Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Bradby/Bercow Spat For Your Delectation

At last the clip of John Bercow being skewered by ITN's Tom Bradby on last night's ITV News has been put on YouTube. We watched this at home last night and my non political partner, who is not given to swearing, turned to me and said: "What an arrogant ****". I have since reassured Mr Bradby that he was not in fact referring to him. :).

I've been known myself to take interviewers to task on the odd occasion, but then again I am not the Speaker of the House of Commons. If, as Speaker, you are going to do interviews, you have got to take the rough with the smooth and exude bon homie, even if you think the interviewer is asking disgraceful questions. Bercow's problem is that Bradby was asking the questions any self respecting journalist would have asked. Bradby only repeated the question because he was not getting an answer. To react as he did, demonstrates that John Bercow hasn't quite realised he needs to leave his argumentative side behind him - at least in public.


  1. Ah and after he did so well at PMQs...

    (Word verification - maturatti :) )

  2. Alistair BarberJune 24, 2009 6:31 pm

    It should be noted that Bercow looked to his left before he answered the questions. I wonder why?

  3. Tom Bradby is excellent. Compare him to that slaphead tool Toenails Robinson on the BBC and Toenails just looks pathetic.

  4. ITV were scathing of MPs and their pension rise. The BBC, not a mention. Says it all.

  5. But where is the film of the first 4 questions which precede this spat ??

    I can't wait for Mr Speaker to go 'mano a mano' with Mr Paxman...

  6. Iain

    Time to stop the futile references to Bercow. The matter is resolved and you, Nadine, Liam etc must now shut up. Otherwise this will drift on for years, pointlessly, since he is not gong to be ditched after the next General Election as you should be able to reason out.

    Further discussion only open the Tories to accusations of failing to turn their attention to real matters or matters that really matter.

  7. Thomas HardmanJune 24, 2009 6:56 pm

    Actually, I disagree Iain. I believe it is imperative that if the Speaker does interviews, he must do them on his own terms: we cannot come to a situation where the Speaker discredits the House through such a medium.

  8. Am going off this blog. Your attempts to pursue your own agenda are becoming too frequent...

    There is nothing notable about this interview - press officer tells journalist to stick to agreed time slot. Big deal.


  9. As a proponent of right wing policies e.g. laissez faire, minimal government, limited immigration, intense patriotism etc, I can say from experience it is hard for us to NOT be aggressive because we have to put up with so much shit and smears about our characters e.g. racism, homophobia, fascism. It comes with the territory

  10. Brilliant, the way they look away from each other at the end is brilliant, Tom thinking "wanker" and the Speaker thinking "don't you know who i am?". Confirms everything i'd suspect about the new speaker

  11. Non Runner. Bye then. I really must apologise for pursuing my own agenda on my own blog. Thoroughly reprehensible. Won't happen again. Did you think how idiotic that sounded before you pressed Send?

  12. Victor, I have already made clear that I wish Bercow all the best and hope he proves himself worthy of the job. Surely you're not implying this clip wasn't worthy of posting!

  13. Perhaps it's more like the agenda is pretty weak nowadays.

    I'm starting to wonder what the point of this blog is. It keeps up to date with 'stuff' but there's very little decent insight. I suspect you've become a bit lazy on the assumption that the Tories will win the next election (which they will) and you've given up trying.

    Have you heard of the expression "Jumping the shark" Iain?

    At least Guido can cling to being subversive come the next parliament.

  14. It's Iain's blog, he can do as he pleases, if you don't like it, then there are thousands that would love you to visit them, and you might even find something you agree with.

    Close the door on your way out...

  15. Greeeat comment on YouTube 'when two twats collide..'

  16. I thought it was Michael Martin who gave up wearing spats as Speaker?

  17. Why does he (Bercow) talk to everyone as if they're a four year old? When he's not in his angry bitter mood, he talks at the pace of a snail, in an eeespeciallllyyy condesssssceeeending waaaaay. He's like Robert Peston with an attitude.

  18. So, we go from thick, illiterate Gorbals Mick to this snotty poison dwarf, detested by his own party and only elected by the opposition in order to, yet again, take the piss.
    Things can only get better

  19. Victor

    You say the poisoned dwarf wont be binned after the next election??? for a small wager old boy...

