Sunday, June 14, 2009

Interviewing Lady Thatcher

Last week I had the pleasure of interviewing Lady Thatcher for the website Business & Politics. We had intended to do it on College Green, but as luck would have it, it was pouring with rain, so those nice people at Sky News let us use their studio. They know not what they did...


  1. Er.. no, Iain Dale interviews a bloke in a dress.

    Not exactly front page news but then again I read a headline that pronounced a man had given birth to a 2nd baby when in fact it was a woman with artificially/hormone induced facial hair. Not the same thing.

  2. Great way to start a Sunday.


  3. wonderfulforhisageJune 14, 2009 10:42 am

    Dale you whatsit, you and your interviewee had me for 2min 53secs. There I was thinking "My word she's still as sharp as knife despite the press reports and Carol's indescretion".

    Having looked at it again I can't think how I was taken in. Mind you, I am getting on a bit myself.


  4. superb! Funniest thing i've seen for ages

  5. rewriting historyJune 14, 2009 10:54 am

    Iain you should have asked Maggie why the Tories took us into Europe, ( Ted Heath with his lies about it being a loose assortment of countries sharing a common market when he knew it would destroy our fishing industry , rip up our laws etc ) and why she signed various treaties to keep us in there ( Maastricht)and why David Cameron won't do anything significant about Europe when he becomes PM.

  6. He does a very good impression BUT, and I feel mean to say this, it's not funny and is sometimes painful to watch. Or am I the only one who thinks this?

    (Sorry to hear about your speeding tickets)

  7. Damn, that's good. I'm nicking it!

  8. You have broken the law. Why are the people enforcing the law "Bastards"?

  9. good stuff - but only £20K worth?

  10. Joey Jones' face at c4.00mins is a picture!

  11. I loved it.

    This fake PM interview seemed refreshingly real. It transported me back years.

    In contrast, Gordon Brown's tv interviews reminds me of those of a certain Swedish pop group early in their career: almost no understanding of the questions, absent language skills (just a few phrases used over and over again) and a lot of insane grins and wavy arm movements.

  12. No in 39 languages.

    If only we had the chance to say that in an EU referendum. If only.

  13. Clearly, a bloke in a dress pretending to be Lady Thatcher generates some comic effect, for about thirty seconds, and then it ceases to be funny without a good script writer. However, the grim reality slowly sinks in as you watch this interview unfold: at this moment I could give more of my attention to a weird bloke in a red dress and a string of fake pearls, answering questions with lively conviction, than I could ever give to the pointless utterings of the present Prime Minister who is a complete irrelevance to the entire nation.

  14. Wonderful. Great to see her/him again. I hope you do more!

  15. Trouble is this fake PM is far more genuine and sincere than the current one.

  16. Excellent Iain and Steve Nallon is wearing very well - he must be almost as ancient as Lady T by now!

    No in 39 languages was a great line.

    I can't believe there are posters on here who don't know who Mr Nallon is - I am showing my age.

  17. I loved it Iain, and reposted it.

    The Conservative Party needs to appreciate drag more.

  18. Best line:

    "I shall pull out your arm socket and hit you with the soggy end!"

  19. This is OT.

    What is Ken Clarke playing at?
    Couldn't the conservatives sack this over rated euro-phile.

    Does Ken Clarke now make party policy?

  20. Iain,

    "Have you seen this story in today's Scotland on Sunday?

    "LABOUR sources have claimed that disgraced spin doctor Damian McBride has begun operating once again behind the scenes for Labour government.

    Just weeks after McBride was forced to resign after writing an e-mail suggesting that Conservative leaders be smeared, insiders say the former special adviser is actively working for ministers again.

    Downing Street last night insisted McBride had not returned. But one respected party figure said that while the former adviser was not working at Number 10, he was engaged in informal briefings once again."


  21. i loved the description of Peter Mandleson being a shiver looking for a spine to crawl down, really made me laugh.

  22. When I watched the opening sequence my immediate reaction was to think "she's looking a lot more sprightly than I remember - my God, perhaps the old girl's on speed!"


    Oh for such clarity on Europe today.

  23. BBC report that "Tory Sats plan 'a huge step back'"

    No bias there then!

  24. Mines a Pint- funny that. This morning the plan was "ingenious" and supported by the Unions. But I guess that was before No.10 got on the blower and Mandelson dictated the copy.

