Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Craig Murray Gets Desperate

There was a time when I had some respect for Craig Murray. No longer. He's become very bitter and twisted about life. His formerly highly readable blog has just become one long whinge about how life has been unfair to him. He's also become prone to chronic misrepresentation and downright lying, which makes me wonder a) about the truth of some of his previous claims and b) how he has the cheek to call his campaign website in Norwich North www.putanhonestman.org.

Today he has been found out on his blog. After a long whine about how the BBC has excluded him from a live TV debate (they clearly see him as the joke candidate he is), he writes this...
Yesterday Chloe [Smith] was walking along the main road with five minders, while six minor lackeys including Iain Dale ran ahead from house to house rousing the inhabitants and asking them if they wanted to meet Chloe Smith.

There's a problem with that. I wasn't in Norwich yesterday as countless MPs in Portcullis House would testify to. And when I was with Chloe on Friday and Saturday she had no minders (apart from Angela Browning), we didn't canvas a main road, and no one was running ahead of her. Apart from that, bang on. Desperate stuff.


  1. Iain although I have sympathy with what you say and as a Norwich voter myself I am not fond of the independent candidate you mention he has a right to speak his mind on his blog as you sure do on yours.

    I do think that we need to question whether Chloe Smith has a personal touch with the electorate or is she being groomed by Conservative HQ.
    I think questions need to be asked to what type of Conservative she is?
    Does she understand policy and is she able to say what she would do with the economy? I think you might see she is still naive about these issues.
    Iain you are becoming very partisan yourself on this issue - particular when it concerns April Pond Lib Dem PPC. But there again its your blog and the same principle should apply to all.

  2. Convenient that you don't address the main point of my post - that he lied about me being in Norwich yesterday.

    I know Chloe Smith. I know what type of MP she will be and what kind of Conservative she is. Suffice to say that if I were in Norwich North, I'd trust her with being my representative far more than I would Mr Murray who has proved himself to be a complete flake.

    Of course I am partisan, but I am able to see a rival politician's good points. Sadly, I cannot see many in mr Murray.

  3. johnny diss-embleJuly 14, 2009 10:04 pm

    If you were an honest man you would acknowledge that the point of Murray's post was to highlight that the Tory candidate comes from Ashford in Kent and so cannot be Norfolk through and through, especially as she tried to become a candidate in Ipswich before she arrived in Norwich.

  4. "Convenient that you don't address the main point of my post - that he lied about me being in Norwich yesterday." - You have a point there and I should have mentioned that in the post... If he has lied you have every right to point that out but to say he is bitter with life is being subjective.

    Just a question to you Iain - What type of Conservative do you think Chloe Smith is?

    Furthermore if he feels there is an issue with her connecting with the electorate then he should have a right to mention it.

    As I said before I am not a big fan of him and will not be voting for him in the Norwich North by election. I have in the past voted for Greens and in particular Rupert Read in the European elections and tempted to vote for him again in this by election.

  5. bladerunner86 Thats just a smear, no evidence for your assertion whatsoever.

  6. Bladerunner, of course it is subjective, all opinions are! But if you read his blog you will probably see what I mean.

    You ask what type of Conservatuve Chloe is. A caring, compassionate, centrist. She's not a foaming at the mouth idealogue.

    Johnny, how laughable. She was three I think when she moved to Swaffham. She's more Norfolk than Craig Murray who lives in Acton!

  7. johnny diss-embleJuly 14, 2009 10:19 pm

    Craig Murray was born in Norfolk, she wasn't. That is a fact.

  8. If only to bop Jimmy and his cohorts on the nose, I'd vote Tory.

  9. bladerunner, do you believe that Craig Murray has a right to lie?
    Yes or no?

  10. Cardinal Richelieu's moleJuly 14, 2009 10:28 pm

    Surely the main issue is in Murray's words, "while six minor lackeys including Iain Dale ran ahead from house to house", no?

    Whilst it is not news you are a minor lackey,fancy Murray expecting us to believe you were only one of half a dozen! Shameful fabricating!

  11. Johnny, and the fact that he emerged from his mother's loins in Sheringham and she in Kent is the reason you'd vote for him over her? Get a grip.

