Friday, June 05, 2009

Boulton Slams Woodward

Adam Boulton is giving Shaun Woodward a roasting on Sky. Woodward started to wax lyrical about how how brilliant Brown was at the G20. Adam lost his temper and blurted out: "I am fed up with hearing about how the G20 was a triumph for Gordon Brown. It was not." Woodward replied that Gordon Brown had put forward policies for recovery. "Yeah," said Boulton. "That's what leaders do," with complete contempt.


  1. Woodward did come across as Brown's slimy creature, and utterly out-of-touch.

  2. I know. great wasn't it.
    So what's Miliband's game. Does he really feel he would do better after a Labour defeat than forcing GB out now?

    Or is he just a weak, weak , ditherer.

  3. Adam has done a good job on both Gordon Brown and Ed Milliband in the last week. Much respect to the man!

  4. Cleethorpes RockJune 05, 2009 12:58 am

    That's pretty much exactly what I've just put on ConHome. I've never seen Boulton lay onto a Labour MP like that before. I thought Boulton was Labour royalty. You could just feel the contempt.

  5. I listened to Shaun Woodward on BBC News 24 and have to say he's every bit as boring and uninspiring as Harriet Harman is.

  6. This really is begining to resemble the Titanic- you know, when all the lifeboats have gone and the rest (cabinet ministers) are clinging on knowing they're all going into oblivion.

    Its actually quite sad to see British politics at this level.

  7. Nice to hear that an interviewer called someone out on talking rubbish for once. I wish it happened more often, especially with this Labour mob.

  8. Does anyone have a good word to say about Shaun Woodward?

  9. i missed there a link to it? Adam Boultion is easily the top tv political reporter by far, and a much more tenacious interviewer.

  10. Its all beginning to look a little bit July 20th. the bomb went off but the madman survived with just his trousers blown off.

    The Valkyrie plotters didn't move fast enough and ended up on piano wire meat hooks. Even the ones who backed out of the coup {David Miliband?} and the ones who had knowledge but weren't actively involved. {Ed Miliband?}.

    The coup has 12 hours to run or Brown will survive. Getting ever more McMental, paranoid and dragging the country to ruin.

  11. Boulton was great - he actually looked totally pissed off with the same old crap.

    EXACTLY what we need from interviewers.

    Good on you Adam!

  12. Is there any online footage of it available?

  13. It was a joy to behold. Boulton is emerging out of all this as a bona fide super-heavyweight journo.

    Nick Robinson must be thrilled.

  14. yep, Woodward's appalling. Has anyone noticed his extremely annoying verbal tic: "with huge respect, (Adam/Jeremy/fill in interviewer name)" when he means nothing of the sort? He uses it a dozen times an interview.

  15. Have found it:

  16. A day earlier Woodward tried to get the message across that the world leaders had come to the G20 specifically so Brown could lead the world out of the crisis.

  17. As ever Iain a somewhat hysterical reaction from you. Boulton merely gave his usual interview and Woodward gave a pretty measured response.

    Not everything that happens in a crisis is newsworthy Iain, even though you, in your excitement think so.

  18. Anono @ 1.01, I have a good word to say about Woodward, but Iain will ban me if I use it.

  19. I watched Sky News last night and it was such a refreshing change from the BBC's kowtowing to whatever Labour "big beast" they have in front of them.

  20. About time. I was watching some BBC coverage and wanted to lamp Woodward and the presenter for not telling him to shut the eff up. I mean, CCHQ must love it when he goes on the tellie.

  21. To be fair, Boulton has usually been a class or two above the likes of Robinson.
    David Miliband stays at the FO, and as quid pro quo has to endorse the Brownster ?
    Developing country governments around the world must be trembling in their boots, who's next for a lecture on their "duty" ?

  22. I watched Boulton last night and I must admit that I thought it was the best coverage of all.

    Respect to Adam Boulton

  23. The same happened on BBC news at midnight. Every question was answered about the G20. Even the BBC interrupted and said "you've said that repeatedly".

  24. And where was Boulton when it was discovered, unbeknown to the Labour party treasurer, that £14M had been donated to the party! Why wasn't Boulton doing his bloody job and asking difficult questions then? Because he was cosying up to them, that's why! Too late Boulton, where were you when we needed you ...

  25. The "gem" from Shaun Woodward ion TV was how one of his constituents? had contacted him to say how they were annoyed and deplored the actions of James Purnell.

    This is from a millionaire who was parachuted into our constituency as a reward for crossing floor of the house to be become New Labour, instead of Conservative. St Helens a safe seat one of the largest in the country and one he is seeing the majority keep falling!

    Mr Woodward purchased a very small terraced house, not sure if he has ever visited it? if he did and read this weeks local paper he would see that many many people of St Helens want a General Election Now!

    Shaun Woodward has not a clue about the problems of St Helens voters and the struggles they face!
    how many houses does he have worldwide, yes typical New Labour as shown with expenses.

  26. Well, of course Adam Boulton slammed Woodward for saying he thinks Brown's doing a good job. 'Cabinet Minister wholeheartedly supports economically competent PM' doesn't fit in with the narrative the media's decided upon unfortunately and it certainly doesn't make a good headline...
