Saturday, June 06, 2009

Brown is Booed at D Day Ceremony

It comes to something when the British Prime Minister is booed by war veterans. Earlier this afternoon, at 2.15pm, while I was driving to London, I received this text message from a senior Conservative who is attending the ceremonies.
D Day veterans groaned and booed when they announced Gordon Brown's arrival time.
I now read that he was also booed later on. What an indignity for him to have to suffer, and what an embarrassment for our country. And can it really be true that he said "Obama beach" rather than "Omaha beach"?

UPDATE: I've just seen the video and added it. I almost feel sorry for him now.

Hattip: Constantly Furious


  1. Iain,

    He absolutely did say 'Obama Beach'. I heard it live and could barely believe it. Video here:

  2. I can't honestly say I mind Brown suffering indignity. He's inflicted enough of it on other people.

  3. It's a pity they weren't armed

  4. Brown has been an embarrassment today. He's looked totally distracted and awkward. He looks like he doesn't want to be there.

    I have been observing him closely in light of yesterdays 'bonkers' debate, and I fear that Iain is correct: this man, this leader of our country has lost his marbles.

  5. Yes, he said it. It's like watching a carcrash...again. Come on Labour MP's. Your party members have spoken, show some backbone and get rid of him! I would happily see Hiss Tonyness made Lord Blair and brought in by the queen to steady the ship unitl a general election in the next couple of months. That's how desperate this has got.

  6. He was also introduced as the "English Prime Minister" I had to chuckle at that one!

  7. Pete (RN reserve volunteer)June 06, 2009 5:56 pm

    Well, he's sent people to war without knowing himself what it is to be in uniform and face danger.

    The vets who fought for our freedom in 1944 boo the Chickenhawk Brown? They've every right.


  9. I bet a few of the vets were wishing the walking sticks were Lee-Enfields or Brens

  10. Well he is the de facto English First Minister, though no one consulted the English about it.

  11. Well if the hoon couldn't arrange for the Queen to be there he deserves everything he gets.

    Gordon - just f*** off now.

  12. It's only the D Day anniversary - let's make sure we score all the political points we can. Class.

  13. Brown's bonkersJune 06, 2009 6:00 pm

    Omaha, Obama. It's a mistake anyone could make, innit? He was just daydreaming about his fave political idol and got a bit distracted, that's all.

  14. The man is a total embarrassment to his party,the country and the veterans there today.
    I wasn't the worlds greatest fan of Tony Blair but something of this magnitude Blair did well.The speech was absolutely crap as well,full of well worn cliches and just........shit basically!!!!!
    I hope Labour party members are glad this embarrassing disaster of a man is representing their party and our country!

  15. This man is a train wreck.

    Thanks for posting iain.

    So embarrasing!

  16. Anon 5:59
    Does there need to be any political point scoring against Brown.He's a political corpse and the point scoring has been done over the past few days.
    All people are doing here is pointing out whatt a complete disaster the man is when representing his country!!

  17. And the blimmin BBC leads the 6:00 news with Browns political problems and shows HIM in Normandy, they ignore Prince Charles completely until a few minutes in.

    Did anybody see how they cut away from Brown when he was mouthing the National Anthem? It's as if he didn't know the words.

    He's a despicable man. He deserves to be booed.

    WV = evisi

  18. Why is he there anyway?

    Prince Charles is more than adequate for the job; could it be that he wants to be seen with "Obama Beach" yet again.

    The man is a bloody embarrassment - as is his party.

  19. Re: He was also introduced as the "English Prime Minister"

    What an absolute INSULT to the Great Nation of England!

  20. Iain,

    You should feel angry at his few genuine friends and family who should have told him its all over by now and made him listen.

    If he doesn't go soon peoples fury may be uncontainable. Remember Caucescau left it too late to leave.

  21. RE: Salmondnet said...

    Well he is the de facto English First Minister, though no one consulted the English about it.

    *Chuckle Chuckle well for 11 months anyway chuckle chuckle, watch your new owners in Brussels take your portion of North Sea Oil when EU Agent Salmond Signs you over to the EUSSR lock stock and two smoking McBarrels chuckle chuckle.

