Monday, August 17, 2009

Jimmy Bullard: Comedy Genius

Yes, I know it has nothing to do with politics, but it made me smile...


  1. Don't know if anyone else has the same problem, Iain, but I'm not seeing any of the pictures or links with this one. I don't usually have any difficulty.

  2. It made me smile too! But then I'm a Fulham supporter and I smile every time I think about Hull paying £45K per week for Bully! Plus £5mill for the transfer fee.
    Uncle Roy for PM!

  3. Hull paid a lot of money for an expert fisherman. They have enough of their own.
    Is he still injured?

  4. Off topic -

    (is there a topic here?)

    John Redwood points out how the government is using QE as a means to finance its massive deficit and is not getting through to help the economy.

    "Current policy is to push more cash into the system, but to demand more caution by the commercial banks. This policy will help the government borrow the money it needs without too much competition for funds. We should not expect it to release large sums for private ventures or to help companies."

    It highlights how everything is being done to benefit Browns political reputation and not the country.

    How did this post not make it into the Daley Dozen ?

  5. And when he's fit, watch out...

    We love Jimmy in Hull, he's worth it for the smile he puts on the teams face.

  6. Johnson B's athletics amuses me;

  7. Who is Jimmy Bullard?
