Monday, August 03, 2009

Silly Season Alert

You know it is the silly season when...

The Daily Telegraph devotes half a page to Gordon Brown's liking for Brussels sprouts. Proof if it were needed that there's something weird about our Prime Minister, if it were needed!


Michael Gove declares his love for David Davis, describes David Cameron as a man with "cojones of steel" and a man "you could imagine snogging like we did to True by Spandau Ballet".

The world has gone quite mad. More please.


  1. Leave sprouts alone... properly cooked with butter and bacon a delicacy.

  2. And the LibDems want to ban the air-brushing of photographs of women which are used in advertisements.

    I'm glad to see that there's a political party that can focus on the key issues gripping the nation.

  3. Brown obviously sees the resemblance between sprouts and bogeys.

  4. Oh God no! Something for which Gordon Brown has my respect. He likes Brussel Sprouts! And something we have in common. Good Grief. See, there is a nugget of good in everyone. Shame that in Gordon's case all that nugget is is that he likes Brussel Sprouts. The rest of the mine is full of fools gold.

  5. Summer is the time to be silly, XMAS is the time to be jolly, and Winter is the time to commit suicide. Don't you just love the seasons....?

  6. Snogging David Davis??

    *reaches for mind bleach*

  7. The latest edition of our local paper, The Courier, carries this:

    "A father of two, who assaulted his partner with his bottom and committed a breach of the peace was fined £200 after staying out of trouble for six months following the incident."

    Ronald Grantham "pushed Elaine Paterson on her body with his bottom"

    Be careful. I tried this with Mrs Weasel and I am up before the Sheriff on Thursday, though my crime has been exacerbated by saying "Ni" to her.

  8. I thought there'd been an ill-wind blowing through Government this past twelve years and have always suspected the culprit was Brown!

  9. niche political targeting ...he's after the brussel sprout farmers vote.

    Its getting that desperate.

  10. Could I gently point out to contributors that it's Brussels sprout (not Brussel)?

  11. "The Daily Telegraph devotes half a page to Gordon Brown's liking for Brussels sprouts."

    Ah! Now I understand why we get all that hot air and foul-smelling deeds from downing St.

  12. Have just received a letter from HMG, telling me about my duties as an employer under the Vetting and Barring scheme to prevent unsuitable people from contact with children and vulnerable adults.
    Gordon Brown and Ed Balls spend quite a lot of time in our schools these days makeing announcements to the press and smiling at children. I wonder have they applied for registration? We should be told.

  13. Wrinkled Weasel said...

    "A father of two, who assaulted his partner with his bottom and committed a breach of the peace was fined £200...."

    It's his own fault for arsing about.

  14. I'm not interested in this sort of trivia. But if you're going to play the man not the ball the real issue must be does he like Marmite or the now found to be originally English delicacy fo Haggis, and does he like his wife boycott English veal despite this being a incidental and non cruel by product of the milk industry?

  15. This is not a silly season story and the dumb assed media should be asking why ...

    A "serious event is unfolding in the UK at the Hadley Climate Centre ... they are purging publicly available climate data.
    If their climate science is so solid, so unassailable, why ... hide the climate data gathered from public domain sources worldwide such as NOAA and NCDC?"

    Why indeed. We taxpayers paid for this data why cannot be see it??
