Sunday, June 07, 2009

Euro Elections Live Blog

We'll be going live at 6pm on (Play Talk channel), but we've put the microphones live already so you can listen to our pre programme chatter in the studio now if you want.

Use this thread to debate the evening's events. I'll be chipping in from time to time when Hopi Sen takes over the presenting.


  1. Pre programme chatter - Feels a bit voyeristic listening in right now.

    BBC crap ... oh, I'm shocked.

  2. Language, language, FFS.

  3. Ha! Love the swearing complaint email!

  4. At this rate, I await Iain's on-air reference to Brown as 'that c*nt'....

  5. Thats 5, are you going for Gordon Ramseys fucks per show record?

  6. This is brilliant! In the same way that cake mix is nicer than the actual cake, the pre-show chat is even funnier than the actual show!

  7. Pre kick off chatter is great, sounds like you are having fun

    Good luck Guys………And keep the swearing in!

  8. So swearing is preferable to picking up your skype calls?

  9. I think I heard Nigel Farage's voice just then...

  10. Bollocks to OFCOM - just continue as is when the show starts instead of going "BBC Radio 4" on us.

  11. *fingers crossed that they forget that they're on Radio 4 later and let a few 'fucks' slip out*

  12. Serious voices indeed!

  13. Redheads? I'm struggling here! I do know a redhead who decided to become a strippogram, she was nice! But a top ten is going to be a struggle!

    Nicole Kidman?

  14. If Gordon Brown genuinely doesn't believe that he's hurting the Labour cause by clinging to power, then he's as mad as a box of frogs.

  15. Redheads...of all time?

    Rita Heyworth and as mentioned before, Gillian Anderson.

    Scuse earlier post, I blame the Cote de Ventoux!

  16. Wouldn't UKIP beating Labour be bad news for the Lib Dems too?

  17. YooohoooO!!! Got on first time at home...yippee!! Sinn Fein are likely to wi first place on Northern Ireland due to lack of Unionist Vote...Will probably go:

    Sein Finn

    You can tell due to the turnout in the geographical areas of Northern Strangford, North Down ebing Unionist is low, but Mid Ulster is High thus high Sein Finn!!

    Just a wee bit of help for you

  18. I would imagine a lot of people will have used this election to say what they couldn't in the referendum they were denied.

  19. can anyone help? My browser just keeps telling me

    "The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again."


  20. I can't connect to play radio either, I think their server is struggling . Anyone else experiencing the same?

  21. Play radio needs greater bandwidth. It is taking a long time to download the player. You're too popular for such a backwater!

  22. I'm using winamp and the link provided for default media player, its working fine for me.

  23. I can't access their site at all on IE or Firefox. Guess Iain has broken his record audience again!

    Sky news it is then.

  24. Given up trying to get on. It might be my slightly ancient computer. Good luck anyway! Shame I will have to rely on MSM.

  25. Given up trying to get on. It might be my slightly ancient computer. Good luck anyway! Shame I will have to rely on MSM.

  26. Use the 'default media player' link that Iain's provided. It works fine for me.

  27. When exactly are the UK results announced?

  28. Truly terrifying story from Reuters.

    If the Tories don't do as well as expected tonight it'll be interesting to watch the markets tomorrow morning.

    No doubt Labour will attribute it to people undermining Brown and his great economic vision rather than diminishing chance of a strong Tory government.

  29. have we seen this - cyclops to announce iraq war enquiry? interesting timing. can he be looking to shift the spotlight onto teflon tony?

  30. If you are struggling to connect try this

    seems to work for those who can't get in any other way.

  31. Iain

    What do you think of Boris claiming for a Remembrance Sunday wreath on expenses when he was an MP? Nice guy, eh?

  32. ok, given up now, have tried to get in via the website, via all the links that are on Iain's page and via the link given by Plato however with the last one media player tells me it can't play because of the file extension.

    Thanks anyway

  33. ok cancel last post have managed to open with realplayer via plato's link.

