Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Daley Dozen: Thursday

1. Tom Harris on the release of the Lockerbie bomber. He ain't impressed.
2. Conservative History Journal on what Burke said to the electors of Bristol.
3. Dave's Part gives a lefty view of the concept of individual freedom.
4. Danny Finkelstein on why order is crucial for Cameron.
5. Paul Waugh asks why Gordon Brown has remained silent over the Lockerbie release.
6. Lords of the Blog on how times change for MPs remuneration.
7. Martin Bright on his new role at the Jewish Chronicle.
8. Ellee Seymour reveals details of her new book.
9. Ordovicius doesn't react well to his demotion in the Welsh blog rankings.
10. Steve Richards on why the next election will be the internet election.
11. Charles Crawford on Miliband and terrorism.
12. Dylan Jones-Evans on why the Tories in Wales need to get their act together in the blogosphere.



  2. '12. Dylan Jones-Evans on why the Tories in Wales need to get their act together in the blogosphere.'

    I've given him a couple of blogs to check out...and only one of them was mine (a terrible bout of self promotion!), though I steadfasttly refuse to get my act together. I'm far to laissez-faire for that.

  3. I have to say I glanced through the Steve Richards piece - despite its 'New Statesman' heading - and I have to say it came across as if written by a 10 year old.

    Most 'political' things on the internet have previously appeared on the print or TV media.

  4. I wish I had been equal to commenting adequately on Uncle Bob's:

    and Steve Richards did make a seminal point on:
