Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Politicians Must Have Sense of Humour Bypass

David Cameron seems to be copping a bit of flak for his "Where are you papers" comment. Dear oh dear. It's clear that politicians are no longer allowed to use humour to make a point. People should concentrate on what he was alluding to. That being stopped on the street and asked to produce your papers is the mark of a totalitarian state, and it's unBritish. And that's why a Conservative government will abolish ID cards.


  1. I thought he sounded more Chinese than German

  2. The Labour attack team and it's media friends will use any opportunity to denigrate every Conservative politician and policy between now and the general election.

  3. Sad indeed!

    I used to employ humour from time to time in the Council Chamber — at one point doing an impression of David Bellamy (I was quoting something he had said when opening a new facility here).

    I've used wordplay and all manner of techniques as appropriate to the circumstances, and although it often annoyed the maoners in the Labour Group, no-one ever took me to task for it.

    Normally it is indeed the Left who are anti-humour unless it's their own variety. That usually means anti-Conservative jibes and vulgarity, which seem to be the only two forms of "humour" the Left like to promote.

  4. Means Test ACAJune 16, 2009 2:30 pm

    When Cameron said he was a Prime Minister in waiting, I didn't think he meant Berlusconi.

    "Normally it is indeed the Left who are anti-humour unless it's their own variety. That usually means anti-Conservative jibes and vulgarity, which seem to be the only two forms of "humour" the Left like to promote."

    How many right wingers does it take to change a lightbulb?

    Make up your own punchline, you lazy socialist!

  5. If the headline is true, when are you having yours? ;-)

  6. The trouble with politicians is that it's not always clear whether they're trying to be funny or not. For example, Charles Clarke has never struck me as being much of a comedian, but I'm still not sure whether he he had serious or humorous intent the other day when, in response to the question "Will you tell us what you think of Gordon Brown?", he answered "No". You can judge for yourself at http://maxatkinson.blogspot.com/2009/06/politician-answers-question-exception.html

  7. It is certainly more harmless than when our government used anti-terror laws against Iceland.

    People need to grow up and get a sense of humour.

  8. But I must just say, its not in good taste when football fans refer to German fans as Nazi's or taunt them with fascist salutes. Sensitivity and comedy just means you've got to try a little harder.

  9. This is why the Conservatives will win the General Election. Labour just get the public mood wrong every time. Do they really think anyone is upset by this bit of humour? By kicking up a fuss they are only making people dislike them more.

  10. Lets start comparing Gordo with Kim-Jong-IL.
    Both are a pair of lame ducks at the end of their sell-by dates and totally devoid of humour. One has the bomb and would like to be leader for eternity, the other is a one eyed Scottish moron who sold our gold reserves at the bottom after telegraphing the markets of his intent
    The left are humourless, as they take politics seriously, as only a self deluding egotist can.

  11. Absolutely disgusting that a politician should mock the Germans like this. He should resign.

    if the ID card come's into play i for one will burn my one ..
    i do not need a id card to tell me who i am.

  13. They did go around in threesJune 16, 2009 3:00 pm

    Having visited the old East Germany (the left take note: it was the Communist era not the Nazis), I can well sympathize with Cameron on this one. But politicians should stick to politics unless they are good comics.

  14. Are any Germans distressed by the joke? Or are they by any chance pissed-off by official demands for ID too?

  15. the more publicity this comment gets, the better. Another Labour own-goal.

  16. Presumably if Gordon Brown did this it would be evidence of poor judgement?

  17. a german joke is no laughing matter

  18. Donut Hinge PartyJune 16, 2009 3:03 pm

    David Cameron then went to talk about the contribution the West Indian community made to British Society.

    "Ya, mon - me be eatin' dem curried goat - Irie! Me get on de Windrush and me be bus conductor for dem British bumboclots dat got demself kilt in de war. Babylon!"