  34. Merkel's Democratic Union and its Bavaria-only sister, the Christian Social Union, won just over 38 percent of the EU parliament vote, according to projections by ARD and ZDF public television stations based on exit polls and early vote counting.

  35. cant connect playradiouk, I give up sorry

  36. Elizabeth I was a redhead. Katherine Hepburn

  37. dont worry--its very boring

    libdems phoning about changing voting system

  38. Can't even access the server, at the moment...

  39. RE: Radio Problems
    For anyone with iTunes installed go
    Advanced>Open Audio Stream

    copy and paste

    into the text box, click 'ok'

  40. Given that the count has taken place, does this mean that there will be a big rush of results just after 10?

  41. Slightly off topic, but did anyone else hear Tessa Jowell's interview on R4 this lunchtime? 10 minutes of repeating the same tedious lines they've no doubt all been briefed to parrot, but somewhere in the middle she went off with the fairies by arguing that "Gordon is held in affection and respect" by the British people. Tell that to the veterans in Normandy, or indeed to anyone else outside Downing Street. She went on to make this claim several times, until I started to think I had tuned into Radio North Korea.

  42. Iain's interviewing Nick Griffin at the moment. He makes my skin crawl.

    Iain should just go for the jugular!

  43. Thank God, 7.25! It is now working, using WinAmp!

  44. Isn't it interesting that the BBC can send hundreds of people to cover the US presidential election - more than any of the US national networks had - but they can't be bothered to provide anything other than a results round up for the County Elections and Euro Elections here. Wonder why?

    Oh, it'll be because Labour's doing badly and they see Obama as the spiritual inheritor of their lord Blair.

    Seriously, if anyone in the BBC looks at this, can you explain why the absolutely massive discrepancy in the coverage of US elections only mildly to do with us, and our own elections that are completely to do with us?

  45. In hillingdon as tory counting agent. Labour and ukip look very close indeed at this early stage

  46. I may not support labour but thank god for Tony Benn. A great politician and an example that many in the labour party should follow!

  47. Great interview with Wedgy Benn. Dale seemed to extract the very best out of him. How refreshing.

  48. Iain hasn't chipped much. I'm still trying to raise this radio on my Mac.

  49. Live chat the Euro results AND listen to Mr Dale: Live Chat

  50. Sorry Mr Dale but the bo tt om kissing of Mr Benn is too much.

  51. Ha Ha Ha, Tony Benn, the original Peter Madelson "a lovely guy" ?
    How very little you youngsters know !
    Was a manipulative creep, is a manipulative creep, always will be a manipulative creep !
    Three generations of the buggers and counting ... head banging smiley.

  52. been listening too a taped radio prog

    last two hours


  53. I'm still on redheads here.
    This should help:

    and famous redheads here

  54. According to the beeb indications are the centre left are getting tonked across europe.

  55. I hope that your playing Beethoven's 9th to the listeners - the BBC has chosen the European 'national anthem' as its theme. Pointscoring or what?

  56. East MidlanderJune 07, 2009 8:01 pm

    I finally got it to work tonight after downloading WINAMP, its been a bit of a struggle, but now very worthwhile better than Dimblebore on BBC with Toenails Robinson.

  57. Charles Kennedy looks like he has Beer Flush on Sky

  58. iain, i can't load the live stream from the website... fix it!

  59. If you can no-platform anyone, please no-platform Kevin Maguire...

  60. Anonymous, copy this URL into your media player:

  61. subrosa. Boot itunes. [command]U (ie Advanced-> Open Audio Stream...) And enter the URL

    That should do it.

  62. Northampton SaintJune 07, 2009 8:27 pm

    hey, 3 skype items read out already...

  63. Fair enough if the Outer Hebrides don't want to break the sabbath, but surely they've had 3 days to post the ballot boxes to the 21st century. Why can't the votes be counted on the mainland?

    (The same goes for Northern Ireland - but with the proviso that it would be nice if they managed to leave the 17th century...)

