Thursday, June 04, 2009

Get 'em While They Are Young

From a reader...

Just thought I'd pass this on. I have a habit of checking your blog first thing and last thing each day. In the morning my 8 year old likes to sit by me while I check stuff and imbibe coffee number 1. Today his sister complained that she had seen 'Ian' (my spelling) spelt wrong - he turned to her and said "Of course it is right - it is just like Iain Dale's blog!".

Loving being a role model :)


  1. Distraction. It isn't the typos that matter, it's your exceptionally tenuous relationship with the truth when writing headlines.

  2. And my 8 year old yesterday said she didn't like Gordon Brown and wanted Tony Blair back as Prime Minister.

  3. That's a great story.

    With a young readership, you will obviously need to be more careful when you write jokes about beavers....

  4. Lol - have they seen your spelling, Iain?

  5. Nothing interesting happening in politics today, then, Iain? :o)

  6. My 8 year olds are now old enough to is in the cash starved Armed Forces and the other falls about laughing at mention of the word Labour.......

  7. The word for whose proper spelling this story leaves me searching is "emetic".