  25. Oh, that's great! :D

    Had me laughing the whole way through - well done! :D

  26. Brilliant. Who is the actor playing the "boring man in a suit" part? Did I see him dressed as a Sontaran in some Dr Who episode?

  27. I loved the description of Peter Mandleson being a shiver looking for a spine to crawl down, really made me laugh.

    Isn't that what Harold Wilson said about Edward Heath?

  28. I have to admit it was one of the most boring things I have ever watched. Switched off after a few seconds to tell you the truth.
    What a waste of time and energy.
    Do something better with yourself next time Iain!

  29. It's not just a man in a dress pretending to be Mrs Thatcher, it's THE man in a dress pretending to be Mrs Thatcher. I always loved the bit of his impression of her where his voice would turn very harsh like when he compared you to Robin Day. Thanks again, it took me back!

  30. Ann Robinson has new tits !

  31. Osama the NazareneJune 14, 2009 10:18 pm

    Mines a Pint good that you raise the BBC bias once again BUT (and I know its O/T) the new Tory plan is brilliant. Abolishing SATS at 11 they remove the temptation of heads to "cheat". They stop the whole year 6 being "wasted" by teachers teaching to the exam. Something which teachers have been winging about for years. Instead they get the first year of senior school teachers to supervise and check a national test in the first year. They already run tests to check the primary school intake so have no axe to grind. They can also report on the Primary School performance because they know which primary school the pupils came from! JOINED UP GOVERNMENT OR WHAT?!?! Unlike these NuLiebour incompetents who have been ruining this country for more than 12 years. Roll on the GE.

  32. Ermm... Iain, when you mention Alastair Darling, hadn't you noticed he'd already walked in and sat down at a desk???

  33. The NHS is the Labour Party’s greatest achievement. We created it, we saved it, we value it and we will always support it. Over Labour’s 11 years in government, substantial and sustained investment in the NHS backed by vital reforms have transformed the service. We have ensured the NHS has the staff it needs and backed them to deliver improvements in quality and capacity, driving up standards and driving down waits. Now we are bringing healthcare closer to communities and giving patients more power and control, making sure the NHS is there for you when and where you need it.

  34. Harman_Pride, please piss off back to Guido's blog so they can give you bile and abuse over there instead.

    Coming up next week, Iain Dale interviews "Tony Blair" (a certain Mr Bremner, anyone?) and asks him to reveal what he REALLY thinks about Gordon's leadership.


  35. Thanks for that. Very amusing.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Was the Lady for Turning?!!!!!!

  38. Who let Harman Pride in?
    Duller than a Darling/Brown press release.

  39. Let's have an interview with Ken Clarke about the Conservative Party position on a ratified Lisbon Treaty.

    If Cameron wants to win an election he needs all the eurosceptic votes he can get. So far he has not got mine.

  40. Eerily accurate. If she were real though, Iain would have knelt throughout.

  41. lavrentiy beriaJune 15, 2009 11:02 am

    Ken Clarke must be the only man who, when you finally let him into the tent, still insists on pissing on the inside. He destroys any small Eurosceptic credentials Green Dave may have had.


    Gordon Brown, in a mess

  43. Iain - you missed Ed "So What" balls on radio 5 this morning. Nicky Campbell had him in knots - he fell back on to his class-war mantra arguing that "posh" areas shouldn't be the only ones with good schools. (Bit rich for Balls as a public school boy himself but anyway...) His last comment was to mention the 20/20 cricket which was clearly in his script and came across terribly. His delivery is wooden and his principles dodgy!

  44. Really very good. I remember once meeting an old boy in a pub in deepest Buckinghamshire who claimed he knew the Blessed Margaret as a child. He claimed that she used to sit at a window above the shop spitting at less fortunate children below.

  45. Is Iain sick or something , where has he gone ?

    Are you OK Iain ?

  46. Newmania

    I was about to make the same point. Even raising his own interview with 'whatever it thinks it is' was a rehash of an earlier.

    Bring back Iain !

  47. Iain's in the States for a few days!

    Watched the wryly funny 'interview', and ended up longing (again) for those days when the Great Lady was in charge.

  48. Well placed hands Iain, you have to cover the growing bulge!

  49. Now that Iain is so famous (due to appearance on HIGNFY) he doesn't need to write to us reprobates anymore. Although, having said that, Maggie is said to be staying in hospital longer (Guardian breaking news), so maybe he's visiting, and then caught something??

