Monday, June 15, 2009

Brown: Can't Change, Won't Change

When Gordon Brown announced at the PLP meeting last week that he would change his ways, I emitted a hollow laugh. Like most Labour MPs I don't believe the man is capable of changing the habits of a lifetime. And so it has proved over the last seven days. We had the announcement on electoral reform and the House of Lords - a short termist announcement with little forethought which was designed to put create problems for the Tories. No change there then. We then had all the rubbish over the weekend about spending cuts. No change there then, although it is good to see elements of the media seeing through this. And today we had the Prime Minister announcing the Iraq Inqury, which will sit in private, not report until after the election and looks like a complete establishment stitch up. No change there then.

Further proof, if it were needed, that we have a Prime Minister who "Can't Change, Won't Change".


  1. The majority of speakers from his own party seemed to be in favour of a public enquiry as well. Worryingly for the 'one-eyed Scottish idiot' (© Jeremy Clarkson) even Scottish Labour members seem to be turning against him. And there are rumblings that McBride is back on the scene. That'll go down well with everyone, real change there!

    The soap opera continues.

  2. It seems that Gordon Brown thinks we're all stupid.

    Certainly judging by the nonsense in the Sunday Mirror.

    If anybody else told you such blatant lies, you'd be quite offended that they'd even try to mislead you with such rubbish.

    But as you say, Iain, "Can't Change, Won't Change".

  3. Nicely put, Chip. I don't think any sensible person ever believed Brown's appalling rhetoric anyway.

    He fell at the very first hurdle.

    Brown's political mantra - the three D's -


    That is the real Gordon Brown.

  4. Wow - his Labour colleagues are seething -this could be his ultimate downfall - this could get interesting.

    Brown's body lies a twitching in the grave,twitching in the grave and Mandy and Ball's can't save him now.....

    That was almost a Civil War song!

    Iain - hope all okay in USA!

  5. Iain,

    What did you make of David Muir on your trip. I knew him in his former life and he always seemed to me to be far too nice a chap to be mixed up with Brown, McBride and the other henchmen.

  6. Yes, yes, Brown is crap. We all know that, except for the 23% of the population that voted Labour last time, and even they never voted for Brown.

    So when are the Tories going to actually form a strong opposition to Him?

    Now would be a good time. Just mentioning this because a robust opposition would be handy now. Any chance that, any time soon Mr Cameron and his bunch of wets might actually tell us what we want to hear?

    George Osborne appears to have made a start, writing "We should have the confidence to tell the public the truth"

    Confidence yes, backbone and moral values would also go a long way.


    McBride is back.

    Guido unveils the Labour numpty

  8. Brown lied to his own party members fluently and effortlessly about meaning to change, acknowledging his faults, "some things I don't do so well", and so forth - and it meant as little to him, and was as immediately forgotten, as all his other lies. Two days later at PMQs he'd reverted to his old self.

    Only a real, immediate prospect of losing power - the only thing which matters to him, and has ever mattered - would force him to change.

  9. Gordon Broon - The REAL McPoison!

  10. Ainsworth, saying do not want a public enquiry, like Hutton as it was accused of being a cover up. Yes, better to have an open coverup than a private coverup.

  11. Perplexed from Tamworth

    So it is a closed enquiry on Iraq.
    Have they learnt nothing?
    Did Magna Carta die in vain?(!)

    What do we have to do be heard?

  12. labour for the few.June 15, 2009 5:25 pm

    the tories respones to mr 10% is very simple.

    if labour dont change how much are taxes going to RISE.


  13. Iraq: Same old Gordon, same old Labour, same old contempt for the public.

  14. Left off your list is Shahid Malik's investigation not going to be released then it was and also the Labour party manoeuvring to install Bercow as speaker just goes to show the silly games continue

  15. Brown (and many others in this rotten government) are showing that they can't change by supporting John Bercow as the next Speaker.

