Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Top 30 MP Blogs

Here are the first ten of the Top 30 MP Blogs. For the full list click HERE.
1 (2) Tom Harris LA
2 (1) John Redwood CO
3 (12) Douglas Carswell CO
4 (4) Nadine Dorries CO
5 (8) Kerry McCarthy LA
6 (3) Tom Watson LA
7 (6) Adam Price PC
8 (5) Lynne Featherstone LD
9 (10) David Jones CO
10 (11) Paul Flynn LA

This list is the result of more than 1,500 people who voted in the Total Politics Annual Blog Poll during the second half of July.

Click on the blog to visit it. For a full list of parliamentarians with blogs click HERE.

All these lists, together with articles from leading blog commentators, will be published in the TOTAL POLITICS GUIDE TO POLITICAL BLOGGING, which will be published in mid September at £12.99. You can preorder your copy HERE.

COMING NEXT: Top 50 Non Aligned Blogs


  1. Wow.


    Thought Redwood would be Number 1 He deserved to be. Best politicians blog by far.

  2. Kerry, Czar of Labour blogging, must be pissed at not being the number 1 blog for Labour!

  3. @TrueBlueblood said "Thought Redwood would be Number 1 He deserved to be. Best politicians blog by far."

    While Redwood's blog is good at politics, I wouldn't say it is a good blog as it is a bit, frankly boring - unless you are a political nerd.

    Tom Harris gets the balance right between politics and light hearted personal chatter.

    John Redwood needs to lighten up a bit ;)

  4. I can't find Mary Honeyball MEP's Honeyball Buzz on your list of parliamentarians with blogs.

    Is there any reason for this or just an oversight?

  5. Holly, She was in the directory but hadn't got the correct coding. I have now rectified this!

  6. @IanVisits. 'frankly boring - unless you are a nerd'. LOL I love that comment.

    Redwood for me is fascinating and very insightful and hence unmissable. However, I get my titiliation from the likes for Guido, who make me laugh.

    Will be interesting to see who is voted best blog overall.

  7. Kerry's blog is about as exciting as piles. It doesn't say much about our MPs that she scored so highly.

    Though it says even less that Nadine Dorries is here as well.

  8. What's with this LA and CO stuff?
    Is anyone outside the Westminster village supposed to know what that means?

  9. So,how do/did you get along with your mother Grim Reaper?

  10. I suspect Tom Harris did so well because he's really a Tory ;)

  11. Hamish, pretty bleedin' obvious I'd have thought. Even to you :)

  12. OK what's the acronym for UKIP, SNP, Monster Raving ..., etc?

    Are you trying to save paper?
    Surely that only applies to the dead tree press.

  13. @Hamish

    Genius! By the way, Little Britain are looking for a new cast member............

  14. Douglas Carswell did not print a post I made to his blog which was not offensive in any way
    If he's censoring comment he shouldnt be on your list
