Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Parish Notice: Blog Buttons for Top Blogs

If your blog has featured in any of the Total Politics top blog lists featured so far, please feel free to put one of these buttons in your sidebar and link it through to the relevant list on the Total Politics Party Lines blog.


  1. Any old prat with a blog could put one of these on theirs...

  2. I know this is elementary stuff for many, but could someone provide a ten-step guide about hoe to tranfer the image and link it please?


  3. Tim - although blogger gives you the option to link an image through this method, it's best to save it.

    Right click on the appropriate image.
    Save as.
    Go to your dashboard.
    Go to layout.
    Hit the 'add a gadget' button.
    Go down the list until you find the option to add a picture.
    Use the browse button to find the image on your computer.
    Copy the link to the Total Politics list into the link.


    That should be it.

  4. Iain

    How come Guido and Hannan don't seem to appear anywhere in these lists or did I miss something?

  5. Guido was top of the Libertarian category. They will feature in future lists to be published over the next week or two.

  6. I'm number 3 Libertarian. Can I have a special shiny one with number 3 written on it?

  7. Well if Mr Holborn is getting a shiny special one, can I have one for being 15th?

    *chucks toys out of pram*

  8. Well, I came in at 13 and I didn't even enter this competition, so there.....

    But I'm not on blogger, I self hosted wordpress.org, so I can I please have the code for a button because there is no way I can work with the image as such in the side bar - it just doesn't happen.

    And thank-you very much whoever voted for me - I shall never know your name!