  22. What a great shame of Head of State wasn't there to represent the Nation and the D-Day Veterans.

    In her 80s, after decades leading the Nation, she would have done us proud ......

    Instead we got f*ckwit Gordon humiliating the Nation once again as he displays his infantile infatuation with Obama.

    As for mini-Sarkozy - I doubt he'll be getting a State visit with Her Maj anytime soon.

  23. You could maybe fogive him if Omaha and Obama sounded similar but they don't. It is unforgivable that he did not insist the Queen was invited, he just wants to align himself with Obama in the minds of the electorate. Outrageous politicking from Brown when he should be celebrating the bravery of our men and women who fought for this country in WW2 and still fight for this country now.

    GB and the Labour party have absolutely no respect for the military.

  24. What an absolute INSULT to the Great Nation of England!

    Aren't you late for your BNP meeting? Those crosses won't burn themselves - and don't forget to pick up your pointy white hood from the drycleaners.

  25. The official Downing St version on Twitter:

    "Locals applaud as the PM leaves D-Day ceremony at Bayeaux cathedral in Normandy"

    ...though you could interpret that as people applauding the fact he is going away I suppose!

  26. I....I....


    Nope, I'm speechless.

  27. Oliver Drew. Obama had autocue's. He cannot do a speech without them!

  28. LOL, News of the Screws has emails from Mandy saying Brown is bonkers. On Sky news.

  29. Just watched the BBC version so any booing will have been edited out.....I felt really sorry for the veterans at Arromanches this afternoon. After defeating the Germans 65 years ago the only reward they get is having to sing Auld Lang Syne with cyclops stood among `em....

    Good job those lads have strong stomachs.

  30. Brown thinks HE IS THE QUEEN.

  31. Anonymous at 6.18

    Why do you think pride in England or English Nationalism should equate with racism? No one says that about the Welsh or the Scots - why react like that, it's very childish?

  32. "You say Omaha and I say Obama".

    He grabbed a shameless photo opportunity by putting his arm round Dame Vera Lynn. She had an absolute right to be there by popular acclaim of the veterans.

  33. A bit of booing is pretty tame for a man who has starved the British armed forces of funds at their time of greatest need and who deserves to be hauled up on corporate manslaughter charges for the way he has treated our soldiers.

  34. Brian TomkinsonJune 06, 2009 6:30 pm

    Good of David Davis to keep you informed from Normandy.

  35. After watching the BBC coverage we turned over to Sky and he was announced as Prime Minister Gordon BLAIR!!!! - A very hasty correction by the presenter....

  36. Just watched the BBC version so any booing will have been edited out.....

    Get a grip! The BBC's Political Editor was Chair of the Young Conservatives. He is not a friend of Labour.

  37. Don't feel sorry for him Iain! This is the man that as Chancellor mercilessly raided the defence budget so that our troops weren't even adequately equipped. Many have to buy their own items of kit and effectively use scrap parts for combat vehicles. Many troops have needlessly died and been maimed by the Land Rovers fiasco in particular.He also uses troops purely for photo opportunity purposes. The man is utterly shameless! He is even destroying the country's economic prospects in a spending spree purely so he can win the next election (deluded!). I don't care if the tories have a huge majority if he stays on - he needs to be toppled NOW!

  38. We must never again have an an unelected prime minister.

    Reckon Uncle Bob is right. If he has lost it someone in the Cabinet needs to get him sectioned asap under the mental health act. Either get Blair or John Major to take over for 3-4 months whilst the constitutional issues are sorted and a GE in autumn.

  39. Just saw scumbag Brown on Channel 4 news being loudly booed arriving at D-Day ceremony.

  40. " Anonymous said...
    What an absolute INSULT to the Great Nation of England!

    Aren't you late for your BNP meeting? Those crosses won't burn themselves - and don't forget to pick up your pointy white hood from the drycleaners.

    June 06, 2009 6:18 PM"

    Looks like a visitor from labourlist or did paul halsall forget to sign in?