  64. South East VoterJune 07, 2009 8:32 pm

    Thanks Simon ITunes worked for me

  65. The centre-left have been ground into dust in Germany with the SPD picking up about 21% of the vote. The same goes for France where the Socialist Party is at 17%. So much for the leftist argument that solving the "evils of neo-liberal capitalism" would boost the left.Au contraire...Happy days are here again.

  66. Labour was registered as "The Labour Party" here in the West Midlands too, right near the bottom.

  67. Pleased to be of help. I think you will now keep the channel permanently.

    Hint to Iain: Keep those instructions for any Macs in future.

  68. Of Hungary's 22 MEPs, the centre-right Fidesz is tipped to take 16, more than triple the projected five of the governing socialists.

  69. I think playradiouk's servers may be swamped: I'm not getting through.

  70. Pirate party doing well in Sweden, still cant hear playradiouk, but can get sweden..seems normal for the uk

  71. Been over at some Dutch websites and elsewhere. The fascists are on the move!

    Lord 'elp us.

    Centre-right parties are doing pretty well too, though. Which is nice.

  72. Labour List reports that Labour will be 6th in Cornwall, behind Tories, UKIP, Lib Dems, Cornish Nationals, Greens

  73. Whos said this Iain?

    " I'll go one step further and urge David Cameron to withdraw the whip from him. I feel sick to the stomach that an MP from the party I support could even contemplate claiming money for a wreath, let alone actually going ahead and doing it."

    Could you now please criticise Boris Johnson, and ask for him to be thrown out of the Conservatives?

    Or are you simply a hypocrite?

  74. SG - Ta it worked for me with my Mac Mini & iTunes (v7).

  75. kasou, I was having problems too until I tried this:

    I clicked on this link. and followed my nose.

    If you haven't tried it, then do this: when the window opens, click on 'listen' (in the horizontal menu bar up top) and then save the ickle download file. Click on the download in the box to run it. It will open in your default media player (mine's VLC and it's working perfectly).

  76. Listening in Roquebrune Cap Martin on the Riviera - have BBC World election show on in background - not a patch on playradio

  77. What's with the random hating on Annapolis? It's a great mid-sized town, one of the prettiest places in America, equidistant between DC and Baltimore and, of course, home to the US Naval Academy, which gives it all the good qualities of a college town minus most of the usual leftwing BS. It's like a New England town except without the harsh winters.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. The far right have swept the board across the Eurozone


    (repost - fixed link)

  80. Whoever this bloke currently talking is has explained perfectly well why I voted UKIP not the Tories.

    Our MEP's are all federalists who like the EU gravy.

  81. Screw Farage. Surely any Tory votes count as PRO europe votes?

  82. Iain, turn up your mike please!

  83. We are a Christian nation, but the government should not be funding it, or anything else.
    Odd to hear a statist saying the state shouldnt control everything.

  84. Broadcast just stopped!

    Back to the TV or crystal Set.

  85. The BBC have Toynbee and the political editor of the Independent on the guest panel. The reporters appear to be relishing UKIP eroding the tory vote.

    Dimbleby has just tried to bait Hague by equating the anti-gay Polish far right parties with the tories.

    BBC = balanced as usual.

  86. No results on the bbc website yet.

  87. Still no results on BBC website

  88. Votes in Preston

    Conservative - 9,410
    Labour - 8,072
    UKIP - 4,958
    LibDem - 4,509
    Greens - 2,438
    BNP - 2,377
    Eng Dem - 835
    Christian - 572
    NO2EU - 462
    Socialist Labour - 461
    Jury Team - 281
    Libertas - 140
    Ind - 71

