Thursday, September 24, 2009

Shriti to Head for Brussels?

What money on Shriti Vadera succeeding Baroness Ashton as Britain's Commissioner in Brussels? Just askin'...

With her legendary diplomatic skills she would make Margaret Thatcher's handbag look positively weak...


  1. Is this a case of "when auto-posts go wrong"? It's already been announced that she's to take up a G20 role based in Downing Street.

  2. I tell you we are going to have to resort to "stakes through the heart" every time one of the "living dead" leaves this Government.

    They never die away, they just creep off into the night and then re-appear in Quangos or Brussels.
    It seems we will never be rid of their blood sucking ways.

    Never mind my vote, where did I leave me garlic and cross????

  3. I really don't want to appear a tw*t (I fear I might), but I really can't help misreading Ms Vadera's first name as a description of the current government.

    New Labour, New Glasses?

  4. thought she was doing the handover of the G20 chair to S. Korea, apparantly unpaid

  5. Maybe to join Gordon as President of Europe?

  6. Oh that's good.

    Now who made that appointment and just where was that job advertised.

  7. No doubt this sycophantic incompetent will be swanning round the world passing herself off as the personal emissary of `Statesman of the year`.......Gawd `elp us

  8. With her legendary diplomatic skills she would make Margaret Thatcher's handbag look positively weak

    If that isn't intended as sarcasm I must ask; do you have an infatuation with self serving overpaid labour-luvvies.

    You do realise that you're seemingly praising an overpaid self agrandising bankers moll

  9. Our political class are nothing more than blood suckers.

    They don't resign, they lie, they are sacked and reappointed, they are incompetent , they claim outrageous 'expenses' at our cost. I could go on. We all could.

    This government has brought the 'practice' of politics to a new low. GB is undoubtedly the worst PM the country has ever had. He was also the worst Chancellor we have ever had. This is not a political statement. Just look at the facts. Our gold sold for a pittance, tax credits, tax and spend, out of control borrowing...

    And when it is all over Mr Brown will be rewarded with a high earning position in some international quango.

    I have never felt so disgusted by those in power.

  10. OT I know, but if you used the A23 to get to Beckenham, no wonder you regretted it.

    I hope you had the sense to stop when you reached Brighton pier ?

    Alan Douglas

  11. Old Holborn will reveal the Jury Team candidate for Glasgow North East By Election at 10pm


  12. Mark said: "I really can't help misreading Ms Vadera's first name"

    You're not alone. When I first heard I was sure I had misheard it and I was right. But it stuck...

    I guess it comes from growing up in an age where no one had "unusual" names.

    Will she wind up in Brussels or the G20? I'm not sure which is worse but I would not be surprised if she acted as Gordon's pathfinder and wherever she goes he will turn up after a short while.

  13. Who are Shriti Vadera and Baroness Ashton? Never heard of them. Have they ever been elected ever? If so when? I thought Labour promised to transform politics back in 1997 and, if elected, do away with this unelected power. Well, in return, here's my promise to New Labour. A New Labour type of promise. I promise to vote New Labour in 2010.

  14. Can Gordon actually deplete our nuclear deterrent without an act of Parliament?

    He says he is only giving up one boat but the Navy says they need at LEAST 4 boats to provide a 24/7/365 deterrent. Would have thought you either do it properly or not atv all. Half measures are a total waste of money.

    What does Dave say?

  15. But who is going to replace Baroness Scotland as AG?

  16. Lets say she ets it, and lets say DC wins the 2010 eletion, can he sack the bitch?

  17. Lady Virginia Droit de SeigneurSeptember 24, 2009 9:32 pm

    Misreading Ms Vadera's first name actually gives you an accurate appraisal of her behaviour and track record.

  18. Yawn - so the big book spectacular is a self serving Telegraph effort pumping the expenses row for all its worth.

  19. O/T re Question Time:

    Crikey, Heseltine is getting really bonkers isn’t he? His ramblings on the ‘Mansion’ tax and immigration made him sound like the bloke down the pub who’s had a whisky too many and a pill too less.

  20. No doubt you'll all think that the BBC's Power of Money documentary was typically biased, but don't you think she came off rather well? Just as a thought exercise, watch the documentary and instead of Brown, Darling and Vadera, think Cameron, Osbourne and erm.. the other one (cue elgar music and rainbows as you float off into the utopian free market dream that could have been).

  21. This can only mean that TubeLines is about to go bust and Big Shriti wants to leave the Tube for some other poor sod to sort out.

