Saturday, August 22, 2009

That Mandelson/Gadaffi Conversation In Full

I do not begrudge Gordon Brown a holiday. Prime Ministers need them just as much as the rest of us. But six weeks? He went on holiday on 27 July and is due back at work on 7 September. Nice work if you can get it.

Perhaps Mr Mandelson is in the middle of launching A Very British Coup. If rumours are to be believed it was his conversation with Colonel Gadaffi's son which gave the Libyans the impression that the release of Al Megrahi was all about trade. Mandelson may be all powerful, but last time I looked he had no jurisdiction over the Scottish Justice Ministry. But in the diplomatic world a nod is as good as a wink. You can just imagine the charming scene at the Rothschild villa in Corfu, can't you. As Mr Gadaffi and Mandy share an evening cocktail Gadaffi starts talking about the possible release of Megrahi.

Gadaffi: We would of course look very favourably upon increasing trade links with Britain should, er, you know...
Mandy: And we would naturally like to do more business with your country.
Gadaffi: Good, glad we got that sorted out so quickly.
Mandy: Excuse me, I seem to have a bit of a pain in the groin...


  1. Rumours . . ?


    Have you heard the one about Gaddafy improving his lie in the sahara . . ?

  2. Just seen on the news that MaCavity send a letter in which he asks Gadaffi to plat the release down and the last paragraph states that is could be could for of some benefit to both countries etc.

    Mandy is also out there and it looks to me he is trying to protect his own position.

    Is this one going to grow?
    Gee I hope so.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. what was alex salmonds role?

    was he in corfu?

    we need to know.

  5. Damien MacBride would be very proud of you Iain. No politics, but classic smear tactics.

    I hope your parents are proud of you.

  6. Oh Bob, you never did do subtlety, did you?

    I was making the point that it was perfectly possible for Mandelson to have made a comment which Gadaffi's son could have misinterpreted as being a quid pro quo.

    But you would have to jerk your knee, wouldn't you?

  7. There are two questions.

    Why did Magrahi withdraw his appeal, and then get compassionate action from the Scots?

    They are clearly linked, and that needs a deal.

    Look at the consequences of the appeal being succesful. It would cost the UK government millions in returning money and interest on top. Given that the bombing that killed Gadaffi's daughter was based on this, that becomes a terrorist attack. Compensation would then be due.

    Similarly I suspect that Mandleson is lying by ommission. The British government didn't do the deal. The Scots did.


  8. Iain, more or less, yes. Impossible to believe that Uk Gov't was not in the loop, ergo complicit. Looks like a great piece of politics by Lord M. Decision either way was opprobrium, but hopefully we have an oil deal as compensation, and from Brown's point of view, all criticism goes the SNP way.

    Does it matter how long Magrafi lasts? Not to Gordon. What about fall-out from the U.S? None so long as we support in Afghanistan.

    First class real-politik by the Prince, and without offending the 270 families whose losses can never be underestimated, because many imagine Magrahi innocent.

    For the first time for a long time my view is that Gov't has played a blinder. Who loses?

  9. Mandelson will be hoping that Obama isn't pushed into forcing Gaddafi's Libya into an outlaw role again.

    The Uk spent lots of effort bringing them back into the comity of nations.

    Gaddafi will have feared that other Libyans have outflanked his anti westernism, and have reacted slowly and in keeping with good common sense in his country's economic interests.

    No conspiracies necessary to explain anything.

    Even Iain's suggestion re Gaddafy's son's possible misunderstanding.

    Gaddafi and others there have good reasons for anti americanism: (WIKI)

    'His adopted daughter, Hanna, was killed in the April 1986 United States bombing of Libya. At a "concert for peace", held on 15 April 2006 in Tripoli to mark the 20th anniversary of the bombing raid, U.S. singer Lionel Richie told the audience:

    ' "Hanna will be honoured tonight because of the fact that you've attached peace to her name."[48]'

    Tony Blair's success in bringing such a rogue state into international society was a triumph.

  10. Mandy has lunch with Gadaffi's son and the next week a mass murderer is released and business deals are in the offing?

    No smears there bob, something f**king stinks.

  11. "Mandelson may be all powerful, but last time I looked he had no jurisdiction over the Scottish Justice Ministry."

    Surely you're not going to let a little fact like that get in the way of a good smear.

  12. Tories suspect muslim socialist former Terror state leader and HMG of wickedness.

    . . . Conclusions to jump inevitable .

    Not stroppy, independent Scots Justice Minister shows mercy; Gaddafi obliged to take a pop at West?

    As my younger daughter was wont to ask in church, mishearing "Gospel" :

    What is this Gossip?

  13. Nick asked:

    "Why did Magrahi withdraw his appeal, and then get compassionate action from the Scots?

    "They are clearly linked, and that needs a deal. "
    No it doesn't.

