Monday, June 29, 2009

LibDem PPC Defects to Labour

The Manchester Evening News is reporting the defection of LibDem Candidate for Denton & Reddish Paul Moss from the LibDems to Labour...
Mr Moss said: "Nationally the Liberal Democrats are a complete joke. And I have seen how the Lib Dems in Stockport have completely ignored local people and have helped to seriously damage communities like Reddish through their uncaring policies."

Oh dear. LibDem Voice attributes his departure to a clash of personalities rather than differences over policy. I assume that's what they will do next time they get a defector.


  1. The first case of a rat jumping from a sinking ship to one sinking even faster.

  2. Not many stories about people in the lifeboats climbing back on board The Titanic.

  3. Someone JOINING labour? Bloody hell!

  4. The Liberals may be a joke nationally, but I can tell you that locally, living under a lib dem council is anything but funny.

  5. Is this a case of a rat jumping on a sinking ship?

  6. Be fair, defections are usually down to personality clashes.

    If it was just down to policy then I would seriously question the values of somebody who is a hardcore Lib Dem one day and a hardcore Tory the next.

  7. Whoops... I mean Lib Dem one day and LABOUR the next.

    Even stranger decision.

  8. Sounds like a doomed passenger jumping from the life boats back onto the Titanic!

  9. If the LDs are a joke nationally, what does that make Labour?

    An international joke?

  10. Libdems to labour - not a career politician then.

  11. Will it make any difference?

  12. libdem rat joins sinking labour ship. says more about the libdem mindset than anything else.

  13. A rat joining a sinking ship?

    Things must be really bad with the LibDumbs, but that bad?

  14. Well at least no-one can accuse Paul Moss of joining Labour to further his political career.. I mean defecting to Labour - talk about climbing on board a sinking ship.

  15. Iain

    It appears that Mr Moss was quite happily singing from the same LibDem songsheet until his defection. Iain Roberts' comments are quite interesting.

    Perhaps Mr Moss is an example of the type of candidate coming into politics. Ego/advancement first, conviction second.

  16. How long will it take the rest of the Lib Dems to realise they will never really be in power, Iain? And will further defections follow?

    In the North, it is a safe bet to switch to Labour. But since Labour haven't done so well recently, the ex-LibDem might have considered a Tory defection as a better long term goal.

    I'm hoping one of the smaller parties become an opposition after the general election, perhaps UKIP, if the Tories win. But considering how much hate and contempt there is for Labour presently, and it could get worse for them, I can't see Labour having a majority enough to become an opposition.

    The Lib Dem's I think will probably lose and win some seats to stay the same, as always. If Lib Dem's don't defect, at least they have that plodding safeness to fall back on.

  17. The Calder Valley Lib Dem PPC defected to the Independents last week - Diane Park - wha wha urgh

  18. This man should be stuffed and put in a glass case for future generations to marvel at.

  19. Tinfoil Hat WearerJune 29, 2009 4:15 pm

    Perhaps he was part of a McBride disinformation team? An undercover NuLiebour type disguised as a LibDumb who then defects for maximum effect.

  20. Is he going to mount a leadership challenge in his new party or will he wait a few days?

  21. "I have seen how the Lib Dems in Stockport have completely ignored local people and have helped to seriously damage communities like Reddish through their uncaring policies"... "which is why I decided to become their parliamentary candidate!"

    What a prize pillock.

  22. Yawn.

    I think it might be sunny tomorrow.

  23. The Oncoming StormJune 29, 2009 5:16 pm

    Didn't Nicholas Ridley remark of the 1977 Li-Lab pact "I've often heard of rats leaving a sinking ship but never before joining one!"

  24. Not the cleverest career move for a wannabe politician.....

  25. The liberals are joke party,they want to cut public spending at a time like this,unlike the torys and labour who know that would damage the economy and jobs etc.

  26. I have seen how the Lib Dems in Stockport have completely ignored local people and have helped to seriously damage communities like Reddish through their uncaring policies.

    And we have all seen how Labour have completely ignored the British people and have helped to seriously damage communities up and down the country through their authoritarian, uncaring policies.

    Oh, and they screwed the economy to buggery too.

    What an oddball.

  27. Erm, what happened to Andrew Gwynne?
    Has the boot licking shit eater died or something?

  28. The only thing that surprises me about this is that it hasn't happened more often before. I don't know about anyone else, but whenever I've spoken to anyone about their reasons for voting LimDem, they've said,

    "Well, they're not the Tories or Labour."

    "That's no reason!" I blast out.

    It's perfectly admirable to register your satisfaction with the ruling parties at the ballot box, but why not just spoil your paper?

    The Liberal Democrats would do much better if they just termed themselves, "None of the Above" or "the Protest Party".

  29. LibDems dont exist in the area.

    Third place in the local area is Green/UKIP/BNP

    Lib Dems dont even bother to run in my ward anymore

  30. How many times have labour announced they will take away benefits from the unemployed if they do not take up a job or course offer?

  31. Paul Moss for speaker then!

  32. Where's the Daley Dozen.

    I love that part of the site and it seems to be currently off post.

    Iain please bring it back....and your Vlog's.

  33. QUOTE: Mr Moss said: "Nationally the Liberal Democrats are a complete joke. And I have seen how the Lib Dems in Stockport have completely ignored local people and have helped to seriously damage communities like Reddish through their uncaring policies."

    And so he's defecting to Gordon Brown's Labour party... Granted, they are far too serious to be considered a joke, but has he really thought this through? I'm baffled...

  34. In the end all defections are about egos. But I'm afraid if 'e goes to Labour his carer is over

  35. OK im a lib dem, but this sort of think happens to all the partys, what I never really get about this is that HTF do you do defect. I mean surely all those people you have become friends with suddenly in effect become your rivals and what do you believe if you can change your stance like that. Madness anyway Joining Labour.

    BTW we are not a joke party, it is a great think that in Britain we have 3 main parties as this keepos the other two in check and think improves our whole system

  36. Iainn, I know a person in Norfolk who apparently "defected" from Lib Dem to Labour. The circumstances were, how should we put it, much more complicated than that.

  37. The Liberals signed their own death warrant when they joined up with the SocDem (New Labour precursor party).
    Since then they have produced a series of looney, self-contradictory manifestos, each one reeking of "gang of four" delusionism.
    Abandoning the liberal position to the Tories, just as the liberal stance was becoming newly fashionable, was laughable, but typical of the terminally dim David Steele.

    A modernised Liberal party would have been set fair to become the main opposition at the next election - what a waste !
    Every SocDem defection should be celebrated by the Liberals.

  38. Browned off, my thoughts exactly!
