Friday, June 26, 2009

Quote of the Day: Steve Dixon

"There are so many faces to Michael Jackson - literally."
Steve Dixon, Sky News presenter


  1. Start a revolution Iain. Call this feature 'Quotation of the day'. Quote is the verb, despite increasingly prevalent 'popular' usage.

  2. one for 'coleman balls' in private eye ?

  3. Thankfully, there's only one Steve Dixon.

  4. We've got an impersonator David Miliband apparently on Twitter.

  5. Of course they have already wheeled out the 'Rent A Mob King' Rev Al Sharpton to give his view. What on earth does it have to do with him? Of course the interview began with 'As a person of colour...'. Gimme a break.

  6. Farewell to Michael Jackson.
    A great talent - a weird life.

  7. Quis custodet ipsos custodes... as also seen on the BBC, Guardian etc

  8. Further proof that Brown doesn't get it.

    'He suggested £60bn would be needed to help poor countries adjust to climate change, stressing the UK would pay "its fair share" towards this.'

    What on earth is this man on? We can't afford to finance our current spending and he's promising that we're going to contribute billions toward a 'climate change' fund.

    Presumably we're going to borrow it which, as borrowing is simply deferred taxation, means that in order to set up a fund to 'help our children' we're going to tax them before there is anything they can do about it.

    Why is he unable to see that there are things that we can't afford?

  9. Lady Finchley = racist bore.

    Shouldn't you be over on Blaney's blog, love?

  10. And you really think this is appropriate today Mr. Dale?

  11. Little Red Riding HoodJune 26, 2009 12:05 pm

    I hear Guido's devastated about Jacko. Apparently, they used to swap photos...

  12. Racist, Lord Snooty? The Rev Al is the one who thought the animals who gang raped and sodomised a Black Haitian woman in Florida and forced her to have sex with her 12 year old son wre being 'picked on' because they were black!

    Kiss my white Irish butt!

  13. Calm down, Lady F, I think you're frothing at the mouth.

  14. You're the rabid one, Lord Snooty -nothing worse than a knee-jerk liberal.

  15. "nothing worse than a knee-jerk liberal"

    I know, how terrible of me to be anti-racist and to care about justice and fairness. What a bastard I am! If only I could be more right wing, I'd be a much better person.

  16. I hope you have no Michael Jackson fans posting today coz the lynch mob will be out to get you lol..

  17. Anit-racist? Al Sharpton is a racist and anti-semetic!

  18. Oh and if you were so interested in justice and fairness you'd know the filthy animals who did this to a BLACK woman and her BLACK son admitted their guilt and were found guilty. What about this lady's rights?

  19. Broon will be doing a gammy one-eyed McMoonwalk in McDowning Street as we speak!.

    Ochhhhh its Greeeeeet!....a month te bury bad noooooos och aye the nooooo Anglish mugs!!!!

  20. Brown's already in rehearsals to step in and save the O2 concerts.

  21. Lady F

    With each comment, you make yourself look more foolish. Go on, make my day, post another one!

  22. Not as much as you, Snooty, old boy. And you still haven't answered my question about justice for that poor woman and her son - of course.

  23. I have it on no authority at all that Mandy has demanded he represent UK at the Jackson funeral! Just imagine the collection of world wierdos who will be gathering! Ugh

  24. Thanks, Lady F. Enjoyed that last one. Keep 'em coming!

  25. Steve Dixon is one of those gems that SKY employs. THEN do not give him the regular programme slots his talent requires.

    I first saw him with Emma Crosby. They were a really good pair both getting the best out of each other.

    But SKY ignored the obvious! Now Emma Crosby is with GMTV.

    Steve Dixon deserves a lot better than SKY is giving him.

    I love the footie on SKY but abhor that Andy Gray.Why do SKY think ex professionals are the best qualified to give opinions?

    Journalists/ordinary supporters are equally able to express themselves adequately. We may get an interview without the 'Y knows', 'Game of two halves' and all the other numb and dumb comments.

    IAIN DALE FOR SKY COMMENTARIES! He must know a lot about football, he supports West Ham

    Why do we have so many scots in everything these days? The English cannot get a look in.