  12. johnny diss-embleJuly 14, 2009 10:33 pm

    It's not me claiming she's Norfolk "through and through". Is it?

  13. I dont read his blog.

    looked at it once and got right peeved by the man, the reason being that hes MY rector and he hasnt said a thing i could see that time about students.

    Maybe that has changed. But im a student at dundee, and frankly the guy couldnt have a lower presence on campus, or people have a lower opinion of him.

    Id like to say better of him but the man is a waste of space.

  14. Maybe he'd written it the day before and forgotten to post it.

    Iain, I have to say your door-stepping exercise with Chloe pretty much turned me off voting for the tories, who I've been warming to. It came over as sneering and superior, with knee jerk remarks about women and BNP voters (I'm not one). Perhaps you used a funny voice to imitate the woman who needed to ask her husband how to vote, perhaps not. Eitherway it was not sympathetic. It reminded me that both parties still need teaching a lesson over the expenses scandal.

  15. As one of the "minor lackeys" who was canvassing with Iain on Friday afternoon, I have to say it's nice to finally get some recognition in the world of politics...

  16. Actually where somebody is from is very important in an area where people haven't been keen on the huge influx into what is the most rapidly growing region of England, population wise.

    However, I think the crass decision of fielding someone who has applied to be candidate for Ipswich (please don't tell me somebody thought it was all East Anglia so OK)is probably likely to have a more terminally damaging effect on the Tory chances in Norwich.

    Labour may well come third, but lets hope the Tories are not lower in the poll because of this.

    Still you're right about Murray. It's never OK to lie.

  17. Iain,

    Don't write Craig Murray off too quickly. He has heavyweight backing from George Laird and the Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University.

  18. Despite being born in Sheringham he seems to think he is a Scot (read the non election posts on his blog). Presumably he subscribes to the Wellington theory of stables and horses. That being the case, it is a bit disingenuous of him to play the local card.

  19. Jonny-diss --- you are pathetic.

    Whichever way you cut it Murray has got his facts in a twist.

  20. Craig Murray = Anti-English clown and George Galloway wannabe.

    Catch him in a half-full Bingo hall in the Scottish EU Region soon!.

  21. Anonymous 10.40. I wasn't there the day before, either.

  22. " johnny diss-emble said...

    Craig Murray was born in Norfolk, she wasn't. That is a fact."

    As a certain government minister might say, so what?
    The place of one's birth is hardly a reason why they are or are not a suitable MP.

  23. Mrs Dale, you would appear not to have a firm grasp of your own movements... are you quite sure you were in Portcullis House on the 13th?

    I reckon you're losing it, old girl.

  24. Well, Mr Dale. It does not seem as though you have covered yourself in glory on this occasion.

    Now perhaps I understand the "Dale in Norfolk" effect a little better.

  25. I started out sympathetic to Craig Murray but when whistleblowers are thought to be "unreliable" in one respect what is left?

  26. Andrew, and how would your tortuous logic work that out then? He lied about me being in Norwich.

  27. Anagram of Mister Craig Murray

    "I rigs Crummy Errata."

    He had absolutely no right to lie to people.

    Would you like a liar in parliament? Damn it! Haven't we got enough of them, already, without one more?

  28. No Norfolk person will accept that someone is "a Norfolk girl through and through" if they were not born there.

    When Mr Dale was or was not in Norfolk is not very interesting.

  29. He could of easily have seen a rather large potato walking across the street and though it was you.

    I've done it loads.


  30. That's a pity. I believe Iain's account.

    The more credible enemies this evil government aquires the more hope there is. This is a blow against that hope.

  31. "There was a time when I had some respect for Craig Murray."


  32. This evil government must be stopped. We cannot give them another year. I that O/T? I apologise if so.

  33. Joe from Oz previous from NorfolkJuly 15, 2009 7:13 am

    Well I never - who'd have thunk it - Norfolk folks are just a load of xenophobic nutters.

    Not vote for someone because they weren't born in the county? What a load of garbage.

