Sunday, June 07, 2009

Could it be Farage Wot Does it For Gordon?

Speculation is mounting that UKIP could beat Labour in tonight's European elections. Would that be curtains for Gordon? Could it really be Nigel Farage who does for Gordon Brown? What a delicious thought that is.

Nigel Farage will be on the programme tonight between 6 and 7pm hopefully.


  1. No.. it will be Mandelson that does for Gordon!

  2. He will just see it as an anomolous blip on his inevitable march to victory and ultimate glory.

  3. I expect to see UKIP doing very well over both Labour and Tories. Should be an interesting night.

  4. "Gordon Brown has been found dead at the age of 58 after apparently falling into his swimming pool.

    Friends said he could not swim, but was planning to learn."

    Actually, that can't be true. He doesn't have any friends.

  5. hope UKIP does well all over UK

    i think townhall meeting east london today live on tv was a CAR CRASH for PM

  6. Iain your radio show starts at 6, beeb coverage at 10, what time do the results start coming in?

  7. @Norton Folgate: BBC2 has 30 minutes of coverage at 7.30pm tonight, for what it's worth!

  8. It always amazes me that Iain of all people, the man who is meant to have his finger on the pulse; comes up with the bleeding obvious....

  9. No for Christ's sake. Farage, along with a load of Tory protest voters will save Brown. Conservative voters about to save Gordon Brown's neck?

  10. Results can start being declared from 9pm when polls across Europe close, although that doesn't guarantee that any will be.

    The problem is we won't know for sure whether Labour has come 3rd or 4th tonight because the Scottish declaration doesn't come until tomorrow. The reason? The Western Isles cannot count on a Sunday because they still observe the Sabbath, the only place in the country that still does.

  11. Gordon Brown, despite his views to the contrary, will never be the natural born leader that Farage is.

  12. I have come to the conclusion that no amount of failure and indignity will get rid of Gordon, so we should all accept that there's another year of this nonsense and stop worrying about it.

  13. Spoke to Nigel Farage on Friday, bumped into him outside the Westminster Arms. Was in good tune, said to me that he expected Labour to get 18% (as you did), and thought that a very weak LibDem vote (hemorrhaging to Greens) might save them from the humiliation of 4th.

  14. Very likely - a combo of Farage & Mandy! So exciting!

  15. With all this waffle from Brown about fighting on etc, I wonder who he thinks he is fighting against (or with for that matter). He seems to have forgotten that he is supposed to be leading the nation, and sees us instead as the enemy.

  16. Betfair reckons that UKIP and LibDems are both short odds on to beat Labour. I so hope this is true.

  17. Andy JS @ 5:24

    Yes, but apparently we should have the results from each individual Scottish count tonight, add them up and the overall result's pretty much done (unless it's uber close)

  18. cant get radio--anyone have link

  19. I'm with Steve on this one - the only party UKIP will ever hurt is the Conservatives, whilst acting as useful idiots for the full speed ahead federalists in Lib Dems and Labour.

    Makes their raison d'etre rather an oxy moron.

  20. If Farago does finish off Brown it'll be the only decent thing he's ever done for Britain

  21. Be it Farage or swine flu if there is any justice for the people in the street Brown must go and GO NOW!

  22. May be the Conservatives wouldn't get hurt if they listened to what a lot of their natural supporters try to tell them about Europe.

    If none of the main stream parties offer a Eurosceptic stance a great many people are effectively disenfranchised on this very important policy area.

  23. Lady Astor's son-in-lawJune 07, 2009 8:05 pm

    With any luck he'll do it for Dave, also.

    Verification word is fadsom.

    "BluLabour are so fadsom - don't you think?"

  24. Calm down everyone. As someone or other just pointed out on Today, a bad result for Labour could make Brown more secure. Labour MPs know that another 'unelected' PM isn't tenable and that forcing Brown out would trigger a general election.

    Also, why force a general election now when some sort of recovery might be underway by next spring and when the expenses farrago - which is hardly Brown's fault - clouds everything. Another 11 months also gives the boy Cameron plenty of time to screw something up.

    If you were advising Brown, instead of baying for his head, you'd say all that - wouldn't you?