  19. All this will achieve is that lots of people will now see this (I wouldn't have seen it if it hadn't been for this story) and they will be left with two impressions (a) Cameron is right that ID cards are un-British and it does smack of an alien authoritarianism, and (b) that the Conservatives will abolish them. Both those impressions help the Tories, so why is Labour and (sadly, speaking as a LibDem) the LibDems stoking this.

  20. So are Labour saying that, in a clear violation of the European laws regarding free movement of workers, someone with a German accent would be excluded from working as a ID card inspector?

    Bloody racists!

  21. If the comment was so innocent, why has our ambassador in Berlin had to send a diplomatic note apologising for Cameron's behaviour?

    Cameron's reputation in Europe is getting worse by the second.

  22. Was gonna post but somebody already said it well...

    At June 16, 2009 2:26 PM , Blogger Not a sheep said...

    The Labour attack team and it's media friends will use any opportunity to denigrate every Conservative politician and policy between now and the general election.

  23. Gordon Broon speaks in a funny foreign accent alllll the time and the press and media dont kick off about that!.

  24. RE: Cameron's reputation in Europe is getting worse by the second.

    Thats usually a good gage on wether a Politicians has this countries interests first or not, get England OUT of the EU!!!.

  25. Cameron's just gone up in my estimation. Good on 'im, he's only saying what we're all thinking.

  26. This is excellent.
    It points up exactly what will annoy everyone about ID cards.
    The PC brigade are doing us a favour here by publishing it.
    And it makes them look even more daft than they already do.

  27. Simon The BluesmanJune 16, 2009 3:14 pm

    Give me strength. It got the point across that ID cards are ludicrous and a waste of time and money.

    Anyone go to Download this weekend? ZZ Top are the coolest band on the planet are they not? Sorry, not political but I thought I would mention it anyway.

  28. Well said Dave, now we want a Referendum on the EUSSR Constitreaty, regardless of wether its been ratified by the Irish EU Region or not!.


  29. Does Cameron really believe that our British coppers are Nazis? He is a disgrace to the Conservative Party.

  30. It´s not only politicians unfortunately, everyone has to think before they speak and bite their tongues before someone shouts politically incorrect!

    Its the righteous who have no sense of humour. The righteous come from all walks of life.

    They´re the 20 people that phone TV companies when they spot something which inflames their fragile sensibilities.

    They´re the Harmans of this world who think those of us who are capable should be trodden into the ground in favour of the downright useless and feckless.

    They are essentially haters of freedom of speech and control freaks themselves.

    Balls to all of them, Britons used to be allowed to have a sense of humour!

    British Journal of Psychiatry have recently said that Britons are the most miserable people in Europe. I guess we know one of the reasons why!

  31. "If the comment was so innocent, why has our ambassador in Berlin had to send a diplomatic note apologising for Cameron's behaviour?"

    Because the Germans don't have a sense of humour.

  32. I think David Cameron is a pretty cool guy. eh asks "Vhere are your papers, Englander schweinhund?" and doesnt afraid of anything.

  33. If the comment was so innocent, why has our ambassador in Berlin had to send a diplomatic note apologising for Cameron's behaviour?

    Because they're still bitter about getting their arses handed to them in two world wars and the 1966 World Cup.

  34. Thomas R LarkinJune 16, 2009 3:34 pm

    So "ID cards are going in the bin". Really? But can we trust Mr Cameron?
    What about that Lisbon referendum and the Tory approach to the EU - can we trust Mr Cameron on that?

    Sadly, probably not.

  35. "If the comment was so innocent, why has our ambassador in Berlin had to send a diplomatic note apologising for Cameron's behaviour?"

    Because all Ambassadors are Government placemen, a big part of their job is to represent the Government of the day abroad. Lying for your country, and all that.

    The one exception in recent years was Craig Murray who was kicked out for daring to speak up about torture.

    That said, Cameron was naive to do this, or at least not to flag up that he was using humour to make a point...

  36. Resistance forces around the world would be proud.

    More! And more pressure to scrap ID cards! The passport application process is enough.

  37. "If the comment was so innocent, why has our ambassador in Berlin had to send a diplomatic note apologising for Cameron's behaviour?"

