Friday, September 18, 2009

Off Message Labour Candidates: Part 94

I suspect Labour's candidate in Folkestone & Hyde, Donald Worsley, might be in trouble after his comments to the Romney Marsh Times.

“Top of the reasons for the euro [elections] disaster must surely be the Government’s failure to honour its Manifesto pledge to call a referendum on a New European Treaty. Such serious pledges once given must never be denied.”

Indeed so.


  1. I suspect we shall hear the sound of a flying Nokia all the way from Bath

  2. You can add to that list the promise to hold a referendum on to change the voting system.

    Strange how we conservatives get on our high horses about a referendum pledge we agree with and ignore ones we dont.

  3. Headline: "Labour MP in Truth-telling shock outburst"

  4. Folkstone and Hythe!

    im sure Cameron is equally concerned about what the Tory candidate in Bolsover has to say !

  5. None more enjoyable than just a simple drive around the back lanes of the Marsh from the Blue Anchor at Ruckinge through Newchurch to The Bell at Ivychurch, stopping off for the occasional Kentish pint

    If any of us did that we would probably be nicked for driving over the limit! Is this another example of one law for them and a different one for the rest of us plebs?

  6. I'm more concerned about factually incorrect comments. There was no pledge to hold a referendum on "a new European treaty"; there was a pledge to hold a referendum on a specific treaty but that treaty was dropped entirely. No less than the High Court has ruled that the Lisbon Treaty is completely different.

  7. Where is the referendum on the Lisbon Constitution Treaty, by the way?

  8. And the Tories have promised a referendum when sOctober 2nd?

  9. Laughing on the other side of her faceSeptember 18, 2009 12:53 pm

    So will Dave Conman honour all his pledges on this?

  10. He missed out lieing to the electorate and wrecking the economy.

  11. You can add another 'manifesto' pledge not worth the paper it was written on, the pubs and private clubs exemptions to the despised smoking ban, amongst other 'manifesto' pledges that failed to manifest themselves.

  12. At least some of them get it. Sound guyr

  13. @ David Boothroyd


    Where in the judgement does it say that?

    I think you are 'completely' overstating the case.

  14. Perhaps we need a few more brave men to comment on the obvious and have Labour make good their appaling behaviour in denying the British public a referenda.

    Gordo clearly has no courage/bravery (despite the book)and as for ethics and morals, the manse must be rocking fit to fall down with his duplicity.

  15. Two posts on Europe today and you haven't once mentioned that your beloveded Tories haven't promised a referendum should they form a goverment. Oh dear.

  16. 1 2:28I'm more concerned about factually incorrect comments. There was no pledge to hold a referendum on "a new European treaty"; there was a pledge to hold a referendum on a specific treaty but that treaty was dropped entirely. No less than the High Court has ruled that the Lisbon Treaty is completely different.

    No it did not, the first part of the 'Wheeler' action was to prove that a manifesto pledge was legally binding. As this failed the second part of proving that the constitution and the Lisbon Treaty were effectively the same thing was never tested in court.


  17. David Boothroyd said: "... there was a pledge to hold a referendum on a specific treaty but that treaty was dropped entirely."

    Your ignorance is complete. I have copies of both treaties. The implementation is different (Lisbon modifies two existing treaties; the Constitution replaced them), but the content is the same - it was just a cut and paste job. As most people admit.

  18. Tory MEPs help Barroso to victory.
    Tories pledge to stay in the EU.
    Tories won't promise a referendum if Lisbon is ratified.

    Why vote Tory?

    What difference will it make, since we are governed from Brussels?

  19. Ah, the disaster of a Labour PPC speaking his own mind and bucking 'official' policy. What a disaster this will be for Labour's chances come 2010...not!

    This is once again picking at straws. Daniel Hannan MEP has bucked Tory policy and got nothing but support from this blog.

    Get a grip, Iain.

  20. Whatever the Tories say about a referendum on Lisbon is meaningless. By the time of the election, the Lisbon Treaty will either be in force or dead, and in either circumstance, having a referendum will be a waste of time and effort. The United Kingdom has ratified the Lisbon Treaty and can't take it back.

  21. Cowardly senior BBC correspondent says, “It’s barmy ... Public servants can be sacked for membership of the BNP and yet the BBC wants to give them airtime with the main political parties.”

    But its ok for Public Servants to thieve and lie though!! ie Politicians.

    These stupid individuals, who incidentally are salaried by people just like me, just don`t get it do they? Arrogant fools!

  22. Treasonous traitors of course!

    OOPS, don`t forget about that other slimey traitor, Heath! Remember 1972, The Connaught Hotel! The Tories are as guilty as laber and the Libberalls!

  23. Thinking you can be in the EU but not of the EU,that you can reform it from within is like thinking you can join a paedophile ring and reform it from within.This is essentially the Tory position.Federasty is incurable,the EU is incurable...

  24. For the Tories to unratify the Lisbon Treaty is easy. Re do the 'Wheeler' case with tame judges. Prove that our 'human rights' were violated by this dishonest act. This makes the ratification unlawful, have the referendum and then let the EU bail us out with billions of euro's as a bribe to come round to there way of thinking. SIMPLES!


  25. Why is nobody concerned about the news that the German Parliament approved its Special Status under the Lisbon Treaty?

    The BBC reported,briefly, the passage of the legislation through the German Lower House as follows:"German lawmakers have approved legislative changes paving the way for ratification of the EU's Lisbon Treaty".

    The lower house (Bundestag) backed the legislation with 494 votes in favour, 46 against and two abstentions.

    What these changes give the German parliament a bigger say over EU matters that concern Germany.

    The country's Constitutional Court called for these changes in June.

    So who is controlling the EU now?

    Did Brown obtain similar safeguards? Of course not! Is Cameron demanding them? If he is he is whispering them!!

  26. @ David Boothroyd

    'The United Kingdom has ratified the Lisbon Treaty and can't take it back.'

    We have a much older principal - that one Parliament can't bind its successor. Had the Constitution been ratified after a 'yes' vote by the British public, this would have been more difficult, but as it stands we can, and should, reverse the ratification.

  27. A Labour politician recognising the anger of the people? Totally off-message. A sacking beckons.

    Having said that, I seem to remember a young Tory activist suffering as such just prior to June 4th. Hmmm.

  28. Talk about gerrymandering! Last time I checked, Hyde was somewhere near Manchester. It must be a very strangely shaped constituency to encompass Folkestone and Hyde.

  29. The Tories said they'd hold a referendum and now when asked they say they will if it's not been ratified by the time they get into power and if it is it's too late and they'll jolly well keep talking about it and trying to repatriate power from their masters on the continent. Everyone knows power only travels one way as far as the EU is concerned.

  30. The man is undoubtedly right. Whether his party will thank him for it is a whole other thing...