  41. I cannot pretend to feel impartial about colours. I rejoice with the brilliant ones and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns.

    Sir Winston Churchill

  42. Why are you sorry for this monstrosity? He's a gross liability to the country, an embarrassment to us all. Brown deliberately avoided getting The Queen invited - she would have been an altogether better ambassador and representative.

    The sooner this bumbling, mendacious clown is removed - by whatever means - from power, the better. He's dangerous and he's holding this country up to ridicule worldwide. Everyone knows he's not going to win the next election - even his latest 'Deputy' knows that, and has been saying so for a long time. For his sake and our sakes he should resign immediately.

  43. He MUST go. If he doesn't resign on Monday morning, then the PLP must on a show of hands throw him out on Monday evening.

    This simply can't go on.

    And the bias of the BBC is clear. When John Redwood (not a native Welsh speaker as you might guess from his name), was unable to remember the words of Hen Wlad fy Nhadau, in Welsh obviously, the BBC never lost the opportunity of showing it. Yet when Gordon Brown, the British Prime Minister, can't remember the words of the NATIONAL ANTHEM, they censor it.

  44. Borrowed from Flyingwarpigs.blogspot

    For The Fallen

    With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
    England mourns for her dead across the sea.
    Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,
    Fallen in the cause of the free.

    Solemn the drums thrill; Death august and royal
    Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres,
    There is music in the midst of desolation
    And a glory that shines upon our tears.

    They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
    Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
    They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted;
    They fell with their faces to the foe.

    They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
    Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
    At the going down of the sun and in the morning
    We will remember them.

    They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;
    They sit no more at familiar tables of home;
    They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;
    They sleep beyond England's foam.

    But where our desires are and our hopes profound,
    Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,
    To the innermost heart of their own land they are known
    As the stars are known to the Night;

    As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust,
    Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain;
    As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,
    To the end, to the end, they remain.

  45. I know he is 80% blind, but he is so clearly reading a speech written by somebody else and so nervous and insecure that he cannot remember the name of the beach, that he stumbles first time, then corrects himself second time.

    It is embarrassing and if he was indeed booed by WW2 vetrans in front of two Presidents and our head of state, then I cannot see how he can live this down!

  46. Its like a car crash, you just can't look away.

  47. Having sworn my Oath of Allegiance at the Commando Training Centre; 'To protect & serve Her Majesty the Queen; Her Heir & Successors'. I was proud to serve twenty three years as a Royal Marines Commando.

    This day I was ashamed and embarrassed to listen to the speech given by the fat headed, shameless, self appointed leader of this rotten government.

    Courage! He should never be allowed to say the word...

    Haul the man off to a Gulag, he deserves nothing better!

    Yours Aye,

    Ex Bootneck

  48. As the great Clarkson said "The one eyed Scottish Idiot" - nuff said.

  49. What a tosser. Can he get anything right?

    To return briefly to yesterday's embarrassment dressed up as a press conference: much has rightly been made of Brown's lie about the Darling chancellorship but what I find just as noteworthy as his mendacity is Brown's total lack of political skill to deflect the question. Instead of the lie how difficult should it have been to merely respond with something like "Now, you wouldn't expect me to disclose private thoughts, ideas and conversations would you?" Imagine Blair being caught out like that? Never.

    I say again, can he get anything right?

  50. He definitely said it. I also thought his behaviour throughout was bizarre. Constantly twitching, moving about and gurning. He looks like he is on the verge of a breakdown.

  51. It was truly a painful speech to watch....a far to common occurrence for a British PM.

  52. Did you notice in Gordon's speach he evoked the ghost of Montgomery? He commented that it was Monty who told the lads that it wasn't their training and equipment that would win the battle but the men themselves. He told them they were the battle winning ingredient.

    Monty meant those words as encouragement; Brown has used them as the basis for an entire defence (non-)procurement policy.

  53. Just seen the video. It's rendered me unusually speechless. I mean - I realise his visual difficulties make reading hard, but *still* - it's been about five minutes since I first played it, and I'm still cringing.