  26. 'Of course the interview began with 'As a person of colour...'.

    bit tricky to know what colour rev. al has in mind here

  27. I'm with "Lady Finchley" on this one. As an Englishman who lives in America, I can confirm that the "Reverend" Al Sharpton is a dreadful human being who has done the "black cause" in America no good whatsoever.

    He and Jesse Jackson (another so called "Reverend") are a national embarrassment.

    Of course racism is bad and intolerable, but pointing the finger and indiscriminately accusing others of being racist merely for not sharing your "multicultrual" point of view comes a close second. (I'm not accusing Lord Snooty of doing this, but plenty of others are guilty in this regard.)

  28. Sorry. I meant to write "multicultural".

    I had a go at Alastair Campbell for his poor English yesterday. Now I look like a hypocrite.

  29. Nice guy, eh?

  30. Which song do you think Elton John is going to rework for MJ's funeral? I'm thinking "Daniel" will become "Michael", but "Tiny Dancer" is another possibility.

  31. Lady F

    You are spectacularly missing the point. Where exactly did I say that I supported or applauded Sharpton? What caught my eye, and what I was commenting on, was your classic Powellite indignation at the phrase 'as a person of colour'.

  32. Lord Snooty, re your gratuitous comment to Lady Finchley, shouldn't you be somewhere where people think posturing condescension is somehow clever rather than adolescent and angry, sweetie darling? You care about "justice and fairness". How dazzling of you!

    BTW, Al Sharpton's whole career, if such we may term it, has been built on his skin pigment. Can you imagine a white person kicking off a public remark with, "As a white person ..."?

    Lord Snooty, you are not American and I doubt whether you've ever been to the US, otherwise you would know a great deal more about Al Sharpton than you do.

  33. Only because the phrase ' a person of colour' is so stupid. Everybody has a colour. Geddit?

  34. "And you really think this is appropriate today Mr. Dale?"
    If Jackson were not dead the dumb quote would not exist.

    Finchley's comments were not racist - nowhere near.

    He is just pointing to the odious Sharpton looking under any stone for black martyrdom.

    Jackson spent more than half his life trying to look white.

    Meantime whoever holds the rights to Jacksons music must be rubbing their hands in glee as its value has just shot up.

    Gossip rags too must be delighted as they can now publish anything they like without fear of contradiction and anyone who Jackson ever employed or had a nodding acquaintance with must be adding up what their stories (true, embroidered or just plain fantasy) must be worth.

  35. "Spendaholic ends his days in debt" - could be Brown's epitaph!

  36. I am delighted to see that Lord Snooty has been so thoroughly slapped down on this page. Calling someone a "racist bore" may be a common rejoinder by liberals against those with whom they disagree, but I (and thankfully others like me, it seems) take this kind of slur pretty seriously.

    It is rather like Doreen Lawrence, mother of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence, saying that Boris Johnson would "destroy London's unity" if elected mayor, and that "once people read his views, there is no way he is going to get the support of any people in the black community". As Andrew Gilligan rightly said at the time it is "outrageous – indeed Orwellian – ... to attack a man as a destroyer of racial harmony, one of the most serious charges you can lay, simply on the basis that he refuses to sign up for every dot and comma of a report of which she approves."

    In the same way, you, Lord Snooty, choose to label someone a racist because they don't like a particular phrase in common use. Quite how you can detect "classic Powellite indignation" in a short comment is beyond me. I know a lot of people in America who dislike the phrase "person of color" and they are neither Powellite (classically or otherwise), nor racist. People dislike the term because it's meaningless and unhelpful, not because they consider their own race superior to others.

    (Good one, Oscar Millar! Was it your own?)

  37. Perhaps Gordon Brown needs to take some of Michael's advice...

  38. @Lady Finchley,

    'Kiss my white Irish butt!'

    Normally I prefer to get to know a girl first - oh, what the hell, OK, you're only young once.

  39. Jailhouse Lawyer - Precisely the comment I would expect from an ex-con who had done time for the axe murder - oooooooops! manslaughter! I meant manslaughter - of an old lady when her back was turned. You truly are a sensitive soul.

    Thomas Rossetti - I don't know that the phrase "person of colour" is used in the US any more. I don't think it's been in common usage for at least 20 years. It was recognised as patronising and silly by both races.

