Monday, August 31, 2009

Get Your Thatcher & Churchill Ringtones Here!

How do you fancy Margaret Thatcher or Winston Churchill ringtones for your mobile phone? As part of Conservative History week on the Conservative Party Website, they have launched these free ringtones, with Margaret Thatcher saying "The lady's Not for Turning" and Winston Churchill proclaiming "We Shall Fight Them on the Beaches".

To get the free ringtones click HERE.


  1. They are pretty terrible. This is the kind of embarrassing thing that marks you out as a proper Tory Boy, which might be great for some, but not so for people on different social circuits.

  2. how does it work iain will i have pass on my personal details ? or just a phone number ?

    am very new to this internet thing

  3. You only have to give a mobile phone number in order to receive the ringtone.

  4. thankyou iain

    keep up the good work

  5. OMG - I can imagine those meetings now when someone has forgotten to turn their phone off...

    OT Iain - what do you make of Frank's piece on ConHome about the teaching of history?

  6. Thankyou iain i have my "Ladys not for turning " tone

    big thanks xxx

  7. *Shudders*

    Even sadder and more annoying that that bastard "Crazy Frog" ringtone a few years ago.

    I hope never to hear them in public.

  8. Tempting, if a touch gimmicky! Ahhh, the fond memories and nostalgia of Lady T's mellifluous tones... :-)

    I have enough trouble setting up a basic ring-tone, let alone one of the Great Lady!


  9. just wondering what a Lib Dem ringtone would say. Perhaps "Go back to your contituencies and prepare for Government".

  10. How utterly dreadful, naff and backward-looking.

  11. Put me down for the 'Oh Yessss' Neil kinnock. The one where he is like a Churchill insurance advert dog on speed.

  12. Have to say I agree with Working Class Tory on this - anyone feeling safe having this on their phone must move in pretty rarified circles.

  13. Actually I am sure it is difficult to find people that would really care that much, Cath, and I live in Glasgow.

  14. Wot? No sign of John Major with "it is time to get back to basics"? And as WCT points out, the sound of that Thatcher ringtone going off in your back pocket isn't recommended for health reasons in parts of South Yorkshire at chucking out time in the miners' welfare club on a Friday night, or in Liverpool or Glasgow at any time.

  15. No, thank you. I don't want Chameleon following in the steps of Broon and calling me up about 5am to start talking about Conservative policy on education.

  16. Now if the Tory Party were just a little bit more savvy then it would be Gordon Brown ring tones that they would be providing.

    The possibilities are mind boggling.

  17. Sorry, but I don't like the fact that I would have to give them my phone number. I would download the Churchill thing if it was just an mp3 file but I am not giving out my mobile number. They say "no spam" but I don't believe a word of it. It just sounds dodgy and I'm disappointed you're associated with it and they're exploiting Churchill's voice for profit.

  18. Kiera, oh do get off your high horse. The ring tone is free.

  19. "anyone feeling safe having this on their phone must move in pretty rarified circles."

    That's nonsense. Churchill is unarguably recognised as the saviour of this country and therefore a legend whatever your political affiliation.

  20. EXCLUSIVE: Following news on Iain Dale's Diary that the Tories have now released ringtones of famous politicians such as Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill, word reaches your Grim Reaper that Labour will soon be retorting with a similar idea. My sources within the Labour Party tell me that, within weeks, they hope to have free ringtones made available of Gordon Brown's classic phrases. The phrases include the following:

    - "It began in America..."
    - "I am getting on with the job."
    - "We make the right decisions at all times"

    Similarly, Labour Party sources have denied rumours that they are shortly to release a Gordon Brown action doll with a throwable Nokia.

  21. I prefer a phrase of a song my son's group recorded a while back, and Wm Yeats reading "The Lake Isle of Innesfree."
