Friday, June 12, 2009

Fame at Last

My Twitter followers are bombarding me with direct messages saying that my spat with Michael White featured on tonight's Have I Got News For You. Well, I guess that's the only way I'll ever get on the programme! Which bit did they use?

Perhaps someone can put it on Youtube so I can see it from my billet in White Oaks FL!

UPDATE: And lo and behold, Grant has uploaded the clip. Ta mate.


  1. I think it's the bit where he struggles upright in his coffin to hiss at you before collapsing back again because he is "old & well past it" . . . you get me?

  2. The bit where you effectiely call him sexist and you both discuss it further over ickle Eve Pollard!

  3. Iain and Michael up a tree,

  4. When you see it, Iain, you may throw a hissy fit. ;-)

  5. And he accused you of having a hissy fit like Caroline Flint . . . ;-)

  6. Ahh it was good. I liked it on the night but its even better to see the sorry old apologist blusterer White losing it as he thought the game was up and the rebels were at the palace gates.

  7. "you wouldn't say I had a hissy fit"

    "yes I would!"

    I did laugh.

  8. Michael White,
    is non too bright.
    What he says is always trite,
    though hardly ever right.

    By the way...
    Is Mandelson plotting some kind of a coup?

  9. You were absolutely brilliant Iain ,and it was all done with a smile . Delicious.

    (My top telly moment of the year has to be Ruth Lea eviscerating the tragic Hain on Question Time though.Who needs blood sports ...)

  10. "Let the lady speak"

    Love it ;)

  11. Congratulations. Would be even better if Deayton returned.

  12. I don't know if you've seen this but you should. I'm not going to spoil it but be patient with the preamble stuff...

    Can't see this happening in the UK can you :)

  13. Actually, can you do link tags..

    Colbert Goes To Iraq

  14. How do you do tag links? If I try it tells me I can't!

  15. Richard Dale:
    This tells you how to insert a link. It's a text file, save it on your own computer for future reference.

  16. Sea Shanty Irish here -

    Hope yer air conditioner is working!

  17. Hi Iain :)

    I have uploaded the video for you:

    Hope thats helps,
    Grant T.

    PS: Keep up the good tory blogging.

  18. I guess you're staying at the White Oak Plantation

  19. I've just watched it on iPlayer. You sir, are a politically correct, brain washed, piss poor excuse for a man.

    Just wanted to voice my opinion.

    Are your nickers in a twist yet?

  20. Sea Shanty Irish here:

    Iain, my strong advice if you are in northern Florida, is to make contact with a plate of fried shrimp and hushpuppies ASAP. Also other local seafood and other Deep South specialities and delicacies (boiled peanuts, Shoney's restaurants).

    Stay hydrated with frequent infusions of cold beer, hot sun and key lime pie.

    And don't wrassle no gators or wander off drunk at a snake farm.

  21. You may not want to watch it, you come across as an uptight pc prick and the victim of the best comeback of the night.

    "you wouldn't say I had a hissy fit"

    "yes I would!"


  22. Iain, I like you, I really do (but not like that, you understand!) but I do think Michael White came off best out of this.

    It is a ridiculous state of affairs if you can't describe someone as having a "hissy fit" without being accused of being sexist. There are lots of men who could be described as having a "hissy fit": Peter Mandleson, Alastair Campbell, David Cameron... the list goes on. (Margaret Thatcher, though: never!)

    I hope we don't go down the road of commentators talking over each other just to gain attention. It's like this in America and I don't appreciate it.

  23. Sea Shanty Irish here:

    "Didn't think I would see a Rhinocerous and Zebras on this trip. Just shows how wrong you can be. Can't believe how luxurious my room is."

    OMG, Iain, have you considered horrible possibility, that you now are on vast, palatial estate of eccentric billionaire, a jaded big game hunter who believe that hunting MAN is the greatest bloodsport . . . .

    Actually, you are within Mail Pouch (or Skoal Menthol of you prefer) spitting distance of the Georgia line (the St Mary's River) so real danger is maurading bands of Crackers roaring drunk as skunks and high as kites down the quiet rural byways on the lookout (as Homeland Security space cadets) for suspicious foreigners, etc, etc.

  24. Actually, my balcony looks over the river. It's very 'On Golden Pond'.

  25. Sea Shanty Irish here -

    remember, if you tell some rightwing nutbag good ole boy from Fort Walton Beach that you saw a Rhino outside your room, he will misunderstand, thinking you mean a RINO = moderate "Republican in Name Only"

    Like you might want to call say John Bercow a TIGER = Tory In General Election Regretably

  26. Sea Shanty again,

    Iain, that's a very interesting part of the world there.

    Am VERY serious, you need to take advantage of some real Southern hospitality. Like a great breakfast, which I'm guessing you will enjoy come the morn!

    Just cooked & consumed a yummy bowl of buttered hot grits in your honor, cause "that's one of the things I like about the South."

  27. Thanks Grant.

    Any chance you could upload the whole show? HIGNFY is one of the few things I miss out here. There's a few full shows on YouTube, including Mandelaon's "Outing by Parris" (classic)!