  40. @ Anonymous (11:30AM) - If you can't stand language developing, go to France.

    I hear they have an académie.

    Nice quote Iain.

  41. Thank you Thomas - it is so tedious to be labelled a racist everytime you disagree with somebody. I think Lord Snooty went out of his way to find offence.

  42. If Jacko had gone to prison like he should have then he'd probably still be alive today.

  43. 'I don't know that the phrase "person of colour" is used in the US any more. I don't think it's been in common usage for at least 20 years. It was recognised as patronising and silly by both races.'

    halle berry used it in her oscar acceptance speech

  44. halle berry - one of the great minds and articulate thinkers of our day.

    I cannot imagine any distinguished, achieving American - and there are plenty of such people - using this phrase. Hollywood is still living with the Civil Rights mentality of 30 years ago.

  45. Halle Berry, Mariah Carey, Obama.

    All half black who have traded on that in insult to the white half of their families that actually raised them after their black fathers abandoned them. Truth.

  46. Thomas Rossetti,

    Thanks for your measured and thoughtful contributions. I don't agree with all you say but at least you don't indulge in the laughable histrionics of certain other people.

    Just one other thing. She's still a racist bore, you know...

  47. Thank you for your comment, Lord Snooty. You're right that we don't agree with each other but it's heartening that we can at least be civil.

    Where would the fun in Iain Dale's blog if we all agreed with one another all the time!?

  48. Yak40, I have to take issue with you on a couple of points. Firstly, why should Michael Jackson have gone to prison? He stood trial on a count of child molestation (or "child sexual abuse" as it was termed) and found not guilty. In the case of Jordan Chandler, Jackson was never charged, and the state closed its criminal investigation.

    He is undoubtedly very odd -- and if I were a parent I'd never let my children go within a million miles of the fellow -- but to say he should be in prison is ridiculous. (Funnily enough, though, I agree with you that he'd still be alive if he were in clink!)

    Secondly, I don't think it's fair to say that Halle Berry, Mariah Carey, Obama et al. have "traded" on their race. It certainly helped Obama in garnering the black vote in 2008, but he himself never forced the issue. (That disgraceful rabble-rouser, the "Reverend" Al Sharpton is a different case, obviously.) Could you come up with some specific examples?

  49. TR,
    They certainly have, it's all out there if you look.
    As for MJ's being acquitted, well Liberace won a libel suit in the UK when the Mirror accused him of being a homosexual - but he was !

    As for Obama, he's made reference to his different hue many times, in his Berlin speech for a start as well as the primaries.

    It's the double standard I despise, these people do it all the time but, for example, Geraldine Ferraro said Obama wouldn't've got a second look if he were white and the outcry was instant and enduring (despite the fact anyone with an ounce of brain knew she had a point).

  50. Lady Finchley

    You would be well advised to ignore the self-righteous,smug gits like Lord Snooty-- they will never admitwhen they are wrong and almost everyone of the breed will struggle to give an accurate definition of racism.You will also discover that that they think that a bigot is anyone who disagrees with their views.

  51. Some interesting points, Yak40. It's true to say that justice isn't always done (even in the "Land of the Free") but I would consider it extremely unlikely that MJ did anything penetratively sexual with these children. Surely there'd be evidence.

    Barack Obama may have made reference to his "hue" during the campaign but I don't think it's fair to say he "traded on it". When I have arguments with people in America (about health care, for example) I might occasionally say, "As an Englishman..." but I'm not "trading" on it. (Or at least I don't think I am!)

  52. Forgot to say:

    I agree with you in "despising the double standard", Yak40. I think this double standard will come to light more often as time goes by.

    A case in point: Barack Obama's daughters can quite legally get preferential treatment (through scholarships and so on) when they apply to university because of the colo(u)r of their skin. This is despite their father being a millionaire and the most influential man in the country. But you have to be fair to Obama: when asked about this during one of the debates last year, he conceded that perhaps the children of rich blacks shouldn't be eligible for "extra help". (I'd look up the exact quote from the exact debate but I can't be bothered. I'm an amateur for pity sake!)

