Saturday, June 20, 2009

Slapping Down

A reader has alerted me to this clip of Sir Alan Haselhurst in action. Nothing like displaying the grip of firm speakership.


  1. F***ing H***,

    I'm terrified and I'm only on youtube.

  2. A few more like him and Parliament may get back on its feet.

    Verification code "botimen". Does Iain make these himself? ;)

  3. Good God !

    Looks a bit like an audition for the remake of "House of Cards".

  4. Now that's what a Speaker is supposed to be like. Awesome stuff.

  5. hmm so thats what authority looks like.

  6. Wow. That would change my vote.

  7. And that is exactly why Labour will never vote for him.

  8. wonderfulforhisageJune 20, 2009 3:27 pm

    Wow,I've just popped over to Betfair for a bit of a flutter based on that performance. Sadly, on the basis that turkeys don't vote for Christmas, I don't hold out much hope of collecting. Mind you, I got 14/1, so it will be a few bottles of bubbly on ice should I win.

  9. Great performance, but reminds me a bit of the Speaker in The New Statesman...

  10. Looks like you just lost your £100 bet. hard to see the Labour benches voting for that.

  11. wow! it's like being back at school with a strict headmaster everyone is sh*t-scared of!

    bring it on! :)

  12. I'm not sure why people think 'quick to anger' is a quality of a great speaker.

    Sir Alan is normally a good performer in the House, and except for his expenses-grabbing would be a good Speaker, but a good speaker is not someone who is constantly acting as he does in the video.

  13. The contrast with the late, unlamented, Michael Martin, is amazing.

  14. Amused me that it's Phil Hope (now with £41k less of our money in his bank account) being slapped down by Sir Alan..........(who has refunded £14k!!)

  15. Wow, you tell 'em Al!

    It appears that Phil Hope was arguing with.... John Bercow.

  16. is he ever so slightly camp?

  17. Anonymous, well, some degree of theatricality is often very instructive because it lodges people's heads. Churchill never underplayed his speeches.

  18. He does seem to be good for the job - authoritative, assertive and knows the system very well.

    But he's still pretty representative of the shoddy current system.

    He claimed 12k for gardening...

  19. Clearly S'ralun is the absolutely right candidate to restore confidence, authority, integrity and impatiality to the battered house....which is every reason he won't get the job.

  20. Gordon Brown: "We are getting on with the job of getting this country through the recession, something which the Tories would not..."

    Sir Alan Haselhust: "Order, order, ORDER! The Prime Minister will sit down if I rise to my feet! ORDER! The Prime Minister must answer the question put to him by the Leader of the Opposition, not endlessly repeat himself. ORDER!"

    Sounds good to me!

  21. That's mah boy! Oh - and my MP.

  22. fatter than prescottJune 21, 2009 1:10 pm

    In March 2006 the Parliamentary fees office wrote to him requesting copies of his actual bills, warning that without them it would be unable to reimburse him in future.

    The letter stated: "Regulations require the Department of Finance & Administration to seek receipts or invoices for individual items costing £250 or more; in this case the relevant supporting documentation for the utilities and Repairs/insurance/security was not included with your claim."

    Sir Alan's response was to leave an angry message on the fees' office's internal queries system, in which he wrote: "I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY U R DOING THIS TO ME u have pd me the last 11 months without querying my claims I want u to call me back today with an answer."

    looks like your bet is toast

  23. Fatter than Prescott...
    Your point being?
    It appears he was questioning why they were changing the way the claims were submitted. Previously he was allowed to split a bill over 12 months but now they were saying it must be done in one go.
    Not much of a story here. Looks like the telegraph 'expenses files' are really scraping the barrel trying to make a story out of nothing. To be expected though as it will feed the anger of the self-righteous idiots who are just lapping this stuff up.

  24. At last somebody with cojones!

    Looks like its curtains for Widders - why the tax payer should pay £9,000 for her press cutting service is beyond me - especially as most of the clippings are about her media career.

  25. Opera Hats after darkJune 22, 2009 9:39 am


    It would be a travesty if SAH doesn't get the nod.

    He strides the commons stage like a collossus.

  26. Dorothy's MateJune 22, 2009 6:13 pm

    Is he camp?

    As a row of tents!

    But he is wonderful. Please let him get the gig.
