Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Bedford Mayoral Open Primary

Tomorrow night I am chairing an Open Primary in Bedford where the local populace will be invited to select a candidate to be the next Mayor of Bedford. The meeting is open to any person on the electoral register in Bedford, not just Conservative members. I'm boning up on local issues. If anyone has any local knowledge they wish to impart, please do so in the comments. The four candidates are...

Mr. Parvez Akhtar

A long standing Queens Park resident and currently serving as the chairman of the Parish Council. An engineer by profession, Parvez is currently employed by Ford.

Cllr. Nicky Attenborough

Deputy Mayor of Bedford Borough Council and portfolio holder for Adult Services. Nicky has been a longstanding resident of Kempston and represents Kempston East Ward.

Dr. Jason Reddy

A practising GP, Jason was recently appointed as Deputy Medical Director by NHS Bedfordshire PCT. Jason is a resident of Putnoe.

Cllr. Tom Wootton

Formerly a Bedfordshire County Council Cabinet member, Tom now represents Roxton Ward on Bedford Borough Council. Tom manages a working family farm.

What would you ask them?

NB I won't allow through any negative comments related to any of the candidates.


  1. I hope this primary is as successful as the one in Totnes. It's a good idea, which I hope to see spread around the country over the next few years. Though I don't know if an open primary for conservatives would be such a success in my constituency. Finding more than one candidate would be a miracle!

  2. Will you follow the example set by the new Mayor of Doncaster, Peter Davies, and reduce your own salary by 50% and then set a goal of cutting non-frontline expense in every council department by 10-15%?

    If not, why not?

  3. Question to ask: 'Is The Mayor of Doncaster a good role model?'

  4. Having glanced through your list of candidates, I would ask Dr Reddy who he intends to appoint as an election agent. Thank the others for their time.

  5. I would ask each of them how much of their lives they have spent generating wealth for the nation, and how much time they have spent consuming it.

  6. NB I won't allow through any negative comments related to any of the candidates.

    Why not?

  7. because I am chairing the event and it would be unfair.

  8. You might like to ask them what they are going to do about the horrendous queues on all the roads into the town in the mornings

  9. because I am chairing the event and it would be unfair.

    As long as you're not actually making any negative comments, it really wouldn't be unfair. Nevertheless it's your blog and you make the rules. Since I have no idea who any of these people are and have never been to Bedford, it's all academic for me.

  10. I would ask them if they intend to keep the three-tier school system we have in Beds - Frank Branston intended to scrap it, despite the overwhelming vote by parents to keep it.
    It would cost millions, would mean a lot of good schools closing and the rest having years of disruptive building work trying to shoehorn extra year groups into already crowded schools.

  11. Questions for candidates

    1) Do they support, and will they fight to keep, the three teir education system.

    2) Will they support a name change for the council (to something like North Bedfordshire Council) to reflect the fact the council area is much more than Bedford.

    3) Would they agree that the change to Unitary Authorities has already proved to be a bad thing.


  12. Will the candidates all commit to fully supporting an independant mayor, should that be the final choice of the electorate?

    Cllr Attenborough provided an excellent example of how to work as part of a cross party team within the late mayor's cabinet. Her efforts are greatly appreciated.

  13. Adult Services? Lucky this isn't Guido's site. :-)

  14. The going rate for a Mayor is £70K and the going rate for a Leader would be £20K.

    Explain the difference.

  15. What do you offer as a mayoral candidate that marks you out from the other candidates (in this primary)?

  16. Interaction between the Harpur Trust (four or so big posh schools) and the town is a vitally important issue. Without the HT (and a decent trainline to London) Bedford would shrivel up and die as the middle-classes moved out. Yet, despite this, the town (and notably Beds on Sunday) takes every opportunity to kick the HT.

    People should wise up to the fact that Bedford is lucky to have the HT and start thinking more about partnership opportunities that might be beneficial to everyone.

  17. Can they pick Nadine and get her out of parliament?