    Did the Germans ask for an apology?

  38. When you have a leader who's as naturally warm, spontaneous and funny as Gordon Brown (with that cheeky grin), of course anyone else is going to fail by comparison, seeming tame and, well, often just not very funny.

    The same might be said of the likes of Harriet Harman and Alistair Darling; Oh, and that new defence secretary, Bob Ainsworth, the bloke with the comedy moustache. Come to think about it, the Labour team are a riot. You can see how they all enjoy a good joke or a cod-accent. Happy days.

  39. Golden Doodle PuppyJune 16, 2009 3:40 pm

    I don't think the German's can complain, given that Cameron's about to sign the entire country over to them PDQ.

  40. I'm with you on this one, Iain. It would be interesting to see how you reacted to Ken Livingstone's Nazi concentration camp guard joke, though. Were you blogging back then?

  41. well done Dave.

    Nail. Head. Hit.

    We dont want them and this is the reason.

  42. I thought David was being very European indeed in adapting a quasi German accent.

  43. Sorry. I made a mistake. Ken Livingstone's "concentration camp guard" comment. I don't know how these people who take offense all the time ever make it through life.

  44. Donut Hinge PartyJune 16, 2009 3:46 pm

    I reckon he just put that accent on to make Bercow nervous.

    Incidentally, has anyone seen Oliver Letwin recently?

  45. Now we know why David "Sieg Heil" Cameron gets the Tories lumped in with the BNP. Perhaps the two parties should merge?

  46. What I don't understand is why the other people in the room didn't boo this stupid person into silence.

  47. What's the problem? If that "causes offence" today, then Labour has done more harm that I thought!

  48. i think the common man in the street would not give a shit about whether it is racist or not. being the average common working man on the street, i'd say too bloody right those cards are fascist!

  49. this is a classic story of modern Britain. people's thoughts and actions have to be vetted by the media.

    what a big fuss over absolutely nothing. Cameron made a point about this country turning into a totalitarian state - and he's proved that's coming true by the fuss this has caused.

  50. What a non-issue.

    If that's the worst thing DC ever does in his career as a politician, then he'll be doing very well.

  51. Too right! Dave should be allowed to insult the Krauts as often as he likes. That's exactly what democracies are for.

  52. It was funny for pity's sake, but it made a good point about how un British the whole project is.

    Word Verification: defra

  53. Simon The BluesmanJune 16, 2009 4:03 pm

    I can't belive some of the comments posted on this blog. Let’s put David Cameron’s comment into perspective. Was it said in all innocence? Yes. Now let’s move on and discuss how we can improve this once great country of ours after the un-elected Prime Minister has been democratically removed from office.

  54. had a fit of laughter when I watched.

  55. Springtime for Cameron and the Tor-r-ies.

    Britain is happy and gay

    We're marching towards public service cuts.

    Look out here come more stupid cu*ts.

    I LOVE IT!

  56. I do agree with your point about the lack of a sense of humour in the media Iain but there is a certain amount of poetic justice in this case. I'll wager that a great many of Cameron's advisers (if not the man himself) giggled at that picture of Gordon Brown sitting next to a Nazi flag in a school.

  57. "Cameron's reputation in Europe is getting worse by the second"

    Here's to hoping we get expelled from the EU then

  58. my colleague who works in our brussels bureau is always telling me how unpopular we brits are over there - now that, depending on how you feel about the EU, may sound like either a good or a bad thing, but like it or not, david cameron is going to have to deal with germany on a regular basis if he's going to be our prime minister and so maybe he shouldn't be making jokes about them...?

    i absolutely agree with iain that politicians should be able to use humour, but i guess humour directed at major trading partners should be avoided??


  59. "If the comment was so innocent, why has our ambassador in Berlin had to send a diplomatic note apologising for Cameron's behaviour?"

    Did the Germans ask for an apology?

    Germans have their fair share of "the righteous"... being half German, I can assure everyone, that they have a great sense of humour!

