Monday, September 21, 2009

The 50 Most Influential LibDems 50-26

No, don't laugh. Really. Each year the Daily Telegraph asks me to put together three panels of experts to compile the Top 50 LibDems, Top 100 most influential people and the left, and then the right. Today the Telegraph publishes the first part of the LibDem list, running from 50 down to 26.

The rankings were arrived at by a panel of 5 Liberal Democrat personalities, which was chaired by myself. i.e I am sharing the blame! Here's the list. The second figure denotes last year's ranking. Click HERE to get the full details including mini biographies and a short explanatory article HERE.

26 19 Norman Lamb
27 29 Jonathan Oates
28 4 Chris Rennard
29 15 Lord Carlile
30 44 Sarah Teather
31 39 Alison Suttie
32 - Hilary Stephenson
33 - Richard Kemp
34 20 Baroness Neuberger
35 14 Ed Davey
36 34 Ming Campbell
37 38 John Shipley
38 - Kirsty Williams
39 48 Richard Grayson
40 - Paul Scriven
41 Jo Swinson
42 36 Mark Pack
43 41 Dorothy Thornhill
44 - Neil Sherlock
45 45 David Howarth
46 - Daniel Radcliffe
47 - Mark Littlewood
48 - Willie Rennie
49 - Fiona Hall
50 18 Lembit Opik


  1. I'm so excited - I've heard of 3 of these, so I'm really in the swim.

    Lamb, Ming, and Optic !

    Will there be more in the first 25 ?

    Alan Douglas

  2. Lib Dems - influential? What a Joke! (that's all they are good for).

  3. I am not sure these ranking have any meaning or worth - but the movement up or down might be considered interesting.

  4. Since when have you been an influential LibDem?! Shum mishtale shurley!

  5. When a Harry Potter actor makes it into a list of the your top 50 most influential figures, you know you're in trouble.

  6. The shuffle of the nonentities...zzzzz

  7. Where's Olly Kendall? He can't have made the top 25.....

  8. Who are these people? I've heard of Ming, I've heard of Lembit the Pimp-Daddy and I've heard of Daniel Radcliffe (cuz he was brilliant in the Harry Potter movies) but who are the rest?

    You're havin' a laugh, Dale. You've made up most of these people so you can see if anyone notices. You're well and truly rumbledt, you chubby git, and I demand my prize.

  9. I suspect that Nick Griffin is actually more influential than any of these people...

  10. "I suspect that Nick Griffin is actually more influential than any of these people..."

    He is not a libdem though, yet. If they keep coming up with policies straight from the nasty leftist's handbook, he might sgn up.

  11. Is Grope-it Opik down to No 50 because those Lib Dems who advised you know there's soo much more to come out about him ? For the life of me, I don't understand why he's got away with things thus far. Living with his then fiancee Sian Lloyd whilst claiming on his flat and renting it out, being just one example. Then there's the lifestyle issues........

  12. influential lib-dems?