    Spoilt - 322

  89. BNP come within a 1000 votes of Labour in South Norfolk in Eastern Region

    South Norfolk Poll Share Position
    Conservatives 14,104 33.78% 1
    UKIP 7,771 18.61% 2
    Liberal Democrats 6,824 16.35% 3
    Green 4,706 11.27% 4
    Labour 2,738 6.56% 5
    British National 1,716 4.11% 6
    UK First 1,011 2.42% 7
    English Democrats 660 1.58% 8
    Christian Party 474 1.14% 9
    Animals Count 366 0.88% 10
    Socialist Labour 262 0.63% 11
    No2EU 248 0.59% 12
    Peter Rigby [Ind] 237 0.57% 13
    Libertas 219 0.52% 14
    Jury Team 118 0.28% 15
    Spoilt 293 0.70%
    Total 41,747

  90. There's an Army base in a village called Holton just outside Lancaster, too. Popular name.

  91. North East Result - Labour Vote

    What was the turnout in the North East when compared to last time?

    Beacuse if it is broadly the same then:

    It is down circa 10% when measured against all voters, but the number of people voting for Labour has fallen by circa 30%.

  92. Watching Glenys Kinnock on Sky (and listening to Iain of course) she really saying she won't be a minister until after she ceases being an MEP in July? No Europe Minister until then!? Farcical!

  93. Is Gordon Brown no longer prime minister yet?

    That's all I care about right now.

  94. Apparently the Tories have come first in Jim Murphys constituency

  95. East Renfrewshire - the Westminster seat held by the Scottish secretary

  96. get the scottish 'obama beach' bastard out

  97. The Tories are taking over Wales, and coming back in Scotland. Absolutely amazing.

  98. This radio show's coverage is amazing: miles better than the telly. Amazing results - especially if you live in Wales!

  99. Iain

    BBC Predicting the Tories will come first in wales for the first time since 1922.

  100. Am I the only one who's finding Iain Dale's voice disturbingly soothing tonight?

  101. Iain Dale's Sex Diaries...


  102. Wales! Nye must be turning in his grave. And the Kinnocks are lifting their heads momentarily from their troughs.

    Cymru ydsy glas!

    WV = freaties. There is no effin Treaties.

  103. Leicester 37% to Labour? Postal votes by any chance?

  104. Lets be clear the Tories are never going to do well in Haringey.

    Rochdale is much more significant and so the point just made by LF on its mixed around the country is irrelevant.

  105. A resounding triumph for Heath Robinson Radio as you leave leaving all the other media standing on results and comment.

    Your lack of Toynbees and Finks must put you in the running for radio station of the year.

    Well done to all concerned.

  106. Iain,

    rredentism is any position advocating annexation of territories administered by another state on the grounds of common ethnicity or prior historical possession

  107. hi Iain, saw you speak at UEA this year. do you still plan to stop at 12 or carry on like on friday?

  108. Iain: "Okay, I've got to go into an ad break now, otherwise I'm going to get shouted at."

    I didn't know Derek Draper was now working at Play Radio.

  109. Oops, can't spell.

    irredentism is any position advocating annexation of territories administered by another state on the grounds of common ethnicity or prior historical possession

  110. Do we think that the UKIP result will make the Tory's position become more eurosceptic?

    I for one would support that.

  111. "Lets be clear the Tories are never going to do well in Haringey."

    One would've said that about Leeds before today.

  112. Swindon result

    c 12,900, ukip 10,279, lab 6,935, ld 4,561, grn 3,253, bnp 2,677, pensioners 914, ED881, christian 787, soc lab 403, no2eu 368, ind 204, liber 198, fpft 177, jury 165, MK 103, YD 25

  113. I'm very disappointed with the slowness of the results. Last time we had to wait an age for most of the results to come through and I was hoping that this time they would have done something to improve the situation.

