Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Just When Gordon Thought It Was Safe

Just when the World Statesman of the Year (no, really) thought his leadership was safe, up pops that nice, helpful Charles Clarke again to stick the knife in. In an interview with the Evening Standard he suggests that Gordon Brown should resign, citing "ill health" as his reason. This would be the only way to save the Labour Party from 15 years in the wilderness.

It's all kicking off HERE.


  1. Yes but we do not want to save Labour from 15 years in the wilderness.

  2. Shurely shome mishtake ? Everybody KNOWS the World Stateman of ANY year is Tony Blair !

    Amazing how people who don't know Brown very well, who have not had the immeasurable benefit of his wisdom and policy for 12 - 13 years, think he is the cat's whiskers - cat's tongue more like, just after a good cleaning session ....

    Alan Douglas

  3. Thieves and crooks always fall out

  4. Brown is world statesman of the year since he specialises in selling his own country out to foreigners.

    We lose out gold reserves, sovereignty, nuclear defences, EU rebate, banks etc etc and Gordon gets a prize.


  5. As a Labour supporter i agree with most of the article we don't stand a chance at the next election with Brown.

    I doubt any other person could win the next election but they may lessen the defeat.

  6. Charles Clarke is quite an expert at sticking the knife into Gordon Brown, even when giving a one word answer to a simple question - as in the following televised sequence from a few months ago:

    Q: "Will you tell us what you think about Gordon Brown?"
    A: "No."

    This is one of the very few instances I've ever seen of a politician giving a straight answer to a question, and other anoraks can savour the video clip here:

  7. Brown - please don't resign. I want to pleasure of ejecting you myself with my own vote.

    P.S. Gordon Brown - world statesman of the year! What sort of sick joke is that?!

  8. Clarke is a joke. He must have called for Brown to go fifteen times now.

    Geoffrey Howe struck once and with deadly effect. The dead sheep got its kill!

    Clarke is like one of those fake sumo wrestler suits. It doesn't matter how many times they jump on you, it doesn't hurt and it does no damage whatsoever!

  9. World Statesman of the Year? He beat my budgie to the title? Really?

  10. No, no,no. You cannot just throw in a phrase like 'World Stateman of the year' and get away with it.Even worse is the picture in the link of said WSotY with that Bonio!
    The award is comedy gold. We need the full works on this. We need the acceptance speech, the glowing praise from those who saw fit to make the award. and we need it framed and dated so we can throw it back in their faces when the blundering lummox is unemployed aand unemployable in just 9 months time.

  11. Brown? 'Statesman'? Hilarious.

    He's not even a mediocre Politician.

  12. Brown is not offerring to cut Trident - he is being forced to cut the defence budget. The failure of the left in the UK mirrors the failure of Soviet Russia - bankrupt and unable to afford defence.

  13. Polly Toynbee's HairdresserSeptember 23, 2009 11:55 am

    World Statesman of the year..........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Very appropriate that it was awarded by Kissinger, another coward war criminal.

  14. Chas Clarke always looks drunk, and behaves that way, perhaps why he was sacked,

    When he isn't "launching" a leadership soundbite stocks in Iain Dale (blogs) fall.

    Gordon Brown always looks sober. Tory trolls' attempts to bend him, and the election that wasn't, to their wishes, fail pretty monotonously.

    I'll help:

    One chicken, two chickens . . .

  15. Boris Johnson should arrange an open top bus and a ticker-tape parade to celebrate the home coming of the "World Statesman of The Year" in Trafalgar Square.

    ........ the people will feel cheated if we aren't allowed a chance to show our appreciation for all he has done.

  16. Charles Clarke`s Norwich South seat will eject him in the Conservative deluge so he`s got nothing to lose.........why not kick Brown hard, after all he is the worst Labour leader in history.

  17. Any colour but brownSeptember 23, 2009 12:36 pm

    The world has been quietly laughing at Britain for years - failed economic policies, corruption, peerages for sale, passports for cash, etc, etc.

    Now, they're openly taking the píss - Gormless Clown World Statesman of the Year?

    That's like voting a wheelie bin Brain of Britain.

  18. When knew Clarke didn't like him ;-). That he says a resignation would save Labour from being out of power for "10 to 15 years" suggests he thinks that appointing Mother Teresa wouldn't win them this time.

    However i think it is time the conservatives started thinking about the election after next. If they don't fix the economy they will have problems winning in 5 years. If they don't start building nukes immediately & we have blackouts their chances of winning must be about zero. If they go into the following election with the same electoral system where they have to be 10% ahead of Labour to match them in seats then who would give odds. If they don't get the BBC honest they will also face a major handucap. I would also suggest ending all the postal vote system which is an invitation to fraud.

    On the other hand if they end Ludditism & get the economy growing above the long term world average of 5% they will be in for a generation & the competition will be UKIP not Labour.

    The sooner such questions get faced the easier they will be.

