Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Quote of the Day

"Things are so bad that Susan Boyle has rung Downing Street
to check that Gordon Brown is OK."

Anonymous blog commenter


  1. Sobbing into the receiver, Brown blubs a muffled no

  2. MPs Expenses will be Gordon's "standing down because of ill health" excuse.

    He will use the oportunity to try and bow out gracefully allowing a "new broom" to take over and do what his contaminated bristles can not.

    He will be gone within a week.


  3. Just read it myself - from PB.com

    Made me laugh too.

    I note that SKY gave both recent polls, MORI and ComRes, just about 10seconds of air time without any serious comment.

  4. Jacqui Smith to Resign (Sky News on YouTube) Jacqui Smith to Resign.

  5. I still blame Gorgon for Susan's demise. He phoned the show to wish her well and she subsequently lost and went into rehab. The accursed Jonah doth strike again. He shouldn't be allowed to do that to people.

  6. this quote comes from www.newsbiscuit.com

  7. Has there ever been a moment in the history of these British islands, that an American President has to step in to ensure The Queen (OUR Queen) is present at the commemoration of such an important as the 65th D Day events this weekend?

    Given the way Brown responded yesterday,I am getting the feeling The Queen could be the catalyst that finally gets rid of Brown.

    Add to that,he insists that his govt must continue so as to solve the economic crisis (caused,of course by the US) and yet he has just sacked his Home Secretary and will sack his Chancellor very soon - what on earth does that say to the 2.5 million unemployed,the financial markets,the troops risking their lives in foreign lands - it says that Brown's govt is now in meltdown - an hour is a long time in Brown's govt.

  8. Not true - she called Alastair Campbell to ask how Gordon Brown was feeling.

  9. Now that IS funny !!!

  10. trevorsden - I think that is slightly unfair - opinion polls are to 'keep the wolf from the door' until a real poll is available, and given there is a biggie this Thursday...

  11. Something similar in the Daily Express this morning.

  12. Not sure why I am being unfair Mr Anon ... but suffice to say SKY did not seem interested in drawing any conclusions from either poll or from the stark differences between them.

    Needless to say methodology was way below the radar.

    Polls are supposed to track public opinion - why should such results be just for the benefit and secret to political parties?
