Sunday, July 26, 2009

MacKinlay Explains His Decision
interviewed Andrew MacKinlay yesterday about his decision to stand down. It's worth a watch, particularly when he talks about his frustration with parliamentary politics, the McKinnon case and Damian Green.

At the end he expresses the hope that Thurrock Labour Party will be able to choose his successor in an open way. Sadly that won't be the case. The Labour Party hasn't yet held an Open Primary, and the probability is that they will be presented with an all women shortlist to choose from..


  1. The Labour Party hasn't yet held an Open Primary, and the probability is that they will be presented with an all women shortlist to choose from..

    That's womyn, you phallocratic oppressor. Or possibly wimmen. (The spelling apparently depends on whether you're in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Judea or the Judean Popular Liberation Front.)

  2. Given that the OAP's are now the most seriously under represented minority in the UK, might I suggest it is now time for all OAP lists of hopefulls for parliamentary seats?

  3. Children are seriously under-represented in Parliament. To rectify this outrageous situation, I suggest that Brown Central should require all Labour selection meetings to be in the form of playground pitched battles, with hair-pulling, pinching and ankle hacking allowed.

    Ah. I'm a bit behind the times here...

  4. It comes to something when political parties don't just pick the person who is most capable of winning them the seat. Barking.

  5. I will be surprised if Labour win MacKinlay's seat post general election.

    Liebour won't go away without a fight, full of smears up to the eyeballs. All parties will be getting their bunkers ready for the political Battle Royale.

  6. He did absolutely brilliantly until the penultimate sentence where he referred to himself in the 2nd person. Seriously though - fair play to the chap; must take a lot out of anyone watching a fudge on an austistic lad, likely to piss off the most hardened cynic.

    WV: underste - sounds like stables' sewerage systems!

  7. I think that was a very convincing explanation

  8. Nice fella. gordons got rid of him.

  9. Can't understand why our revered & respected MP's consider themselves overworked when over 70% of their
    work has been taken over by their
    colleagues in Brussels...........

  10. He's going because they could not control him, it's as simple as that.

    Mackinlay is an honourable and principled man, far too good for the "dodge and weave, lie and spin" politics of this Labour administration.....he obviously feels as conned and betrayed as us.

    I hope the Thurrock Labour party insists on a fair and open primary instead of bowing down before Harridian Harperson and her rabid legions of man hating rug munchers.

  11. Looking at his expenses claims:

    i) he claims for a second home despite the constituency being some 20 miles from Westminster;

    ii) he has claimed thousands of pounds for "food" (regularly the maximum allowed, with no recipts)

    iii) ditto, for "petty cash".

  12. The future Lord MacKinlay, I hope.

  13. I think that MPs are too old. I believe we need to get younger and younger MPs into politics - I'm thinking of having an all-foetuses shortlist in order to deal with this.

  14. i think it smore likely Mckinaly will get rid of brown than brown has got rid of him,

    why doesn't he and ian gibson stand as independents
