail against deregulated drinking and gambling. Like those, including John Smith, who successfully organised (especially through USDAW) against Thatcher's and Major's attempts to destroy the special character of Sunday and of Christmas Day, delivering the only Commons defeat of Thatchers Premiership. Like the trade unionists who battled to secure paternal authority in families and communities by securing its economic base in high-waged, high-skilled, high-status male employment, frequently marching behind banners that depicted Biblical scenes and characters.

    They all deserve British allies like the Labour MPs who mostly voted against Heath's Treaty of Rome. Who all voted against Thatcher's Single European Act. And who voted against Major's Maastricht Treaty in far greater numbers than the Tories, including, in Bryan Gould, the only resignation from either front bench in order to do so.

    And they all need those British allies in order to call them away from neoliberal economics and neoconservative foreign policy, both of which have in any case collapsed. Nothing could be more destructive of national self-government, or traditional family values, or the historical consciousness of a people. Cameron is completely signed up to both.

  76. Iain, you have too much respect for the socialist shit that purports to rule us. None of them are worth consideration of compassion. If it was in my power I would kill them all. Socialism has debased just about everything it has touched. And I hate them for it. Before I became aware of the truly awfulness of communism, and the present day incarnation, socialism, I actually thought all people were inherently good. I now feel that there is some kind of genetic defect in a vast proportion of the population of the world and the rest of us would be better off if they didn't exist. Please God bring the relief that we need to the satanic machinations of the ungodly.

  77. Windsor Tripehound said...

    "Anonymous @ 4: 21 PM said...
    Every day the scum of the Labour Party sink a little bit lower...

    To be pedantic, scum actually rises to the surface, hence the present Cabinet."

    No... that's why the Conservatives will win next years General Election eh...?!?

  78. john in cheshire said...

    "Iain, you have too much respect for the socialist shit that purports to rule us. None of them are worth consideration of compassion. If it was in my power I would kill them all. Socialism has debased just about everything it has touched. And I hate them for it. Before I became aware of the truly awfulness of communism, and the present day incarnation, socialism, I actually thought all people were inherently good. I now feel that there is some kind of genetic defect in a vast proportion of the population of the world and the rest of us would be better off if they didn't exist. Please God bring the relief that we need to the satanic machinations of the ungodly."

    Nice to see facism is alive and well among what appear to be Conservative supporters...

    Nice one...!

  79. Lokks like I put the wrong "Dope" on the poster!