  20. ***Am going off this blog. Your attempts to pursue your own agenda are becoming too frequent... ***


  21. Did you notice how when the interview was over, Bercow just got up and walked away to his right with not a word, no offer of a hand shake.

    I don't care how annoyed he was or wasn't at the interviewer, that was just rude and obnoxious.

  22. Victor - I cannot accept as Speaker a man chosen by "the payroll vote" for the purposes of political cynacism as thin as rice-paper.

    This interview spat proves what I feared - the same personal traits of many within the Robot Quarters of Labour's thinning ranks of Ministers.

  23. Thomas Hardman, there's a difference between maintaining the dignity of your office by controlling the agenda of an interview and demeaning your office by throwing a hissy fit when things don't go your way.

    Bercow can't stand for Speaker on the grounds that he'll be more open to the media and then refuse to answer awkward questions on camera.

    What was that line from his speech again? I shall be not just a speaker but also someone who sticks his fingers in his ears and goes la la la la I'm not listening.

    Or words to that effect?

  24. It'd be good if we had some context to this vid, I unfortunately didn't catch ITN news last night.

  25. ***It'd be good if we had some context to this vid, I unfortunately didn't catch ITN news last night.***

    I only caught the first minute myself. It went BONG BONG BONG BONG and I thought - oh I've seen this episode before and switched over.

  26. Brady is the best political commentator on the box. Perhaps, because of his neutrality, the Labour Party do not like him and so that determines Bercows view of him.

    Make no mistake. Ber Cow is as much a Labour stooge as was Martin.

  27. I hardly think that Bradby "skewered" him... He may have hoisted himself by his own petard, yes, but Bradby's question was inert and bounced straight off.

  28. There's a 2:24 version with some preceding questions over at - "Don't miss" in the right column.

    Nick Robinson was allowed 10:18

  29. ing the Blog is following its own agenda...hw much did you pay to read this ??, didnt you know that BLOGs are personal opinions on the whole and some even let you comment.

    Agree or disagree...if you dont like it dont read know its called freedom of choice....something we English dont seem to have a lot of these days..

    And yes Bercow is a prat...but then we knew that before didnt we, he is not going to get any better.

  30. I think he might find the public does like the shouting... Even Americans love it.

  31. A system that is transparent?


  32. from what i hear bradby is hated by most people at the itv news desk,far to right-wing with his views...

  33. Sore loser. Move on.

  34. Let's hope this video goes global.

  35. East MidlanderJune 24, 2009 9:12 pm

    Slightly of topic. In Quenton Letts( Daily Mail)column today he referres to Ber Cow's stately progress on the way to work and whom he exchanged grin's with a" ROLY POLY WELL KNOWN RIGHT WING BLOGGER"
    To whom was he referring too ??? Some one amonst the thousands of Iains posters must have clue. Please help.

  36. East Midlander - it was Jonathan Isaby

    Word Ver: smoks

  37. Bradby's "sorry" was hilarious. That he refrained from using stronger language is a testament to his professionalism.

    Bercow, on the other hand... ugh.

  38. East Midlander said "Quentin Letts' column today [refers] to... exchang[ing] grins with 'a roly-poly well knowin right-wing Internet blogger.'. To whom was he referring too?"

    Iain isn't that fat. :p

  39. **Am going off this blog. Your attempts to pursue your own agenda are becoming too frequent... **

    Somebody out there is responsible for the cake crumbs and hot tea dribbling down the screen of my nice new monitor!

  40. East MidlanderJune 24, 2009 9:28 pm

    *** Re Anon @8:33 SHOUTING ! Try FOX NEWS particularly Bill O'Reilly circa 10:00am our time.And the preceding show. Now that is what I calling shouting. Then watch a Wimmins Prog (ITV)on at the same time as The Daily Politics.You will then know what shouting is like. I would love to be a fly on the wall at No.10 when McBroon is in an angry mood. (Avoid flying Nokia's)

  41. I can't see what you're fussing about, Iain.

  42. East Midlander said "I would love to be a fly on the wall at No.10 when McBroon is in an angry mood."

    That fly would probably get crushed by the next laser printer Brown destroys. I would give the fly in question a state funeral afterwards.