  114. The BBC could do what they do in Canada, publish seats were the parties are leading and elected.

  115. At this rate, this programme will be extended until about next Thursday afternoon.

  116. Iain...i missed Friday but what an amazing alternative to the absolute appalling usual suspect UKplcTV media coverage..Your antipodean caller nails it.. i'm worried about "the chubby one on Sky" who on FOUR!! occasions now reports, IMO sinister fashion, every "cut" to BP/Manchester/Griffin commentary as UKIP. Slip of the tongue 4 times. Think not. Get this on your content

  117. Where in Florida is the conference, Iain? If you're anywhere between Palm Beach and Miami, I'll get you that prawn-and-guacamole cocktail I promised you some months back. :-p

  118. Beware the Trans-Tamarian Menace!

  119. Slowest election results ever. Talk about dragging their feet.

    And what a pantomime. I'm expecting a Grand Vizier as the main villain next, with a princess dressed as a cleaning lady.
    "Oh no you're not!"
    "Oh yes I bloody am."

    What a denial of reality these organisers are.

  120. Alex Salmond on BBC, Predicting that the SNP will beat labour by near 10%

  121. Iain mentioned earlier that he thought Charlie Kennedy had 'porked up' - just saw Alex Salmond on the BBC and it's obvious he has two troughs in which to stick his snout!

  122. Salford


    Lab 10800
    Con 9819
    UKIP 7252
    LD 5498
    BNP 4818
    Green 3210
    EngDem 1556
    SocLab 973
    No2EU 738
    CPA 627
    JuryTeam 263
    Libertas 206
    Apaloo 104



    Labour 23849
    LibDem 13131
    UKIP 9286
    Green 8825
    Tory 7376
    BNP 5308

  123. God Labour on 14% UK wide!

  124. Why are the results taking so long?

    The votes were cast on Thursday, what have they been doing? Smoking fags, bunking off?

  125. We've been getting used recently to the MSM being outpaced by web- and mobile-based coverage and an army of unofficial helpers.

    But this is a particularly startling example of the trend, leaving the BBC and its multitudes of staff looking like a school of beached whales.

    Very well done.

  126. Dino
    They've had 'em since Thursday, figuring out how many postal votes to create and so on. Gruelling work but someone has to do it :)

  127. Iain

    You better stay on air past 12, you are no joke the only person in the UK giving results.

  128. BNP take Yorkshire.

    Gordon's going to fry for that, I reckon.

  129. BNP win seat in Yorkshire. Tories win Wales. Labour on 16% nationally. Brown can't survive in my view.

  130. Well, well. All that talking up of the BNP worked. They've got a seat in Yorkshire.

    It's going to be an interesting night indeed.

  131. BBC website has still only got the North East result on it showing Labour with 25% of the vote.

    Can you beleive that?

  132. The BBC are the government's lie engine steeped in spin and a total absence of reality. A lot like our current government. Tories gaining Wales, the far right gaining parts of the North. It's over for Labour and Brown.

    The West Ham stunt was a nice way to say 'farewell my lovelies.'

  133. Got to love the BBC's instant hatchet job on the BNP guy.

    They accused him of everything short of shooting Tom Hanks in Saving Private Ryan.

  134. Tories beat labout in wales 21 to 20%

  135. Hitler's birthday is also the same day of the year on which Enoch Powell made his 'Rivers of Blood' speech in 1968.

  136. I'm glad my vote for UKIP in Wales went to good use :)

  137. Labour is to blame for the BNP win. They have failed to represent their ‘traditional’ public and this lunatic PM has been a gift to the weirdo extremists and Nazis.

    This is Brown’s legacy.

  138. Just saw adam boulton try to take on nick griffin. two things sprang to mind:

    1. If only boulton had been as robust with other party leaders when he and his ilk needed to be...

    2. The longer the interview went on, the more ridiculous he looked and sounded - boulton that is...

  139. Self righteous dimblebrain was also totally pwned by Nick Griffin, love or hate him, Griffin and his party need a kill or cure platform that iain has always advocated

  140. Saw the BNP interview on Sky, agree, what a job they tried to do on him.

    I may well not agree with many BNP policies, but the truth is that Islam is very very dangerous.

    If you want to know more, read:

  141. Does Peter recognise that on Europe Labour is well off the mark on its European policy and that is probably driven by Brown's decision to go back on the manifesto promise to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty?

