Monday, June 01, 2009

Podcast of Iain's Friday Radio Show

Here's the podcast from my radio show last Friday. Sorry it's a bit late this week. If you want to embed it in your blog or link to it click HERE. Just as an incentive to listen until the end, the last few minutes is taken up with an in-depth discussion on the lost art of beaver licking. 'Nuff said.

UPDATE: I'm told that you can now subscribe to my show on iTunes by searching for PlayRadioUK.


  1. Thoroughly entertaining Iain! Let's hope this is the start to a glittering radio career! You could be the next George Galloway :p

  2. How can I get this onto my ipod? I can't work out how to get it onto itunes. Sorry - not a techie - please help!

  3. just a thought,

    are you at all conerned aout some of your bedfellows on playtalk.

    Simon Darby, BNP deputy leader?
    Tommy Boyd who according to this thread on Digital Spy

    seems to be specialisng in Holocaust denial

    "Tommy Boyd's idea of free speech is to deny the gas chambers at Auschwitz and then complain about how he doesn't have the freedom to talk to David Irving (yes, he actually said both things just last week. He told a caller he has difficulty believing that there was any systematic extermination of Jews.) Which would be fine if he allowed people with a different point of view (i.e. a reality based point of view.) But he doesn't, just spouts nonsense.

    But that is nothing compared to his incredible arse-licking of the BNP. ."

    Tread carefully Iain

  4. Not as good as Simon Darby's show.

  5. Iain,
    No offence, but I think that you would be the last person who would know anything about licking beavers.

  6. simon said...
    "just a thought,

    are you at all conerned aout some of your bedfellows on playtalk.

    Simon Darby, BNP deputy leader?
    Tommy Boyd who according to this thread on Digital Spy

    seems to be specialisng in Holocaust denial

    "Tommy Boyd's idea of free speech is to deny the gas chambers at Auschwitz and then complain about how he doesn't have the freedom to talk to David Irving (yes, he actually said both things just last week. He told a caller he has difficulty believing that there was any systematic extermination of Jews.) Which would be fine if he allowed people with a different point of view (i.e. a reality based point of view.) But he doesn't, just spouts nonsense.

    But that is nothing compared to his incredible arse-licking of the BNP. ."

    Tread carefully Iain"

    What a totalitarian trumpet, ever thought about a career in the labour party or the bbc?

    Going by your logic I demand you should live in the sea, no bnp party members use the ocean as a facility. It will be safe and sanitized. Even the fish are politically correct.

  7. To be fair Mr Pants,

    I sure Iain wouldn't share share a meeting with a holocaust denier or a member of the leadership of the BNP unless he was challening them, why sign up to radio station which becoming know as a platform for racists.

    You judge a man by the company he keeps