    It needs lawyers who advise that his chances of release, or return home to a Libyan prison, are improved by what can be presented as an admission of accepting his conviction, if not his guilt.

    No conspiracies.

  14. No, Iain, not subtle at all. You were just throwing tit bits for the animals to feed on. All perfectly innocent of course.

  15. Ma'lesh , نحب النفط الخاص بك

    (never mind, we like your oil)

    It will be a harsh European winter.

  16. Brown is making a big mistake by not making any kind of formal statement on the release of the Lockerbie Bomber. Most people in the US, for example, will simply view him as being in agreement with the SNP's decision unless he says something.

  17. It's all going tits up and Gordon's response is to ignore it.

    Seems to be working a treat.

    Not sure how long he will be able to keep this up though, i bet he is champing at the bit to say something, anything.

  18. I don't know about Mandy and a Very British Coup, but Gordon is strangely (or perhaps NOT strangely) quiet.

    On the other hand, when it comes to lies, whose "lies" would you rather accept as 'acceptable' (since "lying" is what we seem to think politicians do as easily as breathe)?

    Some of you, though probably not many, might like to sign this petition - for justice for a politician!

    OK, I know it hurts!

  19. last time Brown disappeared for a few weeks he came back with a new set of shiny teeth.....

    Perhaps he is having another cosmetic procedure..... 6 weeks is a typical recovery period for one.

  20. Poor, p poor Prat, never delivered a letter, and may just be the prat who lied about Lord Ahmed on Daniel Hannan's blog re the media treatment of Ivan Cameron's death.

    Back in the WIndies?

  21. "I do not begrudge Gordon Brown a holiday"

    Obviously Mandelson does, yesterday he was under the knife, today he is meeting his press.

    And Gordon? Where is gordon?

  22. I knew it would be this:

    but well stollied up.

    It's the nazi references all over all of a sudden which tickle recollection, and his recollection of his relative failure as a postie and customs officer.

    What was his fave saying to be written on his arm?

    "Permission to remain denied."

    Hey ho!

  23. Coincidence. And, Luck!

  24. So, the Rothschilds operating from a holiday villa in Corfu control the British government and probably the official oposition too.

  25. The Guardian is reporting that Brown discussed the release with Gadaffi at the G8 6 weeks ago.

    So much for this being a purely a decision of the Scottish Government.

    Never can the office of PM been dragged so low in modern times.

    Gadaffi publicly thanking his friend Brown for helping with the release of a convicted Mass Murderer!

  26. Remember it was a Labour MP Andrew Dismore, the Labour chairman of the committee, that said that the treaty was rushed through to pave the way for the release of Megrahi.
    MPs and peers on the joint human rights committee have said that they had been denied the chance by the government to scrutinise the treaty properly after ministers rushed through the measure in a bid to protect business interests in Libya.

    Without this the Jocks could not release him.

  27. One would have to be mad to assume that the SNP Government in power in Scotland would ever entertain falling into bed with the remnants of Labour in Westminster.

    Kenny Mackaskill made the choice to release al-Megrahi, not Labour.

    Labour manufactured a loop hole for him to get back to Libya through - but the SNP didn't take it. Instead - Mcaskill has incurred the hypocritical wrath of FBI Director Robert Mueller by insisting that al-Megrahi be shown compassion at the end of his life.

    If Gordon Brown, Mandelson or Prince Andrew made any representations to Scotland regarding al-Megrahi - it would have hit the scottish papers the same evening - I guarantee it.

    I did not initially beleive that al-Megrahi should be set free - but I am extremely proud of what Kenny Mackaskill did and said in the light of such glaring hypocrisy from David Cameron, Robert Mueller and Tavish Scott.

    These men should hang thier heads in shame.

  28. 2So, the Rothschilds operating from a holiday villa in Corfu control the British government and probably the official oposition too"
    Not withstanding your lazy failure to edit your mistakes,
    YOU BET! Of course no one follows my poor little exercise. Won't stop me though, you lazy lot.

  29. For Brown, this is all about smearing the SNP in Scotland, so Labour can grab back their lost seats.
    For all of us, this is a downright disgrace and when Scotland buggars off, lets hope we can also cast them adrift. They're going to be a nightmare to live next door to. They'll do deals with any rogue nation, just to piss off the English and cause as us much damage as possible. Right now, they think terrorists will bomb the English instead of them because of their love and "compassion" for this particular terrorist.
    They are disgustiing. Brown is disgusting. We all is where he belongs - the fag end of a corrupt and useless government.

  30. It now seems that FCO were up to their necks in this and that, far from Scottish independent decisions, there was a fair bit of prodding from Whitehall and a nudge-nudge wink wink approach

    So all those terrorists killing our troops today now know what a spineless, dishonest Government sits behind our soldiers

  31. You are far too generous Iain; personally I begrudge Incapability Brown every single breath he draws

  32. No, Quietzapple

    I'm not your old sparring partner, 45Govt.