  60. I think it was a funny way of making an important point and lets be honest, most people in the country would let loose a chuckle at that line. He wasn't mocking Germans but Fascists and totalitarians so the only people that would upset would be Gordon Brown and Nick Griffin...and probably Polly Toynbee if she hasn't had her roughage this morning. So keep the lines coming Dave, the public will love it. Though you'll be hard-pressed to keep the mirth up to the level of the likes of William Hague and Boris Johnson.

  61. insert-coin-hereJune 16, 2009 4:40 pm

    Pakistan,a country with nuclear weapons,teeters on the brink war.

    In Iran people are being shot in the street in the fight for freedom from state oppression.

    Palestinians and jews contemplate the two state proposition.

    Meanwhile back in good old blighty....

    No wonder we are shafted.

  62. "Oh my golly gosh; this mindless and fruitless squabling over the nominally religious but like all conflicts to do with natural resources situation in kashmir is enough to make me forget to short change the old ladies who buy beans from my corner job - budd budd ding ding."

  63. Oy vey! Eat your chicken soup - would it kill you to acknowledge the existence of the Palestinian state, and the role that the British played in the forced repatriation in that that meshuggenah deal? Hey, maybe a bad choice of words, but you wouldn't get your brother, the doctor saying that, for my sins."

  64. "Er, I can't do Iranian. Who do you think I am - Omid Djalli?

    ALLAHU AKBAR! Durka Durka!
    If you get a result you don't like, just recount until you do - it's a policy that serves us well on the Lisbon Treaty."

  65. Ooh the Germans aren't going to vote Tory.

    Not sure how many votes that'll lose us. Taking the p*ss out of them might win us a few, though! Thank you to the labour party for giving this greater coverage.

  66. You can put your euro-ID card in the bin if you want to, but you won't be able to leave the house or make any financial or other transaction.

  67. God I hate this country and the media.

    Pc wankers get a friggen life!

  68. I'm a Liebore Troll and I've had my brain amputatedJune 16, 2009 5:05 pm

    Yeah! Look! Mr 10% said something very very mildly controversial! How evil!! More evil than introducing ID cards! This just shows that if he ever got into power he'd roll out a scheme whereby everybody will work in 19th century factories! Iain Dale in defending Dave has proved that he's satan! In a liberal society nobody should ever be allowed to say anything ever (except 'Yes Sir!' to paramilitary police officers). This is progress! Long live the revolution! I want to be free (to carry an ID card and talk bollocks all the f***ing time)!

  69. Apparently he told Gordon Brown,
    "For you Englander, der War iss over."


  70. I was only following orders.

  71. doodledandy said...

    Apparently he told Gordon Brown,
    "For you Englander, der War iss over."

    'Who do you think you are kidding, Mr Hitler...'

  72. Trouble is, desperate Labour have so little to hang on Cameron they'll try to make something of any old crap.

    God knows what they'd do if, say, they found Cameron bites his nails or caught him picking his nose.

    Or, even worse, what if Cameron were making speech to the great and the good at something really sensitive like a D-day commemoration and said something like Obama Beach instead of Omaha Beach. Doesn't bear thinking about, does it?

  73. Dave can always join UKIP if they'd have him.

  74. I lived and worked in Germany for a long time and am married to a German. I don't think the Germans will be offended by this, mainly because they are used to the Brits repeating endless variations on the same old joke year in, year out. As German jokes go, Cameron's wasn't a good one - no wit, no originality. It's great that politicians have a sense of humour, but they could and should do better than this.

    The shame of this all is that the endless reptition of wartime jokes is picked up by kids. Once my youngest son came home in tears aged about 5 asking what a Nazi was. He'd been playing with some other local kids on our green, and because he has a German name, they started chanting 'Nazi, Nazi'. I suspect they had no more idea than my son did what a Nazi is/was.

    A pity we can't let this old stuff go.

  75. What is really hilarious is that ID cards will be brought in by the Lisbon Treaty. Dave is having a laugh on us.....
    Referendum anyone?

