Monday, June 22, 2009

Podcast of Iain's Friday Radio Show

Here's the podcast of last Friday's radio show on PlayRadioUK. It includes a song from Elvis, who also announced that he is giving up blogging. I was joined in the studio by a new presenter's friend, Sarah Lornie. I shall be inviting her back!


  1. Breaking News: The Ballot Paper for Speaker is released:

  2. My good friend Robert Pesto recommends reading this political blog -

    This is especially pleasing as he is usually known for his economic commentary (With famous headlines such as "Sir Freddy Goodwin devoured my Hamster").

  3. I will be listening next Friday.
    Your promise to not mention expenses... I doubt you can keep it. What with the new Keeper of the Trough, erm.. Speaker of the House likely being discussed.

  4. Good show as ever, Iain. But please please please no more of the giggling, oooh-the-bubbles-have-gone-right-up-my-nose WAG who was in the studio with you.

  5. Steve H - I think your comment is a bit strong. I thought she was very good it was Friday night not News Night!

  6. Steve H,

    Be fair, a little bit of humour during any topical debate show is a boon.

    I thought she was a fragrant breath of fresh air.

    Unlike the usual hairy-arsed commentators you find on other talk shows.
