Friday, July 24, 2009

LabourList Gets It

Well done to LabourList. At least Alex Smith seems to understand what Harriet Harman and Ben Bradshaw don't. His story is headlines A CRUSHING DEFEAT WITH LONG TERM CONSEQUENCES.


  1. I hope very long term. With luck I wil never see another Labour Government in my lifetime.

  2. Alex Smith gets it. And you know who else gets it? >> James Purnell.

    Gordon Brown has sunk his ship.

    I'm still not convinced that people are genuinely excited about the prospect of a Tory government -it's just that it seems inevitable.

    I don't know one person who will vote for this Labour government. Not one - and not so long ago it was the other way around...

  3. People are starting to really loathe NuLabour, mainly because they spin and lie constantly. We have been fed propoganda for 12 years from the BBC and people just hate it. Seeing Harman and Bradshaw flying round studios in an obvious and feeble attempt to make us beleive that the Tories didn't do well, that it is a blib, that Tories are 10% etc etc. They just don't get it - we are sick to death of the spin

  4. I don't see that much has changed. Labour were always going to lose the next GE.

    I could see it having some short term consequences, either a putsch against Brown, or a pre-election act between Labour and the LibDems.

    The former is unlikely because there are so many Labour MPs on the ministerial payroll.

    The later might be popular with Labour MP's as a way to hang on to some sort of power, but brown doesn't have the skill and cunning t carry it of.

  5. More important is a new line that the LabourList opens up - Gordon is just hanging on so he can get his time served as PM up and get a pension increase!That's how much they loathe him - go read the comments!!
    When LabourList is giving the attack agenda against GB then
    it really is all up for them (DV)

  6. Tom Harris has also declined to spin the result as anything but a bad day for Labour and good for the Tories. Shame more of his colleagues didn't follow suit in front of the media.

  7. People are starting to really loathe NuLabour,

    Starting ?

  8. I haven't wasted my time visiting LabourLost for ages, but my, hasn't it changed! No longer the absurd pretense that their wonderful party can do no wrong. It looks to me as if it's finally sunk in....

  9. I haven't wasted my time visiting LabourLost for ages, but my, hasn't it changed! No longer the absurd pretense that their wonderful party can do no wrong. It looks to me as if it's finally sunk in....

  10. I liked Ian Gibson. He was a passionate supporter of university science education and research which at one time was the best in the world and in successive Tory and Labour governments, since Thatcher's period (although a scientist herself, her government produced the worst funding allocation for science)was allowed to deteriorate as science departments were closed in universities. I used to e-mail Ian Gibson, mentioning that I have been a solid Tory voter of 30 years and live in London, and yet he answered all my e-mails noting my concerns about scientific research support slipping in this country.
    I am happy that a Tory candidate has won and this paves the way for getting rid of this Labour govt. I feel that Ian Gibson was treated shabbily and that those of us who would like British Science to flourish will feel hurt by his departure. Hope Ian Gibson will work with the next Cameron govt to support scientific research in this country.

  11. I never thought I'd say this, but LabourList is finally becoming a place worth visiting. Without that ghastly Derek Draper's shadow lurking over everything, the website's truly started asking uncomfortable questions about Labour's future.

  12. Announcement from the McBunker....

  13. I might start reading LabourLost a bit more when they start acting like their not in opposition (but then, that has been the case of Labour for all their term in Government I guess)

    9/10 of their articles are obsessed with what the Tories are doing.