  76. We've had "show me your papers" for several years now in San Francisco, CA, under a purely one-party Marxist/Progressive/Liberal party reigned over by the Pelosi/Billionaire-Newsom/Getty syncophants. They have combat clothed troopers armed to the teeth with guns swarming daily through all subway trains on both systems marching up and down the aisles and demanding "show me your tickets" or risk being dragged by the collar off the trains by armed thugs who come down en-masse against anyone not producing the proper paperwork. I imagine this is a precursor to demanding actual "papers" in time, after everyone gets used to it. Lord forbid anyone should break their outdoor smoking, littering, environmental "criminal" laws. Everyone just holds their heads down, winces and keeps mouths silent when the armed so-called-liberal one-party controlled storm-troopers invade the trains. Best not to put up a fight, like in Oakland across the Bay from SF, or else they just shoot and kill for the "crime" of sitting up against the station wall minding your own business as was recently the case, kept silent in the international propaganda so as not to alarm anyone about how the socialist experiment is going in this forbidden corner of the once free world. You can't joke about it out here either, too politically incorrect to mention the truth about the sanctity of the one-party system. Everything remains under tight lock-down and control in preparation for taking the San Francisco experiment nationally with the Dem/Soc's in DC.

  77. Oh, the opposition is running scared and will pick on anything. Tory cuts being a favourite mantra. Anything, even humour. Don't these idiots know how many of the electorate feel about these ID cards? They will be a mega waste of money and another IT failure.

  78. It's pretty sad that DC thinks that resorting to this helps make a point. I live in Brussels where it's compulsory to have your ID card with you at all times, which I hardly ever do, but I don't really see the big problem with it. What I do see a problem with in the UK is the inability to introduce any new proposal without it costing billions of pounds. So on cost grounds I can see how it's not going to work in the UK

  79. As an out of work member of the Stasi ich bin sick to the back teeth of you funny Englanders makink fun of us oh so hilarious Germans. Ya! Ha, ha all you jolly Englishmen. We haf your ip addresses und ven der great day comes ve will hef surveillance cameras in your livink rooms.
    Ach, you do not even take your Speaker of the house seriously.
    See this (below)???? Das ist not funny.

  80. Did someone say Cameron was being racist over this? If so they are very ignorant. We speak a Germanic language called English and most English people aren't valled Anglo-Saxons for nothing. We are a Germanic people and the same race as all Europeans. Why do idiots confuse national stereotypes with racism that patently CANNOT be there?

  81. Pathetic. It's an indication of how desperate Gordon is.

  82. Good on Dave. The majority of people in this country won't be offended - in fact, quite the opposite: they remember what the Germans did in the Second World War and know leopards don't change their spots.

    In leaving the EPP and now with this comment Cameron is making it clear that his government will have nothing to do with the Germans - unlike our Prime Minister, who will happily share a stand with Angela Merkel, something downright offensive to anybody who lost relatives in WWII.

    He's got my vote.

  83. I thought they were very witty Bonn mots...

  84. It'd be like Angela Merkel saying "If we keep closing down our quality restaurants we'll be eating rubbish like the British and all of our teeth will fall out." Possibly in a cock-er-ney accent.

    It's an unfair anachronistic characterisation of a modern state which is counter to the furtherment of tourism and investment of that country. And just rude

  85. Donut Hinge Party.June 16, 2009 6:21 pm

    "They remember what the Germans did in the Second World War and know leopards don't change their spots."

    Oh, you absolute wanker.

    Bet you're a Roundhead.

  86. Good bad or indifferent it has propelled ID cards back onto the agenda, just when Cyclops didnt want to mention it...It usefully reminds us not to drop our guard and keep defending our freedoms...

    Danke schon Herr Cameron....