  19. I would like to be amused by criticism of Gordon's proposal to cut out a nuke submarine, but, as Chameleon's shower mentioned this idea off the back of their envelope a while back, and I want to cut UK nukes out altogether, I merely harrumphed.

    Nice try to get others involved in downsizing their nukes & wannabe nukes mind.

    I liked Labour's 1987 policy on this, pity they abandoned it during that election campaign.

  20. Charles Clarke not supportive!

    Shouldn't this be in breaking news?

  21. Is the Prime Mentalist ill? Well, they sure kept that little gem secret...

  22. @John Moss 11.28 - quite so!

    If being savaged by Sir Geoffrey Howe was like being savaged by a dead sheep, being savaged by Charles Clarke must be like being savaged by a dead hamster.

  23. Any colour but brownSeptember 23, 2009 1:34 pm

    Gordon Brown World........

    Sorry, I just can' do it.

    It makes Alice in Wonderland seem mundane and real.

  24. 30 years Mr Two Pizzas! THIRTY!...or forever in England!.

  25. Help. I woke up this morning, and everything seemed normal. I then booted up my computer and saw a photo of Gordon Brown about to start snogging with Bono... then I read that Gordon has been given the accolade of "Statesman of the Year"... this is all just too weird... I think I may have shifted into some strange parallel universe... could David Deutsch and Stephen Hawking please help me out?

  26. Is reality now being scripted by Armando Iannucci?

  27. The really funny part of the award is that it was presented by Bono who is only slight less ludicrous than Madonna.

  28. Well I for one want James G Brown (PhD in some useless subject not requiring facts just opinions) to stay as labour leader.

    Perhaps at the labour jamborre he and the saintly attorney general can hold hands on stage (show of unity, that's all nothing sexual implied oh no just good friends) and wave two fingers at the audience.

    I don't want labour in the wilderness for 30 years.
    I want them ground into the dirt, their bones crushed to dust and all labourites to be sterilised so they can't breed more of their ilk.

    Oh yes, almost forgot, cut out their tongues, might stop them lying so much.

    Nothing can eradicate from my heart a deep and burning hatred for the Labour Party

  29. Iain how come you have quietzapple invading your blogs? He is a bloody nuisance on the telegraph now we have to put up with him/her here too.

  30. Gordo.....ha ha ha..... F*****g.... giggle giggle giggle..... Brooooon.... ooops just pissed myself..... World..... hee hee hee ...Statesman of the... b*****ks I just fell off my chair.... Year..... Arise Lord Bono....... B*gg*r.... I just sat on the Cat!!!

  31. Clarke comes from the old Soviet fellow-travelling faction that was nominally within the Labour Party, and which controlled the NUS when he was President. He has never recanted.

  32. It's a bit like giving the World Supercar of the Year award to Del Boy's Reliant Robin. Except that was more reliable and usually got to its destination.

    OT: what the hell is Brown doing, offering to cut the country's nuclear defences? Did he consult Parliament first?

  33. I have often wondered whether Charles Clarke is ill. I mean, all that stuff with the tuition fees - after wasting nearly thirty years of his life trying to get The Labour Party elected. He may as well have just voted for the Tories. Hee! Hee! Hee!

  34. Oh, and as to World Statesman of the Year, Gordon deserved it for his G20 preparations and performance alone.

    In any country whose politics were not under the spell of nihilists and foreign billionaires . . . .

  35. Battle proper commences on Sunday night doesn't it?

    I really can't wait

  36. The award came from "the Appeal of Conscience Foundation" "founded by Rabbi Arthur Schneier in 1965"

    "Rock star Bono, Queen Rania of Jordan, and New Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak were among the audience" - "a motley audience of international notables"

    And if you can take it ...

    PS - apparently Gadhaffi spoke for as long as all the other notables were supposed to speak for all put together at the UN today.

    "the Appeal of Conscience Foundation" - looking at their website Gordon has to share the honours with
    Chairman and CEO, LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton
    "for his leadership to advance international cooperation, the environment, and the arts." (are we talking about THAT Louis Vuitton?, THAT Moët Hennessy? ) (oh it also seems he [as richest man in all of France] paid for Blairs daughter to study at the Sorbonne. My Nephew had to pay his own way)
    Chairman and CEO, The Coca-Cola Company
    "for his contribution in the fields of education and the environment. "

    So Brown is as to world statesmanship as the Chairman of CocaCola is to the environment !!

    Sarkozy won it in 2008. For "his leadership in advancing freedom, tolerance, inter-religious and intercultural understanding," Ho hum - must have been for quelling those muslim riots.
    At least Brown will be able to see over the lectern.

    Rest easy - it looks like a pretty shabby deal to me

    No, I cannot mince my words - 'In effing credible' if you ask me.

  37. If you look into the award you'll see that it has previously gone to both arkozy and Angela Merkel. You should check these things out.
