Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Andrew Sparrow Reporting From Norwich North

The Guardian's Andrew Sparrow has written a terrific day long blog from Norwich North today HERE. This kind of witness-journalism is the future...


  1. Iain what is the problem with anonymous?

    That does make it more democratic and you have a check first before it gets aired?

    I must say that it isnt just your blog where things are happening. Ckeck Guidos for example. There may be something concerted happening. It would be a shame if you changed but I dont know what is happening for you to want to change things.
    I think many people appeciate blogs like yours, much more healthy for democracy when there really isnt much of it around.

  2. Iain why do you want to stop anonymous blogs? Do you actually want to discourage debate? What has happened to free expression on your blog.

    Furthermore why did you turn comment moderation back on - thus checking it first before its posted?

  3. A) I don't but trolls are forcing me to consider it.
    B) Comment moderation is not on. But again, if things carry on like this, it will have to go back on. I have just had to delete anonymous comments asking me about anal sex, saying I am a racist and questioning my sister's sexual desires.

    Would you like to have to deal with that? Should I really have to?

  4. No I would not like to deal with that and you have every right to deal with it in you own way because its your blog.
    But would deletion be the best way to sort out people like that?

    I myself do not understand why people remain anonymous because I always use a name, but some people may not want to use it for other reasons. Sadly its becoming increasingly the case they use it to write filth and homophobia .

  5. Iain why did you study German instead of Politics at the UEA?

    I have a BA (Hons) in Politics from the UEA.

  6. Why do you keep asking a question I have already answered?

  7. I don't recall your answer. Sorry if I cannot remember it must have skipped me.

    I am curious that's all. You seem to have a great passion for politics as I do.

  8. I usually post as anonymous because quite often I can't seem to get the google account to work. I have obviously doing something wrong, but if it works this time, I must have worked it out!

  9. Bladerunner, when I went to UEA intended to be a German teacher. German was the only subject I really excelled at when I was at school.

  10. Thank you for your answer. I appreciate it.
    Were you also interested in German politics at uni?

    I only done a beginners course in German while I was there for my undergraduate degree in Politics.

  11. Dirty old bastardJuly 23, 2009 12:23 am

    Iain: just for the record - can you elaborate with regard to your sister's sexual desires?

  12. To be honest, Iain, you're not the only one that gets sick of the anonymous trolls. Clearly it affects you most because they're directed at you, and the blog is your responsibility, but please don't think that it's a case of us and you.

    Most people on here appreciate what you do and check regularly for the updates. What's more, i imagine most people would be happy to end the anonymity if it meant a more constructive discussion in the comments.

  13. Curious, but NOT GeorgeJuly 23, 2009 1:47 am

    As the majority of the Homophobic troglodytes seem to be Labour supporters/officers, why do they not try these homophobic jibes with Lord Mandelson and the other Labour gay members of parliament?

    Oh! They won't do that? I wonder why?