  22. Ground-breaking stuff, here, I see. Oh, wait ... the ground's already broken.

  23. Brussels, huh, not far enough away, brazzivill would be better, she would get eaten there!
    mmmm good idea.

  24. More important Maj Gen Andrew Mackay has just resigned from the Army after criticising the Government's conduct of the war in Afghanistan.

    The BBC is reporting it but only as a regional news matter as he's currently GOC for Scotland and Northern Ireland. They are also quoting the MOD spin that the real reason was his concern at restructuring of senior military jobs (ie trying to spin it as self interest not principle)

    Now even the Generals wont live the lie for Brown and this shower

  25. " I thought Labour promised to transform politics"

    Don't you think they have? they have trashed the reputation of politics, undermined democracy by the appointment of hundreds of [paid unelected advisers and place people in quangos and made a general mess of everything. The financial legacy has been wasted and the country brought to the brink of bankruptcy

  26. Dear Anonymous at 1.16am

    Arent you up a bit late son? Or are you travelling in the USwith Gordon?

  27. I imagine she is paving the way for Gord to leave to head up the new and improved G20 and 'save the world' leaving the labour party to sink without trace (we all hope)....

  28. Brussels?

    I enclose a letter from the Telegraph which is self explanatory in what daners we face from bothe the EU and the UN

    "SIR – Some states, mainly on the EU's southern and eastern flanks, such as Greece and Malta, are receiving disproportionate numbers of asylum claimants.

    Regretfully, reception conditions and chances for refugees to find protection differ among EU countries. So asylum seekers will move to France, and even onwards, unless better standards are implemented across the EU.

    The European Commission is looking at voluntary initiatives, such as responsibility-sharing among EU member states, to help share out some arrivals rather than leaving frontline states bearing inordinate responsibility.

    Considering the long tradition of refugee protection in Britain, as well as the competence of its institutions, this country is well-placed to encourage better practice and to share its expertise.

    Of the 42 million uprooted people in the world last year, only some 0.7 per cent entered Europe and 0.074 percent reached Britain. Britain is not in danger of being "swamped" by asylum claimants, as some media reports have suggested, but it is certainly in the position to extend its support to states elsewhere in Europe which, due to their location, indeed bear a disproportionate refugee burden.

    Roland Schilling
    UNHCR Representative to the UK
    London WC2 "

  29. @ trevorsden

    as a regular reader of this blog iain does have a tendency to over dramatise certain posts. just take every post with a pinch of salt like the rest of us do.

  30. She's very much politically on the right, so I would have thought you would be pleased. Her role (as shown last night very clearly in "Love of Money" final part on BBC2, which analysed political reactions to the crisis, was to ensure that the banker's interests were kept paramount.

    One of the things I've always found strangest about the headbangers that gather here (and Iain himself) is the extent to which you hate those in New Labour who are actually closest to your own pro-rich, pro-corporate, anti-ordinary people agendas. People like Brown, Blair, Mandleson, Vadera.

    There remains no real need to elect a neo-con Tory party when the neocons are already in office. This will become plainer than ever at the general election campaign, when the real differences will be tiny. "We will slash public expenditure, whereas you will merely burn it!" "We are proposing to enslave the entire population and force them to work in chain gangs for the benefit of hedge fund owners, whereas you are merely offering to rape and pillage!"

  31. At first I thought this read 'Shit head for Brussels'?
    Nothing changes then.......

  32. anonymous: You are not the only one who thought that is what it read at first glance. Mind you, I was the worse for wear through drink and drugs...

  33. I thought she was Darth's sister.

  34. I find it extremely suspect, that this government cannot find enough talent without appointing sub-standard people to the Lords ( making them unaccountable to Parliament), then - in the days before the bunker falls - parachute them into safe havens to continue the "reich".
    Shrieky, Mandelson, Adonis, Scotland, Sugar, - and "this" is Labour ? ( And I haven't touched on the "fifth column they are leaving behind in the Quangos)! Makes Wilson's "Lavender List" look quite sensible !
    I sat, today, thinking that it would only take one person with charisma and a rousing technique to grab people's attention and this country is ripe for some form of revolution, regardless of the distaste for it!
    And, "plettain-plettain", the Presidency of Europe is Tony " I'm a straight kind of guy" Blair's preserve. I doubt he'd have Incapability Brown as his 2i/c twice - even Teflon Tony couldn't pull that trick off.

  35. Why dont the whole McLabour cabinet go to Brussels permantly!, i mean they are working directly FOR the EU anyway!.
