Friday, September 04, 2009

The Daley Dozen: Friday

1. Tory Radio thinks I am a big fat loser.
2. Plato Says Gordon Brown is heading for injury time.
3. Lords of the Blog remember Baroness Chapman, who has sadly died.
4. Shane Greer rails against an "undemocratic convention".
5. Stuart Sharpe on LibDems in glass houses.
6. The Libertarian Alliance on the two David Davis's.
7. Donal Blaney sees signs the economy is getting worse.
8. Paul 'I'm a "gay" blogger' Waugh on the significance of last night's by election in Medway.
9. Rob Halfon blogs on his trip to Israel.
10. Eric Pickles on the Blue Blog looks at Conservative Party Chairmen throughout history.
11. PoliticalBetting analyses the chances of an October revolution in the Labour Party.
12. Philip Ziegler on the Blue Blog charts the rise and fall of Edward Heath.

I will be on Radio 5 Live's Stephen Nolan Show between midnight and 00.30am reviewing tomorrow's newspapers, should you still be up and about.


  1. Eric Pickles did not mention 'A quiver full of arrows' once - why not, the past is the past.

    You cannot ignore the old Tory story writer surely?

  2. Good stuff, especially the Blue Blog (and, erm, not counting linkless Shane Greer).

  3. You're being accused of presiding over a Conservative fix on Slugger Iain!


  4. I know that I might seem naive, but why are there no commems for the 70th anniversary of the WW2 outbreak?

  5. Re your Paul Waugh ref.
    Double quotes within single quotes.
    If only John Major could have got it right with his underpants and shirt.