  53. @ Jim Baxter

    "..... you're only young once"

    Yes, yes, but what's important here is how old the white irish butt might be. After all, there are limits as to what one might choose to kiss - maybe you don't see it that way, though.

  54. Lady Finchley and Verity are one and the same. Narrow minded blowhard nutjob racist bullies and very boring.

  55. @Unsworth

    I cannot imagine that the area in question is other than pristine as new porcelain, so elegantly does the Lady write.

    Still...would it be ungallant, do you suppose, to request a photocopy in advance?

  56. Thank you, Jim Baxter - it is Irish, white and firm as a canteloupe!

    As for Anonymous - you are really a tedious little person. Cries of racism are the last refuge of a scoundrel. Read up on Al Sharpton why don't you? People of colour indeed! Last time I looked I was a particularly luscious peach. So, I too, am a person of colour so to speak.

  57. unlikely that MJ did anything penetratively sexual

    I don't believe he was ever accused of that anyway. There's plenty of things that can be classed as abuse without that.

  58. Anonymous said:
    "Lady Finchley and Verity are one and the same. Narrow minded blowhard nutjob racist bullies and very boring. June 26, 2009 8:35 PM"

    But, sweetie darling, I have a rather dazzling split personality! I think Lady Finchley lives in Britain, if I'm not wrong.

    I escaped British Fascist/BBC Thoughtland servitude and live elsewhere!

    Poor, Anonymous, can't just cut a break, eh?

    Have you ever been outside Britain, except to Torremolinos or wherever it is that you people go these days?

    Down to brass tacks, have you ever been off your council estate? No offence, of course, but I suspect you don't leave your estate to go to a "job". (Look it up in the dictionary, if you have one.)

    Off Iain's site once again because of the low quality of anonymous posters in these environs.

  59. @Lady Finchley

    'It is Irish, white and firm as a canteloupe!'

    Sounds divine. Do please bring it along with you to my apartments.

  60. Just a quick enquiry for all the twats out there who've got nothing better to do than make snide remarks about Michael Jackson's death.

    Having made your remarks, how many of you have never played or enjoyed his music?

    Not many, I'll wager.

  61. @verity "Off Iain's site once again because of the low quality of anonymous posters in these environs"

    tf for that.

  62. The racism was probably not Lady Finchley's, it was whoever thought that, because a black person had died, that a black person should be interviewed on the topic. Segregated interviews? Whatever next?

    And also there's the cynical attitude of Al Sharpton who will climb on the corpse of a fellow deceased African American in order to get a few minutes more precious airtime. Ahhh! The Oxygen of publicity smells so good to Al Sharpton!

  63. Phuquit-I was in the music business for many years with quite a few hit artists to my name so I know a thing or two about music. In my opinion and it is only my opinion, Michael Jackson was not a huge talent - I know that was not the opinion of millions of others. Of course I am now afraid that Lord Snooty will call me a racist for not liking Michael Jackson!

    Thatsnews - Well said! Anyhoo, the last time I looked MJ was WHITE. He gave up looking like a brother a long time ago! I actually feel sorry for the guy having so much self-hatred. Proves that money and talent isn't everything.

  64. lady finchley " Michael Jackson was not a huge talent "

    Yes he only sold 750 million albums. you're a joke.

  65. Yes he only sold 750 million albums.

    Jokes on you then. Nobody ever went broke underestimating the public as gits like you show by the day.

  66. This got lost earlier


    I,for one,have never listened to a word either sung or spoken by
    Micheal Jackson.

    My only knowledge of him was gleaned from newpaper reports

    I formed the opinion that he was an odious creep.

    the only emotion I ever felt in connection with him was one of
    sheer contempt for the fans willing to part with the chunks of
    cash with which he financed his degenerate life style

    His skin colour was and is a matter of complete indifference to me---I thought that he was a pervert and I detest perverts .

  67. Anonymous, I said in my opinion he was not a huge talent. I don't give a crap how many albums he sold - he didn't do it for me. And, since you so obviously need a lesson in the music business, talent plays a small part - clever marketing, a great manager and a huge dose of luck helps. Come back and talk to me when you grow up - only a total baby would call somebody else names because they didn't agree with them. Boo hoo, I hurt your feeling about Michael Jackson.
