Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Top 60 Welsh Blogs

Here are the first ten of the Top 60 Welsh Blogs. For the full list click HERE.

1 (1) Guerilla Welsh Fare PC
2 (6) Miserable Old Fart NA
3 (18) Blog Menai PC
4 (10) Adam Price MP PC
5 (15) Welsh Ramblings PC
6 Syniadau PC
7 (12) Vaughan Roderick ME
8 (7) Cambria Politico NA
9 (11) Cynical Dragon PC
10 Plaid Wrecsam PC

If your blog is listed and you would like to include this button in your sidebar, please feel free...

This list is the result of more than 1,500 people who voted in the Total Politics Annual Blog Poll during the second half of July.

Click on the blog to visit it. For a full list of all 105 Welsh political blogs click HERE.

All these lists, together with articles from leading blog commentators, will be published in the TOTAL POLITICS GUIDE TO POLITICAL BLOGGING, which will be published in mid September at £12.99. You can preorder your copy HERE.


  1. Is it just me, or is anyone else surprised that there are 105 Welsh blogs. I've nothing against the Welsh, but 105 does seem like an extremely high figure for such a small region.

    What do they all blog about?

  2. You!

    In all seriousness I blog about pretty much the same thing most people are blogging about these days, the useless government we have. Most of them concentrate on Wels Assembly goings on. Me personally, I can't be bothered about that, wish they would abolish it and go back to the welsh office as it's a phenomenal waste of money.

  3. So the majority of Welsh blogs are run by the Nationalists and seven of them are in the top ten and the other three are Plaid sympathisers.

    Some mishtake you think they all voted for each other by any chance, Iain?

    Would anyone with half a brain think that Plaid Wrecsam, for example, is a better blog than Glyn Davies, Betsan Powys or Valleys Mam to name but three.

    Iain - this undermines everything you have tried to achieve in terms of raising the impact of blogs as most serious commentators in Wales will now see this whole genre as a joke that one party manipulates for its own ends.

    The saving grace is that no-one seems to have voted for the odious Aneurin Glyndwr :)

  4. I think they all blog about Mochin Vrunts .

  5. ...sheep shagging jokes in 3..2..1..

    Anyway, in answer to Canvasser there are only 6 Plaid Cymru blogs in the top 10. I'm listed as PC but ex-PC would be far more apt.

    Diolch yn fawr :D

  6. PC or not PC, still a lot of nats though. Wonder whether any are run by AM staffers maybe?

    Personally I think you've undervalued Peter Black's blog.

  7. Every party had an equal opportunity to vote! There was certainly no nationalist conspiracy to all vote for one another. We're not narrow minded - personally I voted for my favourite blogs, which included journalists and non Plaid Cymru ones. And to answer the first comment - there's plenty of things to blog about in Wales, and not all relate to the Welsh Assembly. We're a country and not much smaller than Ireland. You should check out some of our blogs and see for yourself!

  8. Wales - a country? I thought EVERYTHING was a UK/EU region nowadays? And devolution was simply a bit of brainwashing to keep Welsh and Scots nats quiet whilst the new system was fully implemented?

  9. Thomas/Maria..

    Wales is a country. It's not called the Five nations and a region championship now is it?!

  10. An Englishman on holiday in Penmaenmawr was told that the chapel had driven all the loose women out of the village, but that they still operated in caves up in the mountain at the back.

    "It's very simple", said his Welsh informant, "you go up there and shout yoo-hoo-hoo outside the cave. If there is no answer then she is busy, but if she shouts yoo-hoo-hoo back, you go in and negotiate."

    That evening the Englishman climbed up to the cave and shouted but there was no reply so he decided to go back to the pub. On the way back he came across another big cave at the foot of the mountain so he went to the entrance and shouted yoo-hoo-hoo as loud as he could.

    Yoo-hoo, yoo-hoo-oo-oo-oo replied the cave. Full of excitement, the Englishman rushed into the dark entrance and was run over by the express train for Holyhead.

  11. An Englishman on holiday in Penmaenmawr was told that the chapel had driven all the loose women out of the village, but that they still operated in caves up in the mountain at the back.

    "It's very simple", said his Welsh informant, "you go up there and shout yoo-hoo-hoo outside the cave. If there is no answer then she is busy, but if she shouts yoo-hoo-hoo back, you go in and negotiate."

    That evening the Englishman climbed up to the cave and shouted but there was no reply so he decided to go back to the pub. On the way back he came across another big cave at the foot of the mountain so he went to the entrance and shouted yoo-hoo-hoo as loud as he could.

    Yoo-hoo, yoo-hoo-oo-oo-oo replied the cave. Full of excitement, the Englishman rushed into the dark entrance and was run over by the express train for Holyhead.

  12. DDuupplliiffoorrnniiccaattiioonn?

  13. We blog on a variety of topics some serious some not so .
    The themes are no different to your English blogs, may be the language is more temperate.
    Plaid is proliferate, may be they are just more IT savvy than the other parties.
    There are some non aligned like my blog, but far to few women blogging.
    Thanks to those who voted for me much appreciated