  43. Tom Bradby is just too cute to be treated like that!!!

  44. Oh dear. Doesn't cast the new speaker in a particularly endearing light. I agree he should try to come across as a bit more reasonable than that.

  45. I'm with Non-Runner @6-58 pm.
    I didn't see any skewering by anyone. Bradby asked a question, Bercow answered it, fairly definitively, and the matter ended!
    What, exactly, were we supposed to see?

  46. LOL and this according to his conservative pals is him being aloof and arrogant

    Have you ever seen widders in an interview and you thought she would have been a good speaker of the commons

    I think anything bercow does over the next year will be frowned upon by you tories lol he won the contest get over it.

  47. I think I'd like to see the interview from the start, in order to try and understand what got Bercow so huffed up. Obviously, whatever got his gander up commenced before the start of this clip. Perhaps he had good reason?

    Anyway, I'm inclined to give him a few months and see how he does, before laying into him too harshly. Mind you, I wish he'd wear the full get-up; traditions are there for a reason and should not be broken lightly, just for the sake of it.

  48. Interesting combination of arrogance, smarminess and shittiness all rolled into one

    I now see why he was so popular with labour

  49. They just do not get it. What a thuggish piece of sh*te.
    And who is the handler standing between us and our democratically elected representative. Presumably someone else we're paying for. Bercow must have thought the ugly bits would be edited out and only his smarmy answers would remain. Thank God for the new media. Let's hope they never get used to it. It has rendered them transparent.

  50. Oh God!! I want Martin back now. Do I? Aaagggghhh

  51. It would be a real treat to see an independent stand and defeat Napolean Bercow in his traditionaly uncontestested seat at the next general election.

  52. Good questions by Bradby, but it was hardly a 'spat.'

  53. I always took the "nasty party" quote with a pinch of salt but you tories. When you don't like someone you know how to give a good kicking.

    Bercow got more votes than young get over it.

    I want speaker bercow to be vocal and give his opinions not on politics but on HOC issues.

  54. There's nothing much here, just a bit of terse back and forth between hack and politico of the sort that happens almost every time.

    Can it be that the real story here is the obsession of the Nutters in the ever more extreme far-right Tory party about getting rid of Bercow later? For what exact reason we are never told. Is he just the wrong sort? What sort of sort? Jewish maybe? Working class?

    Perhaps we should be told.

  55. Sorry but there are some REAL morons out there (you know who you are Labour lovers). Compare Toenails arse licking of Bercow to Bradby's go.

    Same the other week when the one eyed Scottish bogey eater complained about a Channel4 interview (which was excellent) but again Toenails gave snotty an easy ride.

  56. Is that it?

    Much ado about nothing, methinks.

  57. Well posted it just me or does anyone else feel like giving the new speaker a smack after that interview?

  58. Tom Bradby I agree is excellent and quite fair, but just think if every new report showed us parts that are usually cut. I still think Bercow answered it okay.

  59. Having pondered over the last few days,I am now of the opinion that Bercow is an 'orrible little shitbag.

  60. I can understand why, for many people, their flesh starts to crawl whenever Bercow opens his mouth.

    However, I think that this instinctive hatred of him is clouding everyone's judgement.

    Look again at this clip and imagine someone you respect (Iain maybe) saying exactly the same things.

    To me he looks like he is trying to keep the interview to the alloted time and Tom Bradby is trying to stretch it. Probably this was par for the course on what must have been a very busy day with queues of journalists waiting their turn.

  61. Iain, This clip was certainly worthy of being posted given that it demonstrates that within less than 24 hours of being elected, the role of Speaker has gone to Mr. Bercow's head. As my mother never tired of saying, good manners cost nothing. Unless JB was busting for a piss, it did not hurt him to give the excellent TB the two extra minutes needed to answer his perfectly reasonable questions. I don't share the views of some other posters regarding TB's relative brilliance compared to Toenails Robinson. Toenails is of course notoriously biased in favour of Big Gordo in particular and New Labour in general but he has given a number of cabinet ministers a real roasting over the last three weeks and we should give him credit for that. It doesn't make his blog any less laughable however. Keep up the great work. Stephen

  62. Bradby always looks like he has a bit of integrity about him.

    On a wider note why dont the tories announce as part of a manifesto commitment to reforming parliament a total overhaul. A senior judje could do the job or they could commit to a new speaker in each term of parliament consigning this little man to the shortest speakership in living memory. He is clearly going to be an attention seeker and is going to go out of his way to make life difficult for a tory government.

