Monday, September 07, 2009

While the Cats Away...

The mice will play...

Looks like Guido has ruined Damian McBride's first day back at school, and Tory Bear has done the same to Mr Draper. They have been served with writs by Nadine Dorries MP. Guido will tell you more.

Meanwhile, I will get on with exuding goodwill and bonhomie to the good burghers of Armenia.


  1. When are we going to get the final Top 100 countdown of political blogs?

  2. Am I the only person who has a problem with what guido just did.

  3. Haha, don't you just love politics 2.0?

  4. Off topic but linked to the "Osborne as Chancellor?" story

    The Telegraph has a poll saying the Tories are not making progress in the north.

    It is full of loaded questions guaranteed to give Heffer the results he would like. Also it shows the Tories having a 9% swing to them since the last GE.

    All in all a blatantly partial anti tory story which would not be out of place in the Indy or Guardian.

    Can anybody tell me why I as a Tory supporter should buy the Telegraph?
    (actually I stopped months ago and will not buy it again until the Barclays bugger of back to Sark or wherever)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. @ Nadine Dorries MP - careful what you wish for...

    Bad publicity and legal fees are nothing to wish for. This will not reflect well on ANY of those involved especially Nadine.

    Look forward , not backwards...

    glass houses and all that :)

    The woman is a lightweight.

  7. Leave the good burghers alone. Remember your diet!

  8. Are there good burghers in Armenia? Is McDonalds there?

  9. "A high-profile female Conservative MP is facing questions over her parliamentary expenses after admitting she only spends free weekends and holidays in the property she designates as her main home."

  10. Want fries with your burgher?

    Anyway, fun ain't it, seeing the writs fly. Even if it all comes to naught, I do like seeing anything which is an embarrasment to these idiots.

    Now, who is going to be picking up the tab for McBride's and Draper's legals? It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if the taxpayers do.

  11. @ Canvas

    "Look forward , not backwards... "

    So what have you been reading recently? It's fiction, not a Manual.

  12. @Neil Ward said...

    "Am I the only person who has a problem with what guido just did.(?)"

    No, I imagine Damian McBride thinks similarly.

    WV: chave (so nearly true).

  13. " Am I the only person who has a problem with what guido just did."

    Probably.Place of work is valid service. What is the problem?

  14. Never mind gay, are all Tory bloggers fat?

  15. "Am I the only person who has a problem with what guido just did."

    Perhaps not, if you did but tell us why you have a problem...?

  16. Dont miss the interesting point here. If this is contested then Nadine has the ability to require full disclosure of everything. All the papers, emails, notes, text messages, mobile phone bills and details of follow up investigations. This will include what the PM knew and when.

    They now face a problem. Pay a fortune to avoid this or fight and see it all exposed. The Civil Service response will be especially intereting in several respects.

    McBride's bill might be picked up by the Civil Service as they were his Paymasters. So they may settle for him.

    But who will pay Dolly's bill including his fees (I assume Nadine is on no win no fee) - the Labour Party surely can't as it was an 'unauthorised action' wasnt it?

    And even if the Civil Service settle unless Dolly does too they could face the double bind of having to pay up and see all the material disclosed anyway.

    Oh what fun it would be - but my bet is that they pay her a large amount of money quite quickly in the hope she will cut and run.

  17. @Cynic

    .... Yup, plus Gordon and Blinky having to testify in court. When would this go to trial? Hopefully around April/May time!

  18. "Now, who is going to be picking up the tab for McBride's and Draper's legals?"

    Probably Dorries.

    Unless they get really cute and third party Guido. Now that really would be funny.
