Monday, July 20, 2009

Randy Old Goat or A Cause for a Massive Shoulder Shrug?

I've just been reading an interview in Der Spiegel with SPD chairman Franz Muentefering. He's 69 years old and at the top of his game. It's almost unthinkable nowadays to think of a man of that age being a leading figure in British politics.

In the interview he talked of his relationship with Michelle Schuman, who is forty years his junior. This liaison has scandalised parts of the German political and media classes [schmutziger alter Mann] yet the German public appear to have taken a rather more tolerant view.

I wonder what the attitude would be in this country


  1. Iain Dale's Future WifeJuly 20, 2009 7:52 pm

    Dirty ol' b@stard. He's truly an ispiration to us all, Iaaiin.

  2. What on earth is that all about? Must be a Labour Minister, or Mcbride?

  3. Iaaiinn, will you marry me?July 20, 2009 8:00 pm

    Awww for the love of Crimony Iaaiinn. Now I look like a right old tit. Thank you very much

  4. As for the "Old Goat", a little less, thank you.

  5. "I wonder what the attitude would be in this country"

    From the old geezers:- "I wonder how big her t1ts are?"

    From the old biddies:- "I wonder how big his bank-balance is?"

  6. It probably helps Franz that he is seen by many here (in Germany) as a likable old cove who has done his best under the circumstances he has faced. You don´t see him complaining much and he seems to take setbacks in his stride. He also has an air of calm and authority about him which many in the SPD (and CSU) lack. But the clincher comes when you see him next to the others in the SPD leadership - he is the only one who looks halfway competent. Yes, maybe he´s a randy old goat but his qualities outweigh his faults in my opinion and I´m no SPD fan. To sort of answer your question, the sad thing about the UK is that there are few people with Muntefering´s calibre or experience in frontline public life. I think it is time that British politics once more rediscovered meritocracy - we need talented people, not just individuals who have the right demographics or who look good on TV. The current obsession with youth, pizzaz, spin and soundbites has led to the dreadful situation we have today and it isn´t going to get better until substance triumphs over style. Sorry to end on a sour note, but the one reason why I think that the Cameron honeymoon will be a short one is because he is a woeful ham actor just like Blair was. The British public saw through Blair eventally and they will be quicker with Cameron.
    Best wishes and Grüß Gott aus Bayern,

  7. Nicholas JamesJuly 20, 2009 9:15 pm

    "He's 69 years old and at the top of his game. It's almost unthinkable nowadays to think of a man of that age being a leading figure in British politics."
    The almost being Ken Clarke (69) perhaps?

  8. A sixty nine year old man - talks of his relationship with a 29 year old woman.

    You say he is on top of his game.

    I say he doesn't fancy 60 year old women. They probably remind him of himself.

  9. a different AnonymousJuly 20, 2009 9:48 pm

    "I say he doesn't fancy 60 year old women."

    With the possible exception of their husbands - does anyone?

  10. "I wonder what the attitude would be in this country"

    During a General Election in the 1860s, Disraeli's camp discovered that his octogenarian opponent, Lord Palmerston, had fathered an illegitimate child with a "low-born" woman in his constituency. When the campaign manager suggested making this debauched behaviour public, Disraeli demurred, fearing that Palmerston would sweep the country!

    Of course, that was before women (and many "low-born" men) were allowed to vote.

  11. 60 is the new 40.

    And I am the youngest billy goat gruff

  12. If he was British? It'd be a big high five from me! Though he'll still have some way to beat a Berlusconi pool party!

    Seriously, I'm 30 and my band played a gig at an 18th birthday party on Saturday and all I'll say is fruit always tastes nicer when it's fresh. I would goo into mnore detail on the evening but a gentleman never tells! I may make it a condition in the band to only play 18th birthdays from now on!

  13. John Major and Edwina Currie ?

    Who'd have thought it, at the time.

    The Grauinuard got stiched up, IIRC.

    There were hint about Blair and Caplin, got crushed IIRC. Something about propeties in Bristol.

    Caplins BF at the time was former friend of Sam Fox, Ruperts star of the 80's IIRC.

    A known con-man.

    Foster, was it ?

  14. "He's 69 years old and at the top of his game. It's almost unthinkable nowadays to think of a man of that age being a leading figure in British politics."

    Really? When Prescott stepped down as being DPM, he was 69 too. (He's now 71. Wikipedia)

  15. Ken Clarke is 69 and if the Tories win next year he will probably re - enter the Cabinet as Business Secretary. He will be 70 and if his health keeps up you can imagine him being around for a whole term. Perhaps the reason you do not have many M.Ps in frontline roles is that a lot of them want to retire early and enjoy the cash made on their second homes lol.

  16. I meant to say many older M.Ps in frontline roles.