    They know full well that Bercow has next to no support in his own party, but because Brown et al are pathologically incapable of making any decision without trying to think how they can best annoy the Tories, they'll support Bercow anyway.


  16. Time for the opposition to oppose, not mealy mouthing and accepting the lies...confront the lying public...ask QUESTIONS::::and repeat 6 times if necessary...just ask the same question everybody one after another...

  17. Its a bit much when an Islamic Theocracy has more democracy than we do. Well, maybe not more. They wanted their leader out but he won't go, or even acknowledge a problem.
    so maybe not more democracy, about the same.

  18. sURPRISED NO ONE HAS PICKED UP ON THE MONSTERING GIVEN TO bALLS BY gOVE ON THE wORLD AT oNE today , now available on I player . Future Prime Minister ? Gored by Gove.

  19. Leopards, spots, dysfunctional, delusional, bully, unelected, liar and a few expletives come to mind...

  20. Brown is probably pathologically devious and unable to cahnge his rigid opinions formed decades ago in a different world.

    The real though is the complacent weakness of the parliamentary Labour party. They agreed to his installing himself as as leader with no vote and they have complied ever since despite a few rumbles.

    It is truly absurd that in 2009 we have a so-called democratic government and a Labour one at that which is composed one third of peers (and rising)and the PLP just go along with it.

    As Mandleson said, its a "post democratic age".

  21. A lot of highly placed people in defence and security know the truth about Iraq.

    What is the procedure for bringing private prosecutions?

    Why not encourage a French juge d'instruction to investigate? One of them drove Kissinger to leave Paris the same day - and put him off coming back.

  22. Why change, he will stick with what he knows, which is by the looks of things not alot. he now has his poodle in "Bollocks" Bob Aint Worth It to defend his position too. You will hear all of the words, "time has to be taken", "blame not to be apportioned" etc. Troops under pressure make mistakes, politicians who have only distain for the soliders, saliors, marines and airman they send and have no excuse. I hope one day when he looks in the mirror he will understand the lives he has cost as Chancellor and the utter contempt that the armed forces have for him. He needs to step up to the plate and admit he made mistakes that cost lives. Then step down and let real people with a real understanding of what sacrafices these young men and women are making, with out question, to either give them the funding and support they need to carry out policy or bring them home!

  23. I had to laugh at John Denham saying 'Labour has achieved huge increases in public spending' on Newsnight like that's some kind of achievement.

    I could spend more taxpayers money. It doesn't take a genius to increase spending. We cannot afford 5 more years of Labour.

  24. Its more powerful the other way around : 'wont change, CANT change.'
    I think it may have legs...

    ...better than Mr 10%.

  25. So much for the Old Stalinist's conversion to democracy. A leopard never changes its spots, and a New Labour breed of socialist never changes its control-freakery.

    Yet again, he takes the electorate for a ride. The Uneleted One has ruined the economy, has sold off our gold, has massacred the constitution and run off with our pensions. And yet the cover-up continues.

    What has Labour got to hide? Oh yeah, silly me - the truth...

  26. There is hope. Hope's name is Justine Greening. Just been watching her in the debate on the taxes that businesses have to cope with. You know, the ones that are going to the wall, the ones Gordon says he is doing so much to help. She'll do well.

  27. Isn't it fascinating that the Old Stalinist wants us all to carry ID cards so that his henchmen can examine every aspect of our lives, and yet the enquiry into the biggest foreign policy blunder since Suez will be carried out in secret?

    This is typical of the Labour approach to the masses: they assume that we are all card-carrying terrorists and paedophiles, and hence need to jump through hoop after hoop to do anything any more, and yet will cover up their own incompetence because, of course, they know what is best.

    The sooner this lot are kicked out, the better for all of us. Cameron should say unerquivocally that there will be a full public enquiry into Iraq, with the presumption that all documentation is made public, unless a judge rules that to release a certain document would be prejudicial to national security.
