Saturday, June 13, 2009

Quote of the Day

"To the Americans, Obama looks like the second coming of Kennedy. To the Russians, he looks like the second coming of Gorbachev."

Ivan Krastev
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. To me, Iain, he is the american version of Tony Blair!

  2. Man, that's funny! Check back with your buddy Ivan in a few months.

  3. Yabbut the Russians aren't exactly unbiased observers. Russia has had a chronic dose of Butthurt ever since losing the Cold War. There hasn't been a major international event of the last nineteen years which hasn't involved the Russians rooting for Anyone But The West.

    Whatever the shortcomings of Obama and, indeed, whatever the shortcomings of the USA and the liberal-capitalist system in general, the observations of bitter resentful Russians have little to do with anything. The Russians long to prove their Great Power (or, rather, Superpower status) once more and a major part of that, as far as they're concerned, involves watching the USA suffer the same fall and breakup as the old Soviet Union. Pick up any Russian daily newspaper and you can see in their coverage of Afghanistan the writers practically salivating at the prospect of a NATO defeat.

    Russia: you need to get over it. You lost. You lost the Cold War. You lost the ideological battle. You lost your empire. You lost your place in the world. You need to stop projecting your bitterness, your self-doubt and your jealousy onto the Americans. It makes you look even weaker and more insecure and more full of self-loathing than you really are (which is quite an achievement).

  4. Ivan seems to have it right: Obama is going to be 4 long years of rhetoric and disappointment, nothing more.

  5. All the Americans I know think he's the second coming of Jimmy Carter. Good news for America's enemies everywhere...

  6. Well, the Democrats think he's the second coming of Kennedy, the Republicans, however, agree with the Russians: he looks like the second coming of Gorbachev.

    Me, I agree with strapworld, he's the second coming of Blair. Obama even has his very own, chilling, Alastair Campbell: Rahm Emanuel of 'never waste a good crisis' fame.

    "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. What I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things that you simply could not do before."

    Such as spin as though your life depended on it and back down on campaign promises within months of making them?

    This lot are Blairer than Blair.

  7. Oh, and I forgot to add:
    Rahm Emanuel of Freddie Mac fame, the US banking crisis which may well have started the global banking collapse.

  8. I can never understand why Kennedy gets so much approval - apart from rhetoric he was a disaster. The Bay of Pigs fiasco, his complete misunderstanding of Krutschev that led the latter to think he could get away with sending missiles to Cuban (and almost WW3), his introduction of a welfare system that led to a burgeoning and disaffected underclass, and getting into Vietnam with no exit strategy. And then there was the serial philandering and connections to some very shady people in Chicago.

    Is there a pattern here? Why should Obama be any better? Because he's [half] black? Putin would eat him for breakfast. The second coming of Kennedy. Dear God.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Found this on Guido's site

  11. Gorbachev? That would be the man who swept away a paranoid and militaristic regime and asserted concepts like democracy, respect for human rights. adherence to international law and freedom of travel.
    It works for me.

  12. Iain, just a thought...If Brown was to stand down, resign etc, who would run the show whilst a new leader was sought? I know technically Brown would still be in charge but who would be, the man? who said today that he expects a leadership challenge in the Autumn? Who stated against current labour popular policy that it was the aim of the government to enbrace the euro? I am racking my brains but....just something to ponder on whilst enjoying the States...

  13. Should I pretend to be suprised that the term "half-black" appears on a Tory blog?

  14. The quote should have read: "To the British, Brown looks like a ****. To the Russians, he looks like a ****ing ****ing ***."

  15. Richard Dale, most people would be offended by ther term 'half-black'.

    I understand, sadly, why it doesnt raise eyebrows on a Tory forum, who would probably have been guffawing along with their friends in Oxford earlier this week

  16. To me he is a devious wind bag who is playing a dangerous ganme abroad and a protectionist game at home

  17. I am the one with the UKIP Tee ShirtJune 14, 2009 12:39 am

    SCENORIO.....Several Brits enjoying a few beers in a beach front bar! A dishevled traveller passses by and takes a few gulps of my beer and walk's on by, pulling a luggage suitcase. My mates are surprised Why did you not "deck him"? G..d G.d there passes bye the greatest living BLOGGER of all time. Who am I to disrepect him. Enjoy the sunshine @ 32 Humity @ 28 F..k Green turn up the A/C

  18. "Gorbachev? That would be the man who swept away a paranoid and militaristic regime and asserted concepts like democracy" (Anon)

    Gorbachech did that brilliantly alright, it was just unfortunate, however, that his hopeless idealism and lack of understanding of Russia's industrial base led to disaster in every other policy area, especially in the economy.

    Gorby's prohibition style measures ruined the state owned alcohol industry and with it Russia's budget. This policy also led directly to the black market production of toxic alcohol which still kills and damages the health of many Russians today.

    Under Gorby, "the state deficit grew from 0 to 109 billion rubles; gold funds decreased from 2,000 to 200 tons; and external debt grew from 0 to 120 billion dollars.£ (Wikipedia)

    By the end of the 1980s, there were severe shortages of basic food supplies which led to the reintroduction of the war-time rationing.

    Finally, the August coup in 1991 first put Gorby under house arrest then replaced him with Yeltsin.

    Hardly a glowing model for America to follow, is it? Anyway, America doesn't have a repressive Communist system to sweep away, does it?

  19. Sorry Sir Iain, My last post should have been addressed to you personally. Suggestion DO NOT WEAR SOCKS WITH SANDAL'S,( Unlike T.Blair Esq)

  20. I am not ANON I am HIM WHO WEARS A UKIP TEE SHIRT (Sponsered By NIGEL FARANGE next Minister of Europs under a William Hague Premiership)

    WV...walesssuc add es

  21. Bob Latchford said: Richard Dale, most people would be offended by ther term 'half-black'.

    Good point, I find it offensive too. However, your attempt to turn this point into an attempt to smear Conservatives is pretty dumb and equally offensive.

    It wasn't Conservative supporters who elected two members of the British Nazi Party in the recent elections and it was your Labour PM's numerous failures which sent some labour supporters off in that odious direction in the first place.

  22. and connections to some very shady people in Chicago.

    Is there a pattern here?

    Connections to some very shady people in Chicago, perhaps ?

  23. "Richard Dale, most people would be offended by ther term 'half-black'."

    Bollocks, most people wouldn't bat an eyelide.

  24. '"Richard Dale, most people would be offended by the term 'half-black'."'

    i understand that the politically correct euphemism is 'mixed heritage'

    alternatively we could photoshop his mother and maternal grandparents out of the group photo and out of history or accept that they are there and part of his history and stop being offended when the subject comes up

  25. @ Bob Latchford said...

    "Should I pretend to be suprised that the term "half-black" appears on a Tory blog?"

    Then lets call Obama "half white" as whites like myself don't give a monkeys about pc labelling and won't take racial offence ???

  26. What a silly remark. Hardly the quote of the day.

    The real quote of yesterday was on BBC Radio 4 News Quiz - 'Would it be best to describe the BNP as "liberally challenged" '?

  27. Stop throwing hissy fits Iain you wanker

  28. lavrentiy beriaJune 14, 2009 3:03 pm

    "Stop throwing hissy fits Iain you wanker"

    Who let Sir Michael White in?

  29. your quote of the day is pathetic and these commenters are equally pathetic. dale, this has to be one of your most feeble posts yet.
