Monday, June 08, 2009

Podcast Interviews from Yesterday & Friday

Here are some of the interviews Hopi Sen and I conducted during out 17 hours of election coverage over the weekend.

Nigel Farage
Tony Benn
Nick Griffin
David Campbell-Bannerman (Deputy leader, UKIP)
Peter Kilfoyle MP
Norman Lamb MP
Fiona Gordon (ex adviser to Gordon Brown)
Neil & Christine Hamilton
Michael Brown
John Murphy (Hope Not Hate)

And from Friday's show...

Andrew MacKinlay MP
Boris Johnson
Paul Goodman
Nick Clegg
Simon Darby (Deputy leader of the BNP)


  1. Do you have a recording of when you read out my email and of your original swearing?

    I would love to post it on my blog with my post How 'potty mouth' Iain Dale nearly had me thrown out of Center Parcs.

  2. There is no hyphon in David Bannermans name.

    The Campbell is his middle name - he added this to his surname when he made the false claim of being the great nephew of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman - the Liberal First Lord of the Treasury who died in 1908.

    He did this when he stood for the Conservatives in Scotland - and his kept up the pretence ever since.

    Mr Bannerman is not the great nephew of Sir Henry. This false claim has been dropped from all UKIP press releases as it would look bad if the medai exposed this sham and lie from a newly elected Euro MP.

  3. @Ollie,

    Listen to the pre show chat 13mins in.

  4. Just Go!

  5. I loved the Hamiltons' double act, it was most enjoyable.

  6. I particularly enjoyed the Tony Benn interview. If Labour had more people like him they wouldn't be anywhere near as unpopular. Say what you like about his policies, at least he's a man of principle.

  7. Iain, dont agree with much of your Tory slanted blog but you are a great interviewer. Consider a new career!

  8. Iain,

    When are you going to address the fact that you told a blatant lie when you claimed that you managed to get Nick Griffin "to admit that admit that he would not represent black or Asian constituents"?

    He clearly said, nor implied, anything of the sort.

  9. Anon @ 14:38

    This blog is being renamed Iain Campbell-Dale's Diary.

  10. Iain, You read out lots of detailed results at district and city level. Is this data published anywhere?

  11. You had a very impressive couple of long shows, but they were kind of of intimate for political nerds.

    I thought Hopi Sen was good also. Despite his "no platform" position, which I respect, for me the best part was where you and Hopi were dealing with the BNP guy in Vienna! With you saying, "Hopi looks as white as me" I had to start googling Hopi images.

    You are right that he looks as white as you.

    Sadly he was less cute than I had hoped.

  12. You need to get some poetry from Dan Hannan to go with that lot.

  13. Iain,

    What's the procedure for organising a Parliamentary vote of 'no confidence'?

  14. @anon 4:44

    There will be a confidence vote this week, on a motion moved by minor parties.

    There is no possibility such a vote would pass. It would mean an immediate election *without any possibility of replacing GB".

    I am trying to recall all elections, but cannot. I am pretty sure though, that such a vote has not succeeded *within* a majority party majority since the mid 19th century, and perhaps never.

    Before anyone says anything, Callaghan ran a minority government.

  15. Hi Iain,

    My mum saw you on the BBC the other night with that Yasmin woman.

    She just wanted me to say she thinks your a tit who likes the sound of your own voice.



  16. Paul... I've lost a bit of weight recently, and had my hair cut, if that helps!

  17. Akimov, and that's different to Yasmin, exactly how? :)

  18. Stephen ShorlandJune 08, 2009 5:29 pm

    I finally found a visual representation of how I feel being ruled by Labour: One of the occupants of the Elephant at the conclusion of 'The League Of Gentlemen'.

  19. "Say what you like about his policies, at least he's a man of principle." You mean he's a sincere swivel-eyed loon? Ah hae ma doots.

  20. Stephen ShorlandJune 08, 2009 5:41 pm

  21. Dizzy has the latest `downfall video` clip....this one is funny!!!!

  22. Congratulations Iain for the interview with Nick Griffin, you conducted yourself with esteem. I think this was the first interview I've heard with Nick Griffin where he wasn't constantly being misled by several belligerent commentators, and as such it provides a much welcome attempt at balance.

    Although in rare occurrences a little snooty, the political centre-right generally has a much better sense of "fair play" than the crowdist liberal mob. I'm half-ashamed to admit that I look forward to several Conservative terms with at least some enthusiasm!

  23. We like Iain, we like him.. say 5 live.

    The new Jonathan Ross

  24. Guido has a "good" story on Kevin McQuire, then a claimed "scoop" on James Purnell.

  25. I agree with Paul Halsall's point to an extent.

    Alot of the info was quite geeky/technical especially Hopi Sen's analysis. do we really care?

    But Iain well done on your performance! Intimate is exactly where you need to be.

  26. off topic - can anyone tell me why I can't access I can only get a page from the end of April - it's one of my favourites and suddenly I can't go there - can you help? have they moved??

  27. I cant access pb either-anyone know why??

  28. I saw enough of Nick Griffin on BBC News last night to last me a lifetime. I did enjoy what little of the show I heard yesterday though and I also saw Iain on BBC News tonight with John Sopal. Good stuff.

  29. Never mind this fat boy,

    Guido has the scoop. Gordon has 16 hours left

  30. Iain, you drive me up the wall at times with the fritilliarity of some of your blog postings but your interviewing is first rate.

    None of the usual mainstream interviewing nonsense of: we're now joined by Mr Jones MP - Mr Jones, you're pretty pathetic, aren't you? - which immediately reduces interviewees to prickly, defensive shells.

  31. So the PLP want the PM to amend his ways and do things he's never done in his time in no10, like talk to them and so on...? Am I right with that? HAWHAWHAW! never happen...


  33. Thanks for reading out one of my comments last night.

    Thanks to you Iain, I will now be forever haunted by the idea of Iain Dale's Sex Diaries...

  34. Bravo, Iain--great interviews, especially with Nick Griffin. I usually want to throw my shoes at the screen when I see him on TV, so kudos for being so civil.

    Tony Benn was great as always, as much as I can't stand his old-socialist ideas regarding nukes, etc. My God, Nigel Farage is the most extraordinary leader of a most bonkers party! I find it delightfully terrifying that UKIP did so well.

    R Blake

  35. Any chance of getting the whole programme put up?

  36. You are far more fun and broadminded than Norman Lamb. What an apparatchik.

    However, I believe you are now in the right career. Forget about being an MP. You need freedom because you use it.

  37. Whilst objectively, I do not think either Darby or Griffin dug any holes for themselves, I do believe they signposted where the holes into which they are likley to fall, exist.

    They are clearly vulnerable to questions on which industries they think need to be "defended" and how. I have had similar conversations with other, less media-savvy BNP candidates and they are plain about nationalising them and returning us to the worst of 1970s state ownership. This needs exploring more deeply.

    Similarly, they are vulnerable to questions over who they will and will not represent. They both came out with the party line first off - claiming they would represent all people - but Griffin particularly said he would not expect Black and Asian people to come to him as they were well represented by Labour and the Lib-Dems.

    That might play at a multi-member Euro-constituency election, but not at a Parliamentary one. An MP is there to work for all their constituents - can the BNP answer the question in that context? I doubt it.

  38. Inbred BNP voting scumJune 09, 2009 1:45 pm

    Iain, did Griffin
    a)explicitly or
    b) implicitly state that he would not represent black or Asian constituents?
