Thursday, August 06, 2009

Taking a Break

I'm off to North Norfolk for four days and have decided to take a break from blogging for a few days.

I will be back on Monday.


  1. Bully for you!


  2. Have a good time :)

  3. No more news of Newcastle's french polisher then . . ?

    Polite and wise of you to let folk know, mind, not like some . . .

  4. I can recommend both The White Horse in Blakeney and The George in Cley for the gastronomic pleasure of the local catch. Avoid The Victoria at Holkham Hall.

  5. You'll know what happens now. This weekend:
    1] Gordon Brown will resign
    2] Harriet Harman will take over as acting Prime Minister
    3] She'll call a General Election for September 4th
    4] Two Labour MPs will join the Tories
    5] Alan Sugar will issue a writ aginst you for libel
    6] Cameroon Shadow Cabinet Minster will get drunk and crash his car into a truck carrying nuclear waste in a marginal constituency
    7] the News of the World will publish candid photographs taken of the new candidate for Totnes
    8] West Ham will announce they are leaving Upton Park

    and all because Iain Dale is taking a (deserved) break

  6. Have a good one, Iain.

  7. Weekend prediction: There will be some massive news story this weekend and Iain will start his article with the words "I did intend to take a break from blogging for a few days but I feel I have to comment on......" dontcha think?! ;-)

  8. Boooo!

    Well, hope you have a nice holiday, anyway.

  9. I hope you and your partner enjoy the short break the weather looks pretty decent so enjoy yourselves

  10. Take it easy. No more speeding tales, please.

  11. Done forget The Hunny Bell, The Green, Hunworth.

  12. Noooooooo what are we your loyal following suppost to do hey, what with you on Holiday, Mark Reckons on Holida, MP's on Holliday and Twitter down I ahve nothing left.


    BTW have a nice break

  13. David from EalingAugust 06, 2009 5:58 pm

    It's pouring down here in London, but I remember a great time I had some years ago walking along the cliffs outside Sheringham in the rain after a very good lunch in a restaurant which has now closed down. Have a good time.

  14. Ah, so that's why Twitter has gone down, is it?

    Oh, and ignore Jules: the White Horse at Blakeney is full of drunken 16 year old Trustafarians at this time of year: avoid it.

    The George at Cley is very good though. And the Victoria is fine, as long as you only eat from the barbecue in the garden, and don't try to actually stay in the hotel.

  15. Is that because there is none of that there internet thingy up there?

    (I speak as someone who was brought up on the wilderness that is the Norfolk coast.)

  16. bye dale. don't rush back.

  17. Hmm. Short and sweet.

    Is this the end of the beginning, or the beginning of the end?

    Ah. I suppose this will never get through, because you won't have internet access.

    You could have left the comment moderation off. Then we could say lots of rude things about you and you'd never know...

  18. "I can recommend both The White Horse in Blakeney and The George in Cley for the gastronomic pleasure of the local catch. Avoid The Victoria at Holkham Hall."

    Totally concur. You could also try Morston Hall. Not sure whether they do food without accommodation. But, the food is sensational.

  19. Hurrah!!!!

    Only kidding... have a good one.

  20. A 4 day break?

    Then plenty of time to consider standing in an open primary for a sudden by-election in North West Durham.

    Enjoy your holiday.

  21. Iain, good luck on your quest to find the lesser-spotted one- eyed Scottish twit with an A, Gordon the gopher, who will be travelling around the country in August, as part of the care in the community programme.

    If you hang around the gates to Broadmoor, you just might catch a glimpse of the twit arriving or departing. I do not believe for a moment you are in boring Norfolk & Suffolk, as Gordon says, that was so last year dear.

    Seriously, you need to go to the Lakes, for a spot of nude bathing with Gordon the gopher and lord of the ring fondlebum of Foy, in the ward of Insanity, fourth floor, Broadmoor Hospital, Berks. (aptly named county)

  22. Have a nice break and hopefully only the first 3 things Sandy Jamieson has listed will happen. Well maybe no.4 too, but only if Frank Field is one of them!

  23. Wot, no Yas and Dale show on Sky News at weekend? :(

    But seriously, enjoy your break!

  24. All the best. Methinks you need the break :-)

  25. How will we cope for the next few days ??

    Hope you have a nice time ......

  26. Take care where you step. Try to get back to England before the bit of Norfolk you're standing on falls into the sea.

  27. Slightly further south, The Crown at Stoke by Nayland is pretty good. Stayed there earlier this year.

  28. What we need is a guest blogger while Iain is away.

    Any suggestions from the panel?

  29. Try the Lifeboat at Thornham, or the Ostrich at Castle Acre.

    BTW I object to the "Amend the Smoking Ban" adverts. The smoking ban is the only sensible thing Labour have done in the last 12 years.

    WV: intim(ate?)

  30. Augustus EldridgeAugust 07, 2009 2:04 pm

    I was thinking you should join Trevor Ivory and I for a drink

  31. Normalfornorfolk....

    Friend hasa house in a village a foul sham I hear you say. Story goes when new tenants were about to move in (he now lives on the south coast and unable to sell the Norfolk house)looking throughthe inventory andit has listed a hot tub in the hot tub turnsoutthatlocal village idiot hired as a gardener had sold the hot tub to someone in the local pub (queens head) for £250. Word has now gone out thatthe hot tub has to be rstored by this weekend or big trouble.... NFN

    Have fun Blakeney Hotel and the pub in Blakeney run by an ex Black and white minstral all over the bar ...nice legs..

  32. I love the way people are giving Iain advice on North Norfolk seemingly ignorant to the fact that he was Tory candidate for North Norfolk and lived there for two years.

    Next they'll be giving you advice on where to go in Tunbridge Wells.

  33. Norfolk Blogger

    We know, we know, People are only trying to be kind and helpful, But you would not know anything about that.

  34. @ Norfolh blogger

    So, the quality of hotels is unchanged?


  35. I remember going on a seal-clubbing excursion to Blakeney Point. You catch the boat at Blakeny, they give you your own baseball bat, a lumberjacket and one of those hats with earmuffs, so you don't need to take anything. Great fun.

  36. Please start blogging again soon. I think I'm having political gossip withdrawal symptoms!

  37. Don't forget the traditional local greeting "Gimme six!"


    Swarms of ladybirds plague Norfolk coast

    Could be worse - could be ladyboys ....


  39. Says someone who only ever sent me abuse.

  40. A loveliness of ladybirds invades a squabble of Norfolkloggers . . .

  41. Norfolk Blogger

    Disagreements dear boy never abuse.

    I resent that comment.
