Friday, June 19, 2009

Tweet of the Day

"I have one vote. I gave it to Moussavi.
I have one life. I will give it for Freedom."



  1. And I always thought twitter was a load of old shit. turns out it could be the best thing to happen to the internet since Ebay. Very powerful. It'd be nice to think that the Ayatollahs got twatted out of power. Lets hope it happens.

  2. Could never understand why Bush attacked Iraq and not Iran first...suppose if your that dumb its an easy mistake to make...

  3. In I Claudius when Caligula, after recovering from illnes was told that a number of his toadies had offered Zeus their lives if only he would save their beloved Emperor said "right make sure they all commit suicide".

    The fact is tha Ah'madinnerjacket clearly won & no matter how much our MSM call the demonstrators "democrats" that is not what they are demanding.
