Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Last Minority

One of our regular (leftish) commenters Paddy Briggs kindly sent this advert from the Stanford Review. Can I refute any suggestion that this was a rejected advert from the "It's DD 4 Me" campaign? Thank you and goodnight.


  1. Ding Dong! If I hadn't already decided to go conservative I'm sure that girl in the picture vould have persuaded me! Why are most of the best looking girls right-of-centre?

  2. I'll be whatever she wants me to be.

  3. Phwaoooor!

    Don't knock what you don't understand Mr Dale.

  4. X marks the spot.

  5. Posing her in her nightgown in her kitchen as she prepares breakfast for her husband was a stroke of genius. Although full make-up at that hour of the morning is perhaps a little de trop.

    More modern Conservative women, please.

  6. picture of a woman implying availability - Degrading.

  7. As Iain said I am a bit "leftish" -whatever that means these days. But none of us (Left, Right or Centre) is completely uncurruptible and should the Stanford lady like to try and persuade me of the error of my political ways then that's fine by me.

  8. Sheer bloody sexism! Almost makes me want to vote tory...but I wouldn't go that far. Great pic, she probably has a brain too?

  9. Husband? I don't see a ring on that finger.

    She'd certainly do well in Torybear's tottywatch!

  10. Just put Hillary up having her little upset.That should do the job!

  11. Marginalised minority? If you look like that you are in no way 'marginalised'. And if you look like that and have brains then what more do you want to give her, a medal for having everything in life? Actually don't tell me what most men would want to give her. Yeah, lets reward the beautiful people for little more than their looks and ticking the box. Oh, you chose Cameron, we already did.

  12. Who says Labour does not have good looking women, give me Margaret Beckett or Hilary Benn anyday :~

  13. Pant wettingly gorgeous........is she UKIP do you think....still much better to look at,and probably talks more sense than Dave...

  14. yeeucchh !! cover up the face and it could be a fourteen year old.

  15. I heard that they are considering making Muslim MP Shahid Malik defense secretary on the grounds of 'fairness'. Same as they made a muslim head of religious programming at the BBC.

  16. Like most other posts, it gets my vote. :0)
    Hazel, Ms Beckett et al eat your heart out!

  17. Anonymous @ 7:16, you either don't know many 14-year old girls, or you know some that you shouldn't be looking at in that way.

  18. Hey Ho!

    Will she be assisting you co-host your radio show when it's up and running again?

  19. Big Time PatriotAugust 12, 2009 12:29 am

    Wow, that is one nicely photographed picture for a college newspaper.

    If I didn't know better, I would really suspect that this is STOCK PHOTOGRAPHY and that they actually have no idea if the women depicted is a conservative or not.

    Just my suspicion, but perhaps they spent hours getting the makeup hair and lighting just right and had a conservative model handy to shoot.

  20. Osama the NazareneAugust 12, 2009 9:33 am

    Sod the politics, fantastic eye candy

    ...and she probably is a model so what.

  21. Oblong

    Sure is. And here's (one copy of) the original:


  22. If by Conservative they mean she expatriated herself to avoid paying tax to the country that raised her, then according to good old wiki then you have the nub of Mrs Saint-Laurent.

  23. Yes, but could she debate Ann Coulter?

    Results please Iain,as soon as they are available ...

    WV = crava; I kid you not

  24. Iain, have you ever reconsidered?
