Friday, June 05, 2009

Dressed for Radio

Tory Bear is a little honey. He has posted this rather alluring picture of me from the News Channel last night and speculates that the BBC got me out of my bed as I appeared to be wearing pyjamas. Others thought I had turned into a hoodie. Actually, the truth was somewhat simpler, as is usually the case. I'd been on the Richard Bacon Show on 5 Live and just happened to be in the building. So, on I went. There was also the added bonus of pushing mini me Shane Greer down the running order! He charmingly offered me the shirt off his back. Now there's loyalty for you. I decided I'd look even more ridiculous in a size 16 collar shirt. Maybe I was wrong :).

Right, will be on Sky News Sunrise just after 6am and am then driving down to PlayRadioUk in Arundel with Hopi Sen and Morus from PoliticalBetting. We'll be on air from 9am.


  1. should have gone for the collar shirt.

  2. You're up a bit early aren't you Iain? I think everyone should rest up a little. I would hate for you or Guido to burn out over the next couple of days.

    Nothing substantive is going to happen until this evening anyway. When the Euro election results come out on Sunday it'll be a case of "whoa baby! Hold on to your hats!" I genuinely think the next week could be a defining moment in British politics.

    I haven't been this excited for ages. Let the mayhem begin...

  3. Didn't Jimmy Wales, the founder of wikipedia, admit that he had started wikipedia in his pyjamas? He said that he used to get up at the weekend and surf the net in them.

    Personally, if you turned up to my pyjama party dressed like that I would tell you to go home and get changed.....

    There is a woman in Southwark who walks her dog in her pyjamas (not a Jack Russell) and I have also seen young women go shopping in our local Tescos in pj's so maybe it's now in fashion?!

  4. I have to say Iain I did do a double take when I saw you in your casual attire on BBC News

  5. sorry didn't notice when I was watching. Purnell stole the show.

  6. Shane needs to watch some footage of himself last night - his rapid head turning left to the presenter and right to the other quest and back again looked quite demented (and was quite distracting).

    Probably best to keep the head relatively still and focused on the presenter... my tuppence worth.

    Also, don't look to desperate to milk the appearance - relax a bit - takr a tip from Iain Dale, master media tartette!

  7. Shane needs to watch some footage of himself last night - his rapid head turning left to the presenter and right to the other quest and back again looked quite demented (and was quite distracting).

    Probably best to keep the head relatively still and focused on the presenter... my tuppence worth.

    Also, don't look to desperate to milk the appearance - relax a bit - takr a tip from Iain Dale, master media tartette!

  8. Lifting Shane Greer's shirt? Surely not ;)

    You looked fine to me, except they forgot to attach a collar...

  9. Great. No really, just amazing stuff.