    Alternatively of course, there are an awful lot of anonimouse labour luvvies out in bigotted numbers.

    bigots or labour - actually I can't see much of a difference myself

  34. Face it Iain. If you are a Conservative candidate and you did not have the foresight to arrange for your parents to have you born in the geometric centre of the constituency you are hoping to represent, then you've got no chance.

    If you are a Labour candidate it's perfectly normal for you to be parachuted in from London, and to have been a Tory in a previous life.

    We must all come to terms with electoral reality in New Labour's Britain.

  35. I note that the contribution from a student at Dundee is barely literate and quite without understanding of punctuation. Perhaps any incoming Conservative government could reintroduce the essay to GCSE and A level exams? And the Charity Commission is now pursuing labour party policy the day before it is announced more people are turning to the state system due to the credit crunch…Why is it whenever Labour do something there are unintended consequences?

  36. Iain,

    I got the date wrong, by a day. Mistake, for which apologise. But not a lie.

  37. With respect to the many nice people from Norfolk, as an outsider I think several of you are coming over as far too obsessed over whether someone was born there...in my experience most English counties don't share this obsession,and the issue has no bearing on someone's level of commitment (would you deny someone your vote just because they were born in a hospital over the border?!) Unfortunately all this is reinforcing some stereotypes about Norfolk you would be well rid of...

  38. Fidel X PensesJuly 15, 2009 9:24 am


    I've noticed you're getting quite a few anonymongs these days who wilfully misinterpret your posts, aren't you?

    You'd almost think that someone was trying to turn people off your blog and thereby undermine you.

    Having failed to prove you're a racist and, hilariously, a homophobe, it seems that the latest attempt is to 'Roger Irrelevant' you!

  39. Murray is a buffoon and Britain is better off without the fool as ambassador, if he cannot even get the presence of Iain correct, there is little chance his other barmey views are correct.

  40. Bit desperate this, saying that being a day or two out is 'lying'.

  41. Chloe had minders with her when she was canvassing on Friday, 'cos someone came and rescued her from my dastardly clutches when we were chatting at my front door.

    I'm assuming there's some kind of alert system if she lingers too long with any one constituent...

    Incidentally, I'll be taking up with my children's school the issue of why Chloe got to talk to the 6th form there on Monday, and to pop into the classrooms and chat with all the kids, when it doesn't appear that any of the other candidates have been granted the same access to impressionable young minds.

  42. All you Tories look very much alike, you know.

  43. 'A Norfolk girl - through and through'

    Certainly brings back some extremely formative moments of my early teenage years holidaying near North Walsham...

    'Through and through', eh? Yes indeed...

  44. I have been following this debate as an uninvolved outsider.

    So someone NOT born in Norfolk but having lived there for 95% of there life isn't local, whilst someone who was born there but HASN'T lived there for 85% of their life is local. You ought to vote for the "local" candidate.

    OK....then it all became clear, what they say about the folks in that neck of the woods must be true.

    If you were actually born in Norfolk you must be a relative of everyone else in Norfolk.Ah it now makes sense blood is thicker than water.....inbreds

  45. Iain, You would sell your own kids if they started voting Labour. No friendship would survive your feeble 'my party right or wrong' blind loyalty to the cause...

  46. Dear Iain,
    *tsk tsk" 'Canvas' goes into making tents Mr Dale or is painted on. 'Canvass' refers to asking voters in a political campaign who they are thinking of voting for.


    A Pedant

  47. Jim Skinnner - lol !!

  48. I can bear witness to Iain's presence in PCH - saw him coming in the door.

    Was gonna yell, "WASSUP, IAIN? HOW'S IT HANGING, DUDE?" but feared that being hollered at by a mad leftie would ruin his streetcred.

  49. Sadie, it was hanging very well, thank you very much.

  50. Clearly this by-election will be an important one, since people seem to have firm opinions on the prospective candidates.

    But aren't we forgetting a serious issue - remember the extent of fraud in the last by-election at Glenrothes? So what about Norfolk? I wonder how many postal votes will be cast in Norfolk...

    Actually, there is a competition about the Norfolk by-election on this site: http://www.unlockdemocracy.org.uk/electionpurity/?p=881

    You should check it out, learn about why we should worry abut our votes.

