Friday, July 31, 2009

Parish Notice: When's the Radio Show Returning

I'm touched at how many of you seem to be missing my Friday Night Radio Show. I spoke to Tommy Boyd from Play Radio UK and he tells me that the new studios are still not going to be ready before September, so nothing will happen before then. The Play Talk station is being launched on October 6th.

So until then, my devoted listeners will have to find something else to do between 11pm and 1am of a Friday night.

Tonight, however, I'll be on the Stephen Nolan Show for 20 minutes from midnight. They're starting a new paper review feature and I'm apparently the guinea pig.

And finally, the Total Politics counting agents tell me that votes have been flooding in today in the Blog poll, which closes at midnight. If you still haven't voted you've got only a few hours to email your Top Ten Blogs (ranked from 1-10) to


  1. Once again, Iain, I try to leave a comment - or even vote in your top ten blogs, and it is impossible. What is it with you????
    I can leave a comment on guido, spectator or whatever..... but I have NEVER managed to get through to anything to do with you. I give up ...............for about the millionth time.

  2. Vote for me people! All the other bloggers smell funny...and they said dreadful rumours about your mum, but I wouldn't have it and oredered them to be quiet.

    So vote for 'The View From The Dole Queue' as the great footballer Pele once put it, 'I would!'

  3. Okay: I've amended by weekly reminder re the radio show.

    As for Nolan: I was nearly on that once. They 'phoned me nearly an hour earlier than they said they would, kept my on the 'phone for an hour after my slot was supposed to start, and then hung up without warning.

    I was not impressed! (It's all logged here, using my Caller ID computerised system).

  4. Iain, apropos of nothing in particular: did you see that the Audi A5 is the most unreliable new car on UK roads, according to Which? Nearly one in four of them go wrong.

    Even a little Citroen C1 (four in every 100) gives you a better chance of getting where you want to go. Or maybe a well trained sheep, with the right saddle?

    Broken down yet? :-)

  5. I don't have an A5. I have an S5. Which has been perfect!

  6. Perhaps it is a blessing that the show is off air due to the holiday season.I look forward to the relaunch in the autumn.

  7. Audi S5? That's an A5 for those with more money than sense. £40,000, 22mpg. Could keep £10k in your bank account and have 3.0 TDi A5. Oh well, more money than sense I guess. I can think of far better things to blow that sort of money on. But hey, we've all got our insecurities to deal with...

  8. I got a pay rise and bought an S5 instead!

  9. Good luck in the poll!

  10. Stephen Nolan?

    Thought he was on holiday?

    puh leeze Iain, I couldn't listen to nolan even if you are on it.

  11. "So until then, my devoted listeners will have to find something else to do between 11pm and 1am of a Friday night."

    That's a bad time to be hosting a radio show, Iain :(

    When I move to London am I going to be able to pick up Play Radio on my digital radio or is it purely an internet thing?

    Also, is your car silver? You seem like a silver person.

  12. The last time I listened, the only callers were screwballs (the guy whose though HMG's no.1 priority was giving murderers the right to vote) and windbags who knew the EU Constitution backwards, so that may be delaying a decision to bring the show back.

  13. That is not the case at all. My show has the highest listenership of all their shows, so they're hardly likely to want to dump it, are they?

  14. Wholly unreasonable that the Blog Poll requires 10 votes from anyone who wants to support fewer blogs by their vote.

    This inevitably biases the poll in favour of the most famous blogs because many who only regularly read 2 or 3, say, will fill in with the names of others they care for hardly at all.

    I take a conservative view of such matters: when the interests of those who benefit are promoted by such machinations, I assume their intentions are being carried out.

  15. 'the only callers were screwballs'

    Hey!! I phoned in to that show! Damn your eyes Sir! Damn your eyes!
