Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Labour Cabinet Ministers Are Frit

A source tells me that BBC's Question Time programme has asked all 22 Cabinet Ministers if they would appear on the programme this week. Every single one refused. So we will be treated to the views of Lord Falconer instead.



  1. Empty chair with a sign reading "Frit" should be used

  2. Empty chair them then - might then get their act together and face the public as they should. Dame Dimblebore certainly ought to mention the unwillingness of cabinet ministers to appear.

  3. Cameron made a show of Broon today once again at McPMQ's, although i can't understand Scotch accents so i can only make out about 20% of whats said during the half hour.

    McLabour OUT!

  4. No conspiracy: On holiday again!

  5. Yes, on HIGNFY they did a great empty chair witha tub of lard when Roy Hattersley didn't appear about 15 years ago. Apparently it was "imbued with much the same qualities and liable to give a similar performance"

  6. Didn't 'Have I Got News for You' once put a tub of lard on the chair when Roy Hattersley bottled out at the last minute? Perhaps QT should do something along those lines; any suggestions anyone?!!

  7. Did you hear that fool Robinson on the politics show, after PMQ's saying that Labour and Brown think they have got Cameron beaten on the 10% cuts!!


  8. Iain, is there any way the Tories could put up Cameron, and the LDs to put up Clegg??

    Labour would look like a complete bunch of Hoons if they can't/won't put up a minister against two party leaders.

    I say empty chair them, with an obvious empty chair at the table, but then again this is the Beeb so of course they won't...

  9. Not only empty chair them but ask the Labour chair for its opinion on each topic.

    Guttersnipes and poltroons, the lot of them.

  10. What does frit mean?

    Tell me, Dale, or so help me I'll cut your pretty face.

  11. Its too late to suggest putting up a tub of lard now, as Iain has already said, Lord Falconer will be in the chair ... oh I see! :)

  12. There's nothing like an accountable politician and none of thse are accountable politicians.

    They can' defend the indefensible anymore!

  13. @Anonymous 12:35 PM "... any suggestions anyone?!!"

    A haggis with a glass eye? It wouldn't make any less sense or answer fewer questions.

  14. Cheerful Charlie Chancellor, the Lord Falconer of Flatmate - I have a weak spot for him because he lies so insouciantly.

  15. It took me a couple of minutes to find out what "frit" meant, but now that I've found its meaning, I entirely agree.

    I'm not sure the Tub of Lard idea would be appropriate for a programme like Question Time. I do hope Dimbleby mentions it, though.

  16. Can you blame ministers from not wanting to appear on Question Time, when they actually have to answer questions from real people, who are so angry about the dreadful situation our country is in.

    The frozen look on Peter Hain's face when he was challenged by a member of the audience was amazing - like a rabbit in a car head light.

  17. I can understand why they wont appear. Someone might ask them if teh PM has their total and complete support

  18. TurkeybellyboyJune 17, 2009 2:38 pm

    IMO they are beating a tactical retreat in the light of the utter chaos over the last few weeks.

    Basically they want to take themselves out of the public eye and re-launch presently - probably a Lord Peter scheme

  19. A surgical truss - provides support but is not cognitively aware or as good as the real thing.

  20. The Cabinet obviously watched Hain getting mauled last week when he tried out the Labour scare tactic slogans on the public.

  21. Iain, so few words tell us so much about this government.

    Eloquent brevity!

  22. Off topic but I saw this on Bob Piper's blog:

    Look at who is persecuting him. Not Julie Kirkbride. So she should go to bat for him now and show everybody what valuable qualities empathy, forgiveness and tolerance are. They are sorely missing in the NuLabour government.

    And her party should give her all the help they can in this. It is the one great dividing line that does resonate with the public.

  23. What's worse is this sort of cowardice is selling the country short as Labour try to keep the debt gravy train running long enough for the next general election.

  24. I asked the office of my MP yesterday if he was coming along to his constituency to face the electorate. I was asked why. Because he has thieved off the constituents I said. His girl friend (secretary) slammed the phone down on me!

    I guess he isn`t coming then!

    Who is my MP? The one who spent years trying to hide the expenses scandal - The Right Dishonourable David Maclean, Penrith & the Borders (Conservative).

  25. Dumbleby will be lost without his Left Wing team. It will not be the same with out the usual socialist and LibDem dribblings.Nick Robinson ain't going to like this!

  26. East MidlanderJune 17, 2009 5:43 pm

    They do not need Socialists on the programme when it is chaired by the Brown Broadcasting Conspiracy trotskist lackey Dimblebore.

  27. Could be worse, could be Lord Foulkes!

  28. Falconer was on a few weeks ago. Looks like he is their entire 2nd team.

  29. It isnt so much that they wont appear, its cos Lord Cowdenbeath wont let them........he does see things quite differently from the lower basement floor of the Bunker Room you know........

  30. Expect to see an appearance by John Healey (new housing minsiter) on Question Time not Charlie F (at one time the housing minister).

  31. That post about John Healey scared the wits out of me. I thought, as I skimmed the posts, that Dennis Healey was back.

    Couldn't they have got Kitty Ussher for QT? She hasn't much to do.

  32. So these wonderful democrats are unable to find a volunteer from the 22 people who are supposed to lead this country.

    I'd offer the BNP their seat. I disagree with what they say, but they have more balls than these lot who hide behind unelected smear groups.

  33. "I asked the office of my MP yesterday if he was coming along to his constituency to face the electorate. I was asked why. Because he has thieved off the constituents I said. His girl friend (secretary) slammed the phone down on me!

    I guess he isn`t coming then!

    Who is my MP?"

    Based on the above I'd have guessed Andrew MacKay, LOL

    Meanwhile I second the suggestion that the BNP be invited to fill the seat every time New Labour fail to put up any of their supposed heavyweights - after all the BNP now claim to be more Old Labour than anyone else.

  34. Parliament is the place to answer questions not on the BBC

  35. In case anybody was wondering, Frit is a ceramic composition that has been fused, quenched to form a glass, and granulated. Frits form an important part of the batches used in compounding enamels and glazes; the purpose of this pre-fusion is to render any soluble and/or toxic components insoluble by causing them to combine with silica and other added oxides.
