Thursday, June 11, 2009

Travel Woes

Today did not get off to a good start. I'm off to Florida for five days to attend a conference on "America & Europe: The Ties That Bind". I got up at 5.30 under the misapprehension that my flight left at 8.55. It doesn't. It's at 10.35. And furthermore, it turned out that the ticket had been booked for tomorrow instead of today. I daren't even tell you how much it cost to change the ticket.

And on top of that I left my Blackberry on the back seat of the car that delivered me to Terminal 3. Luckily I eventually managed to retrieve it. Can you imagine the pain of five days without a Blackberry?! The only saving grace of the morning so far is that I am not flying with Air France.

I don't know what it is about me, but I seem incapable of going on a foreign journey without some incident or other.

Anyway, this is a roundabout way of saying that blogging will be taking a back seat today unless Virgin have installed internet access in their 747s, which I somewhat doubt. Is it even possible?


  1. 1. America and Europe: The Ties That Bind? Is this about slavery, cotton or white power?

    2. Blackberry separation anxiety? Ask dotty Dorries about that ... she managed to lose hers "missing in action" in a cab or in some hotel room ... remained a bit of a mystery.

    3. Air France - pretty safe just now I'd have thought.

    4. Yes, you can blog from a plane if they let you use your mobile and/or laptop, which they may well do these days.

  2. Yes. Some planes have good net access for a good fee.

  3. Boeing were working on full internet access from aircraft about 5 years ago. They installed it as a test on a few commercial aircraft. But it does not seem to have taken off. (Geddit?)

    Any Mouse

  4. Two points:

    a) let us hope that these 'incidents' all take place a ground level, and

    b) Bon Voyage (or, perhaps more appropriate, Safe Journey!)

  5. Stronghold BarricadesJune 11, 2009 9:05 am

    Isn't there a calendar function on the Blackberry?

  6. Who is paying for this trip Iain?

    Can we expect a tirade in favour of KFC or a robust defence of American policy in GM crops on your blog shortly?

  7. Inflight internet connectivity is perfectly possible and on lots of airlines already, but not Virgin, though no doubt they will be looking at it hard. Some airlines also have the technology to allow the use of mobile phones. And yes it is safe.

  8. I wish you a safe journey both ways and a good time in Florida. In fact, I am jealous as you are leaving behind you the El Gordo's evil empire and his shenanigans, if only for a few days.

  9. You are SO in touch with your feminine side!

    I think this might be appropriate :

    Not Nelly Furtado (just about work-safe I think, but most of the "related" vids aren't)

    On a more serious note - all this talk about 7% or 10% cuts in spending. Everyone seems to be assuming 2% inflation - but if all the money being printed drives inflation much higher, the real-terms cuts are going to be far worse.

  10. They might have Internet access on the plane, hey how many bloggers can say they are writing from 37,000 feet.

    Have a safe trip and enjoy florida.

  11. Iain, I know you are a proud gay man and I respect that and endorse your and your partner's rights to equal treatment in every regard.

    However, for the love of God, can you please try to make your future posts less gay than this one? This is the gayest post I've ever seen in my life - and not in the good way.

  12. I hope you're not going to the airport by tube

  13. Jeez, can you even find your ass with both hands?

  14. Heres a good inflight movie for you.

    Caroline FLint on GMTV this morning.

  15. I found myself taking a sharp intake of breath when you said, "At least I am not flying Air France" If that is an oblique reference to last week's tragedy, the remark is in bad taste (for you). Too many families are mourning the death of a loved one for it to be dismissed as a one liner.
    As it is despite last week, Air France is a first class airline with a good safety record.
    Nevertheless enjoy your break

  16. @ Ian 1:26pm

    Piss off, you self-righteous leftie cunt.

  17. Carbon NootralJune 11, 2009 3:34 pm

    Don't judge Florida by the weather you experience on this trip!

    The high season ended on about 1 April... it's too hot and rainy this time of year.

  18. to anon @ 2.49 . I'm offended. Its the word "leftie". In over 40 years I've never been called that. I've been called a fascist, I've been called self righteous, I've of course been called a c*** but who hasn't? I can live with these. But leftie- now that is a new one. another story for my after dinner repertoire.

  19. look on the bright side least your not travelling with Ryanair!!!!!
