Monday, October 05, 2009

Fringe: In Conversation With David Davis (Over Breakfast)

Steve Richards has asked me to publicise a breakfast IN CONVERSATION fringe The Independent is hosting tomorrow morning from 8.30am in the Trafford Room at the Midland Hotel in Manchester. The guest is none other than David Davis.

I do hope the Indy puts on a bit of food. I spoke this morning at a Google breakfast fringe - which was great. Apart from the fact that there wasn't any breakfast. Serves me right for turning up late...


  1. Is Blair still a member of the Labour party?

    Would the president of Europe be allowed to campaign for a political party?

  2. Ask him if he still supports an English parliament and if so should it be in a federal Uk od completly independent?

    He was always a supporter out of conviction so while he has quiet on this for party reasons I feel he stil suports the idea in his heart --- dig!

  3. Time there was an effective payment and charging system for services rendered between the NHS's. This is already in place but is operated only intermittently or not at all.
    Yet another method of surrepticious subsidy of Scotland and Wales by England.

    The NHS in England should be called the EHS.

  4. Regarding no breakfast Iain..think of the weight loss and the excellent good cause,Help for Heroes, its serving.