  54. btw, "Obama's Beach" is a very rude way of refering to Mrs O.

    I know he's under a lot of stress, but really one would expect better of Her Maj's Prime Mentalist.

  55. No one says that about the Welsh or the Scots

    Don't they? You're not very well-informed, are you?

  56. Why would anyone take their pointy white hat for "dry cleaning" when washing out the ooze of anonymous left wing trolls, just bung it in the washing machine. Says everything about your lifestyle.

    'Gordon loves O' is probably scrawled with a large marker pen in some posh french portaloo in Normandy as of today.

  57. As much as I loathe Gordon Brown - and I do.... even though he has a "pathological fixation" towards President Obama.....

    ... well - forgive the panic-ridden-one-eyed-son-of-the-manse for this one.

    I feel sorry for Gordon Brown.

  58. lt really does make you cringe when you see and hear such as this. Brown was more intent on paying tribute to Obama than the vet's ... hence his cockup.

    Brown was a poor poor substitute for Brenda

  59. The son of the manse is a calculating coward who hoped to gain advantage by a further appearance on the world stage without being upstaged by the Queen.
    Instead, he upset all the veterans and fidgeted around like a spare pr*** who hadn't even learnt a few hymns from his father.
    He has constantly vetoed increases in expenditure for our armed forces which would have resulted in fewer casualties.
    How he dared to appear is beyond my comprehension. No wonder he was booed.

  60. Oh FFS! The man is turning into President George W Brown! He's a disgrace.

  61. OMG, how shameful for us all. This is even worse than Alkie Ada!

  62. >>I almost feel sorry for him now<<

    I think there are two ways of looking at this. Absolutely, yesterday's news conference was not the performance of a stable & well-adjusted personality. It had overtones of detachment from reality and overweening arrogance... "I am the one, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, begone dull democracy, begone extraneous electorate, I am the one to lead this country to salvation." I listened to it with increasing worry. How can this person be in charge of the country?

    You do have to feel sorry for someone who is so clearly in need of help.

    On the other hand, he plotted and planned and lied and smeared his way to the top, a position with which he is quite incapable of dealing. Should one feel sorry for such self-inflicted damage?

  63. Why does anyone feel sorry for this vile man? He has spent his whole political life crushing enemies without the slightest remorse.

    Do not feel sorry for Brown.

    He deserves all the contempt he gets - and so does his disgusting party.

  64. I am seriously embarassed to have that man as the Prime Minister of my country. But the international humiliation he regularly inflicts on himself is nothing less than he deserves. Alas, the country deserves much better. So Brown, if you're reading this, do us all a favour, sod off, but call a General Election before you do so, so that we can get rid of all those useless nonentities you surround yourself with too.

  65. The man is a complete and utter embarrassment to our nation - can't we put a stop to this ?

  66. At least Brown wasn't PM sixty-five years ago. If he had been, we would probably be writing these comments in German now and France wouldn't have had a liberation to celebrate. It's a great pity that he ever decided to muscle in on this event. If he had done the right thing in the first place, and ensured that the Queen was invited to the D-Day celebrations as our Head of State, he would have saved everybody, including himself, from the most cringe-making embarrassment.

  67. Well Brown's no Churchill. Is he?

  68. If he had any sense of history, he would have known the names of the D-Day beaches. These would have been uppermost in his mind, rather than sucking up to Barry.

    The fact that Obama came to his mind, rather than Omaha, shows that he knows nothing of our history and even less about heroism.

    The man's a complete Juno


  69. Don't worry folks, you'll soon get what you crave: an even more skillful pack of thieves.....

  70. Does the Labour Party have the courage to rid us of this embarrassing unelected self serving mendacious megalomaniac or are they all cast from the same mould?

    Brown must go before he causes any more damage. He’s surrounding himself with unelected appointees like Lords Sugar and Mandelson, which doesn’t bode well for democratic government. Come on, it’s time the people chose their own leaders.