    He's a much nicer soul than me.

    You're a bit out of your depth on blogs like this, aren't you?

    Shouln't you use the tradesmens' entrance in future?

  33. Good one Mr. Piper. This morning's papers are backing up Iain completely.

    I assume Lord Meddlesome met Gaddafi's son to talk about the cricket yes?

    More about Mandelson and Derpiska coming out as well.

    Bob - feel free to apologise to Iain for smearing him; yes - we know - the smear is deep in Labour's DNA. as your useless boss might say.

  34. Yaaaawwnn . . .

    Must be a stolly scunner wannabe . . .

    . . . for ALL this one's deceits mirror the radley boy's . . .

    Nil contribution, just copies of someone else's fweebble and febrile pops at me . . .

  35. Commentators are having trouble seeing what is in it for the SNP. One word 'Referendum', in October slimy Salmond will release his paper proposing an independence referendum in Oct 10. He needs a corrupt slimy gov to give the proposal easy passage. Much easier to deal with McSnotty than Cameron.


  36. Anyone who believes this decision to release Abdelbaset al-Megrahi was taken soley by the wee Scottish Parly is living in cloud cuckoo land.

    My bet is those who protest the loudest in public, America for instance, were the ones nodding agreement most actively behind closed doors.

    All this fake anger by American politicians and officials is for consumption by the public only. Scotland will get their reward for this "compasssionate" release as will every other Country who trades with Libya.

    Lord Peter Mandelson's; the very suggestion of a deal done on trade being the reason for Abdelbaset al-Megrahi's release was not only wrong but OFFENSIVE, ranked up there with Clark Gable's: Frankly dear, I don't give a damn.

    This bit of theatre, worthy of an oscar for the best ever bit of ham acting just proved that the prostate they removed was non-malignant, he retains just as much poison and badness as ever.

  37. megrahi / rage him

  38. I go back longer than most. When I think about the Scots in general, I am of the opinion that their dislike of GB is inherent and they will do anything to bring GB to its knees.Think back to the days of union strikes every other day, can you think of a union that was without a Scot leading the ignorant the precipice We are now led by Bumbler Brown,supported in Parliament by Scottish MPs who have no need to be there.They prove by each considered action to be anti GB. Now the woeful release of this terrorist by the Scottish Mickey Mouse judiciary has exposed the whole Scottish system to world wide condemnation. About bloody time!

  39. go back longer than most. When I think about the English in general, I am of the opinion that their dislike of GB is inherent and they will do anything to bring GB to its knees.Think back to the days of union strikes every other day, can you think of a union that was without an Englander leading the ignorant the precipice( Scrargil for example) We are now led by Mandlesonsupported in Parliament by unelected oLrds and Ladies who have no need to be there.They prove by each considered action to be anti GB. Now the woeful release of this terrorist as negotiated by Westminster has exposed the whole British system to world wide condemnation. About bloody time!

  40. The obvious avenue for a shady backroom deal is the EU and its pile of cash that it can hand out or deny without the slightest nod to what we would think of as the democratic proccess.
    It could be that Mandelson is still deeply linked to the EU inner circle, a group that can offer the
    Its clear that mandelson is the EUs overseer and federal compliance/enforcement goon, he would have the connections to approach the EU regional aid commissars and he could engineer a lucrative deal between a Scottish exec with an eye for cash to help its electoral/referendum chances and a UK establishment eager to earn foriegn contracts.
    The UK regime commissars like Milliband can appear with an innocent denial of a deal when in fact the deal went through a known shady middleman.
    The proof of this theory may emerge if Scotland manages to land some tasty scraps in the form of cash or promises of a trouble free entry into the EU club should Scotland get independence.

  41. Cassandra,
    It takes a peculiar mindset to draw links to the EU in this debacle.
    Is there anything you will not blame the EU for?
    It's lazy and pathetic commentary and best not left on this site to begin with - surely the Daily Mail has adequate commenting facilities for your anti-Europe drivel?

  42. "I do not begrudge Gordon Brown a holiday. Prime Ministers need them just as much as the rest of us. But six weeks? He went on holiday on 27 July and is due back at work on 7 September. Nice work if you can get it."

    Not true of course, but why let that get in the way of publication.

  43. Bring on the Show TrialsAugust 26, 2009 7:33 am

    To the apologists for this action I say:

    Realpolitik is fine but not for a convicted mass murderer. Stories are circulating about his innocence. That could have been tested through existing legal processes. Why not?

    At least we know the true currency for oil. How many corpses per barrel is the price now? 272 murdered in 1988, Iraq deaths...

    Utterly despicable - more so by those who see this as a win win.

    Trade deals for murderers takes this country to a new low.

    The right thing to do? I am sure Gordon would have been blowing his own trumpet were that the case.That he is not speaks volumes.