  51. Perhaps a little pedantic, as the gent in question has already said he just got his days mixed up?


  52. Craig is disgusting. Previous blog posts show him to be yet another Scottish Separatist, anti-English jock, who expects to climb onto the "British" gravy train and the English must pay for it.
    Why would Norfolk folk want to vote for this? Then again, they did vote for Gibson, who has exactly the same Scottish Nationalist traits as Murray.
    Perhaps Norwich deserves to be dumped on from Scotland? Pity the home of my ancestors is so pathetic these days.

  53. Iain I noticed you still have not answered one of my questions in your response to my earlier point-
    "Does she understand policy and is she able to say what she would do with the economy?".
    Quite simply you could not answer and I think the same might be said of your grasp of economics.

    Sure she might be a compassionate centrist - but I want to know where she stands in terms of the political spectrum and her own philosophical underpinning. Would you say she is centre-right?
    She might not be an ideologue but she has to have some ideological persuasion? Is she a 'One Nation' Conservative or more towards a free-market orthodoxy? - I would like to know your thoughts. Or is this more indicative of post-ideology and post binary British Politics?

    However I would say I am in general agreement that I do consider her towards a more compassionate Conservative - sadly I can't say the same for her party at Norfolk County Council who appear to be more Thatcherite and using your term 'foaming at the mouth ideologues' who still preside over the largest figure of child poverty in comparison to other counties.

  54. "I got the date wrong, by a day. Mistake, for which apologise. But not a lie."

    and to think that it actually needed saying ... What age is Iain again?

  55. Dear Mr. Iain Dale

    I have written a post on Craig Murray's blog about your petty grudge.

    It has gone too far.

    Here is a copy.

    Dear All

    I have read Iain Dale's blog.

    He seems to have a big chip on shoulder a mile wide.

    His pathetic grudge against Craig has some amusement value but he should seek professional help.

    He seems to me to be a very unhappy member of the gay community.

    If he wants to stop his petty antics and make up then Craig should be big enough shake his hand but don't let him kiss you Craig!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  56. I think you over ranted, Iain, when you defended the BBCs exclusion of Craig.

    Not a very good position for a party man to take.

    Doesn't exactly augur well for the democratizing credentials of the Conservative Party, does it.

  57. @ George Laird 4.11pm
    "He seems to me to be a very unhappy member of the gay community."
    Why do you think Iain Dale has a big chip on his shoulder and an unhappy member of the gay community? What relevance does this have on the post in question?

  58. Actually local people don't really care where people are from, so long as they do not lie about it. The only people really worried about it are Iain (with regard to the Lib Dems) and Mr Murray (for Miss Smith).

    Norfolk is actually a very cosmopolitan area, full of "foreigners" from across the Norfolk border, and people don't really care.

  59. I spend some time on Craig's site being abused by some of the seedy characters that he seems to attract. I don't think Craig is dishonest but he is obviously desperate for a public profile, as his six years' worth of salary from the FCO is running out. I just hope he doesn't folow the path of David Shayler. As for George Laird I have several times asked him to explain what human rights are being compromised at Glasgow Unioversity but he does not respond.

  60. On CM's past life, which you mention in passing Iain. My feeling, having read his book, was that if he had behaved properly, drank less and kept his libido in check, there would've been fewer opportunities to get rid of him in the end!

  61. "...there would've been fewer opportunities to get rid of him in the end!"

    Really? But all charges against him by the FCO were either dropped or cleared. Find out what you're talking about.

  62. Whether the charges were dropped or not the conduct which he describes in his book gave at least an appearance of impropriety which wouldn't otherwise have been the case. He didn't do himself any favours - and that's judging only by his own account.

  63. "He didn't do himself any favours - and that's judging only by his own account."

    I believe that the reverse is true. His book, in which he describes his own conduct warts and all, adds hugely to everyone's impression that he's a completely honest individual. Had he tried to "touch up" his image I'd have a hell of a lot less respect for him.

    I'd like to see Iain write such an honest book. I don't believe it's possible.

  64. Really petty point scoring here,maybe the guy(Murray)just made a mistake?

    And,no,i aint voting for anyone.