  71. Gordon Broon Scotch claim of Right.

    Broon - As you can see this is the problem in 'our country'


    Broon - Wipe England off that map

    Broon - Im just "getting on with the Job" (signing England over to the EU).

  72. Dictator of England toppled 2010

  73. In case you missed those boos:

  74. Brown had that stupid grin on his mush again. He even disrespects the old veterans. I've never hated anyone so much as Brown in my life.

  75. Trampled over the Queen and fell flat on his face, no sympathy here!

  76. Yes, he did say "Obama Beach" at first. You're right, Iain, Brown IS having a breakdown.

  77. Reminds me of the Simpsons where the Republicans try to rename everything after Ronald Reagan.

    Is Obama secretly planning to rename everything after himself?

    Gordon Brown is a joke, and we are an international laughing stock. Please, can we get rid of him? I wouldn't even mind another 5 years of Labour. Please though, no more of Brown.

  78. He is a complete embarrasment to the country. Not only was he booed, he couldn't even get his speech right. The Queen should have been there, the veterans deserved the best not the Frank Spencer of politics. At least Prince Charles and our veterans and military were there to give the country some dignity.

  79. I couldn't hear any booing at all!

    Will W

  80. Sky News at midnight have just shown footage of audible and noisy booing.

    Having made a basket case of the UK at home, Brown is now making the UK a laughing stock overseas. If only Cromwell was alive today....

  81. It's only the D Day anniversary - let's make sure we score all the political points we can. Class.

    Class? You've just shown your utter lack of it. As did Gordon Brown, an hour late wasn't he? Continuing the respect Labour shows to the Forces.

    I'm sure you're looking forward to summer holidays, hopefully you have some history reading assigned.

  82. Don't pity Brown. Don't leave him an inch because he will take a mile. He will turn your weakness against you. He doesn't care if he embarrassed you. What are you to him? He doesn't care if the vets booed him. They are not going to displace him, nor is anyone else.

    I would not be at all surprised if when we get closer to election day, and as he remains unlikely to win, he comes up with some measure or other allowing him to bypass the Legislature. Afterall, to cling to power he has already made half his cabinet unaccountable to the electorate. And then which side do you think the politicised police (yeah - like they cannot prosecute ANY MP for expenses fraud) are going to be on when you go to Parliament to protest?

  83. "Obama Beach" + Brown - 38,000 hits on google and counting. We are a laughing stock. We cannot take another year of this PLEASE someone do something NOW......

  84. At least he didn't say Osama beach.....

  85. I know it is easy to feel sorry for Gordon, but remember he supported and sustained in Iraq and Afghanistan; let us remember his choices on the Trident, the British Weapon of Mass Destruction; his choice to resurrect Nuclear Power, the Creature from the Phosphorescent Lagoon; his failure to close the gap between rich and poor; his actions in restricting our civil liberties; his reclassification of cannabis to Class B; his support for the ridiculous First Past the Post electoral system; his plans to privatise the Post Office and the NHS; his hot air about global warming, while putting blocks in the way of renewable energy systems; his pumping money into the banks, but not thr real economy; his continuing servility to the banksters; his failure to fence off the derivatives; the 10% and all the rest of it...

  86. If Barack Hussein, Sarkozy and Brown are the best we can muster... we are in serious trouble.

    The display was pitiful. Cheering the US President as he and the others were announced on this, day of days was disgraceful.

    These men don't respect the efforts of millions who planned for, prepared and executed the invasion... it sounded to me like each of them watched a history channel special or skimmed through a Stephen Ambrose book on the trip over.

    Made me sad.

    Dave Deady

  87. Donut Hinge PartyJune 07, 2009 4:40 pm

    Man giving long speech in 'says wrong word' shocker.

    Kennedy called himself a donut* and it didn't hurt his career any.

    *actually he didn't, but people BELIEVED he did.

  88. People make mistakes. A slip of the tongue isn't a big one. People are just looking for every small thing to keep on criticising him.

    I'm all for people taking responsibility for their actions but can we talk about something more important?

  89. If you don’t remember Thatcher being booed all over the place, you have a VERY short memory.