  87. I think it has been made a fuss of over nothing in fact you can barely here that he is pronouncing the W as a V. I have lived in Germany for three years as a service wife several years ago and you were spat on and called English pigs the Germans have attrocious manners. It was just a piece of humour and everyone knew what he meant it is a standing joke. Better than Brown calling Ohamha Beach Obama during the Normandy rememberance service. or I have saved the world. It is of the PC brigade that this has been picked up and I bet it was a Lbour plant in the audience. I am sick to death of all the PC these people who do not speak English how do you know what they are saying about us

  88. These damned Labour morons wouldn't know a joke if it jumped up and bit them! As others have commented here, the only left wing humour is filth,(just look at most of the "cutting edge" BBC "comedy"),and anti-Tory propaganda.We're not allowed to laugh at ourselves anymore - seems that's a "hate crime".Can't wait for the general election!

  89. Brett TrevalyanJune 16, 2009 8:53 pm

    Wassat? It's from the old German Knock-Knock joke isn't it? You know the one.....

    Knock, knock.
    "Who's there"?
    "Vere are your papers"????

    Chortle, chortle.

  90. @ Miriam Jones

    Where to start?

    Who do you think might have instructed HM Ambassador? How do you think this information has become public?

    And, really, do we care what 'Europe' may or may not think of Cameron? Why? Since when have the Krauts cared less about us? Do you honestly believe that the vast majority of Britons would give a toss if a German Leader of the Opposition made a similar comment about the British?

  91. A point,very well made by DC. Nicely done.
    Will be understood by nearly everyone in the Pub tonight- even those in Labour supporting areas.

  92. 2+2 equals 4 as Winston Smith did not utter. CMD has vays of maeking you er...not vote fascist labour, simples

  93. Several people have attempted to prove by their comments that they believe David Cameron was a racist because of his cod German accent.

    For Gord's sake (sic) grow up! We know you are pretending!

    The idea of asking people for their papers in a German accent is an old, old joke dating back to East German, during a time of great oppression when officials really DID demand to inspect people's papers.

  94. Blue voter:

    Have you ever actually had any dealings with our "wonderful" modern coppers.

    If you ever do i guarantee you'll change your mind.

  95. So that's two egg mayonaise, a Prawn Goebbles, a Herman Göring, and four Colditz salads.

  96. "So that's two egg mayonaise, a Prawn Goebbles, a Herman Göring, and four Colditz salads"

    lol! Even reading this from the classic Fawlty makes me laugh!

  97. Come on Iain, it was bad taste and (albeit mildly) offensive. Cameron should know better. Not exactly statesmanlike. The tories are seen as xenophobic enough without the leader going for a poor joke at the Germans' expense.

  98. Miriam Jones said...

    "If the comment was so innocent, why has our ambassador in Berlin had to send a diplomatic note apologising for Cameron's behaviour?"

    Because his master at the Foreign Office, David Miliband, told him to.

    We are well up to understand current Labour tactics. Without a leg to stand on, and discredited in every way, you have nothing to do but to try to chop off the legs of the Tory leadership. Cameron isn't funny, Hague is too funny....and so on.

  99. The hoo-hah over this totally innocuous remark reflects the sad, miseerable times we live.

    Nobody should be surprised.

    I don't believe it will do any damage to Cameron's standing. In a day or two's time it will all be fogotten

  100. Osama the NazareneJune 17, 2009 11:46 am

    Very amusing and a point well made. Joined up government on the horizon.

  101. The criticism DC has copped is frankly pathetic.

    What he said was not at all offensive unless you are a sandal wearing outreach diversity officer who wants to ban Xmas.

    The PC brigade have done untold damage to the UK. Where has our sense of humour and ridicule gone? Do Germans never take the piss out of the Brits? Or the Spanish or the French?. Of course they do.

    Those who are offended by DC's remark really do need to get a life and worry less about 'hot water burning your hands'!

  102. "And that's why a Conservative government will abolish ID cards"
    Except they can't Iain as you should know.
    It's that Elephant in the room again that the two-faced Tories don't make eye contact with.
    Once the Lisbon treaty is implemented Europe will have an interior ministry and this will definitely not be 'COSI'.