  142. Sky News just made a big mistake. They put figures up saying they were a projection for the final shares of the vote but they were actually the current share of the vote down to a tenth of a percentage point.

  143. Boulton on Sky, absolute disgrace! Murdoch's Monkey I will not watch Sky if he is on.I am not a BNP supporter and dislike their Leader intensely but he should not be attacking in that fashion.I will bet Boulton will fawn on any NuLab nonentity who appears on this disgaceful Channel

  144. Labour vote held up in Waltham Forest, fallin gby just 350 i=overall and actually increasing in terms of vote share.

    Tory vote went down in numbers, but up in vote share.

    Big losers were Lib-Dems, losing over 2% of vote share, big winners the Greens, gaining over 3% and nearly overtaking the Lib Dems, ending up less than 1% behind them.

  145. Contrary to what Hopi Sen is saying, an MEP from the National Socialist movement is totally appropriate for the Fourth Reich!

  146. You must be delighted with the result in Wales, Iain. Congrats. Its gone well for the SNP up here in Scotland, according to projections, so I'm happy. Just had a look at the Grauniad site and your old mate Michael White appears to have noticed that these results may be less than satisfactory and (gasp) might indicate that Brown is the right man to stay on and put things right. Words fail me.

  147. Apparently computers have failed in the south west which is delaying results.

  148. BBC Seat Pediction Con:17 UKIP-13 Lab-13 Lib Dem-11

  149. The BNP’s success in Yorkshire and Humberside shows why we need transferable votes. Labour and UKIP got almost twice as many votes as the BNP, and so were very close to getting that last seat. Under transferable votes, they would probably have got the bulk of the Socialist and No2EU votes respectively. Given Green votes being redistributed, and given “excess” votes from mainstream parties being reallocated to other mainstream parties (and let’s be honest, even LDs would have given UKIP some sort of ranking to stop the BNP) then the BNP would have missed out.

    Labour chose a voting system seeming designed to maximise the BNP's chances of getting elected. Shame on them.

  150. No, let him continue. That was very well argued. You can't deny that.

  151. I'm listening. Just so you know.

  152. Brest and Condom are towns in France.

  153. I'm listening, too. But you all sound tired. So be careful driving home.

  154. There is also a town in Germany (or Austria, I forget) called Wank.

  155. There's a Horny Dyke st in Burnely

  156. There's a village in Sussex called 'Cocking'.

  157. I'm rather partial to the town of Bell End, Worcestershire.

  158. What are you doing letting sober , thoughtful people on ?

    Get Pickles back on . He sounds much better pished .

  159. Don't forget the town in Orkney called Twatt.

  160. I've driven through Arsoli near Lazio. Ever been there Iain?

  161. Their going to pull a late one down in Cornwall for the South West count. They're furiously baking pasties to keep the counters stoked.........

  162. Iain, have you ever visited the town of Wank in Germany? I believe I travelled there a few thousand times during my teenage years.

  163. SE votes inc, this should push Lab into 4th overall I think...

  164. Haha excellent little speech by Hannan

  165. Does anyone else think that Dan Hannan just looked like a bit of a Bell End (Worcestershire)?

  166. "Does anyone else think that Dan Hannan just looked like a bit of a Bell End (Worcestershire)?"

    I like Dan Hannan, but the Dr. Seuss parody definitely induced considerable douchechills.......

  167. Hannan was a bit cringey, bless him.

  168. Labour extremely lucky to hold onto their seat in the South East. It must have been down to just a few thousand votes.

  169. Guys, don't sign off yet! This is the best election night broadcast ever. Just put another 50p in the skype meter and plug on!

  170. First time I've listened to your show, Iain, and I thoroughly enjoyed it - even if you did get my name wrong on air. Can you publish the list of towns on the blog as I couldn't hear them because of the loud music?

  171. Once again the BBC have kept the voter in the dark by delaying result updates. The government spin and propaganda tactics are being used even now in the face of defeat.

    Sack the BBC and revoke the license fee. Value for money my arse.