  28. For all those benighted souls who think Flint is quality totty...who is that Asian lady on HIGFY? Now she is HOT!

  29. White is such a prat-

    There you go Michael, they are not frothing lunatics

    TV Producer to White after appearing on a panel with LPUK leader Ian Parker-Joseph

  30. Iain,

    Sorry but Michael White was absolutely right. A hissy fit is not a gender specific term (as opposed to, say, calling her a 'silly cow'). By extension MW was not being sexist.

    And, as Flint appeared to have changed her mind based on not being given the job she was after, MW is bang on the money.

  31. Love it!

    Duncan C thanks for the link, Colbert is an absolute legend!

  32. I think white came off better than you ian.

    his put down was very funny
    take it on the chin and smile

    from your description and others it seemed people thought you'd wiped the floor with him sorry to burst your bubble but you over reacted to a comment and tried to make more of it than it actually was.

    Ding Ding round 2 anyone ?

  33. Not quite as bad as Whites mauling of Guido on Newsnight, but not far off.

    You do realise the only time people laughed was when White slapped you down?

  34. What I actually said was "You'd never say that to a man". But don't let the facts get in the way of your prejudices!

  35. Ian Dale said

    "Actually, my balcony looks over the river. It's very 'On Golden Pond'."

    Is that some gay euphemism?

  36. Michael White the old hamJune 13, 2009 12:43 pm

    People were laughing at Michael White, not with him. If you can't see, or be honest enough to admit, how deranged and buffoonish Michael White appears then you're as mad as the Bunker dwelling bungler in No.10.
    Time the BBC stopped letting the jurassic old ham make such a febrile and unhinged fool of himself.

  37. ian dale said

    What I actually said was "You'd never say that to a man". But don't let the facts get in the way of your prejudices!

    what prejudice are you talking about ?

    why do tories never have a sense of humour !

    then again they did have IDS as leader so perhaps some do.

  38. Iain in times such as those you have to keep your COOL. Taking the utter piss out of people like White these days is just too easy.

    You can wind these types up, and then watch them explode, without looking like an idiot yourself.

    White is on record as being so totally wrong about so many things, over such a long time. That all you have to do is to keep quoting back to him his own words (place and time), and then stand back and watch the fireworks.

    Also Briton is now more infested with racism, sexism and all the other 'isms' then it has been during any other time in its history. Due mainly to government policies designed to divide ordinary people from each other.

    Which means that sexism racism and all the other 'isms, are now the NEW anti establishment BLACK.

  39. I don't like White, but I think what you did was a cheap shot(and you know it). I know many people who refer to men having hissy fits, it's not sexist. If the same incident had happened with, say, Fraser Nelson claiming Caroline had a hissy fit, and Kevin Mcguire calling him sexist, you would be on here attacking Mcguire for using political correctness for below the belt brownie points.

  40. 'you're having one now' - ha!

  41. I thought it made Iain look a prat - especially the bit where White says Dale is having a hissy fit too - actually true!

  42. john trenchardJune 13, 2009 8:01 pm

    well done Iain - you called it for what it is.

    caught the socialist White off guard.


  43. Thomas, Michael White came over as he is.

    A pompous, blathering old ninny. A useless joke of a journalist, a fawning, craven buffoon. An idiot, a failure, a wizened, crack-brained poltroon.

    What is the point of Michael White? I honestly can't think of one.

  44. Iain, I think you're splitting hairs over this. Far be it for me to take the side of a Gu*****n journalist but Flint DID throw a hissyfit/her toys out of the pram whatever you want to call it. I wouldn't expect anything less from a woman.

    And I may be being sexist saying this but oh what the hell, I am really not happy with women in politics. If I had my way I'd have very few women in parliament because, any anybody with experience will tell you this, they're a pain in the ARSE to work with/for. Stuff your political correctness it is a FACT.

    Let the men run the country.

  45. Why do the BBC put the abominable apologist Michael White on TV? The puffed up courtier seems to be cracking up.

  46. the question remains...
    is political correctness a valid weapon to be used against politically correct leftoids.
    is it hypocrisy.. or are the sheisters hoist by their own petard?

    (i am kindly assuming you were being ironic, and not a peecee-subscribing tosser)

  47. The point is, Michael "ooh, get me, I am sooo important!" White, played the opponent, not the ball.

    Duffer, dreary, dopey, ditzy.

    The 4 'D's of Michael White.

  48. The vitriol you all pour on Michael White can only be proof that he is effective!

    My rule of thumb is that anyone the head-bangers on Iain's blog slag off can automatically be considered someone of integrity, wisdom and skill, unless proven otherwise.

  49. spare me the wisdomJune 15, 2009 3:35 pm

    Thankyou Despairing Liberal thanks for thrilling us with your acumen once more *yawn*

    But for those of us who haven't forgotten to perceive correctly, an alternative and more realistic interpretation might be that he's an odious, partisan old ham? Inherently obnoxious political preferences notwithstanding. Ya see? Good.