  63. You all just hate Bercow because of his views, nothing to do with his competence to be Speaker.

    The reality is that nobody other than Herr Dr Goebbels as Speaker would suit some of you around here.

  64. Don't see why he was skewered? He was a bit tetchy but don't see why the Speaker of the House of Commons shouldn't be given a bit of respect.

    More excitingly, however, I am busily clicking on the Google adsense ads on your blog placed there by the Labour Party. I am hoping each click costs them money and earns something for you. Come on everyone, join in!

  65. lavrentiy beriaJune 25, 2009 12:19 pm

    I saw this interview, and Bercow did indeed come across as one pissy little bitch. He was elected by labour MPs as one final "fuck you" to the British people from that failed conspiracy.

    I agree that Bradby is a very good interviewer, as is Gary Gibbon on Channel 4, who really skewered the Snot Eater a few weeks back. Together, they show up Toenails Robinson and the State Broadcaster as the pussies they are. Can we have our £3 billion back please?

  66. Bercow is a greasy little tosser.

  67. Ahhhh Grumpy there you are !

    Why does Bercows Constituency not move against him . Is there no-one there who is not prepared to tramp around delivering leaflets on behalf of a traitor and Labour Party supporter ?

  68. How patronising.

  69. Can somebody explain why Nick Robinson, for I presume it is he, is called 'toenails'? I missed the birth of that nickname.

  70. BREAKING NEWS......



  71. I would be tempted to go and help them , he is after all a crook apart from anything else .

  72. ganging up on people fast makes a blogger look like a bully ... leave it out Iain you are better than this - give the man a chance

  73. I will definitely go to help UKIP on this if possibly can.

  74. Anon 2.17pm:

    Nick Robinson is referred to as "Toenails" because he's so far Snotty's arse, that's the only bit of him you can see.

  75. WANQUERRE !!!!

  76. Where's the rest of the interview? Did they exchange family photos, then fall out over when the milk goes in the tea? Can't say I'd let either of them be pals with me...

  77. Well we all get riled at times under presser, but I think Mr Bercow's error was to intervene in his press officer's argument. It was unnecessary, and evidently unbecoming!

  78. Seems like ITV were over time in interviewing. This is not a spat. But if you dislike Bercow I guess then you would want to create a fuss....

  79. Not worth the post, really.

  80. Parliament needed a Bercow after years of pathetic and unsuitable speakers. Leave the jewish dwarf alone please!

  81. Gosh - am I the only one who thought the clip was a bit of a non story?

    I think (but I hope I'm wrong) that the apparent dislike of Berkow from his own party, smacks of antisemitism

  82. You are right Frankie - a ghastly combination of anti-semitism, dislike of Bercow's views and his class and stature combine here into a vicious personality assualt.

    All cheerfully co-ordinated by Iain Dale, the man who calls others sexist in public. Consider first the mote in thine own eye.

  83. The Sunday Telegraph 28.06.2009 reveals more details of John Bercow's £40,000 private income. Page 7 Quote by Patrick Sawer & Melissa Kite: 'The new Commons Speaker was accused last night of profiting from his work as a government adviser on special educational needs. John Bercow was paid £40,000 by a health care firm which hired him after he wrote a report that led to a £52 million increase in special needs funding. The MP worked for six months for the Priory Group, which runs a number of special needs schools, giving advice about children who suffer from speech and language difficulties. He attended around five board meetings before he resigned from the post on becoming Speaker last week The payments declared by Mr Bercow in the Register of Members' Interests will now raise questions about the propriety of MPs taking money from firms working in an area in which they have dealt directly in Parliament.
    Tory opponents of Mr Berocow, who was voted in as Michael Martin's replacement despite little support from his own party, said the disclosures cast fresh doubts on his suitability as Speaker. " This calls into question his judgement. He appears to have profited from his work as Brown's adviser", said one MP.
    Mr Bercow, once a member of the right-wing Monday Club but now on the left of his party, has also been criticised for "flipping" the designation of his second home, enabling him to avoid paying capital gains tax.' Unquote.
