Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Balls Talks Balls (Again)

You've got admire the balls of Ed Balls. He has accused David Cameron of bullying Gordon Brown? Laugh? I nearly wet myself.

He's also spent the morning on every conceivable media outlet making policy announcement after policy announcement ahead of his statement in the Commons this afternoon. It's almost as if he is saying to Speaker Bercow "Come on if you think you're hard enough". Bercow took no action against Brown yesterday for doing the same thing.


  1. Looks to me like Balls has being getting a bit lippy these last few days.

    He wants the leadership!

  2. Mandy and Brown are both talking Balls, help me compile a list of NuLabour cuts.

    Expose the lie.

  3. You really do have to laugh at Balls.

    The man is a cretin. He has a tenuous grasp of grammar, syntax and morphology and he can't pronounce English properly. His intellectual capacity is severely limited if his "arguments" are anything to go by and is quite clearly an all-round plonker. But then he does come from Norwich.

  4. It must be great to be one of the "3000 richest families" since Osborne is going to fund their IHT cut by diverting all the money in the schools budget, the social services budget, the housing budget, etc, etc.

    According to Brown et al. the tories will divert the entire government budget to pay for the IHT cut. Whichever minister is interviewed will tell the reporter that billions will be diverted from his dept.s budget to fund IHT.

    If you believe this then we are talking billions and billions for the IHT cut. No reporter has ever mentioned this peculiar little anomaly.


  5. I've just read that Labour have put up a UEA graduate in Norwich North.

    They really are determined to lower the tone aren't they Iain?

  6. Balls had a go at Cameron because he wants Cameron to respond. Cameron would be right to ignore a junior minister in his first parliament in the HoC.

  7. It's an obvious dog whistle:

    Cameron = Flashman.

    Nasty public school bully beating plucky little 3rd former Gordon with canes and flicking him with wet towels.

    Problem is of course that sort of imagery only plays well in the minds of the incompetent f*ckwits in New Labour land...the rest of the country want a change and couldn't give a rats arse what Balls says.

  8. This coming from the man who had Damian Mcbride do all his dirty work for him! He should know a thing or two about "bullying and aggression". He is another that is utterly deluded in the fact if the tell lies and spread bullsh1t often enough they themselves begin to believe it!! Go back to flipping houses, the only thing Balls and his wife seem to be any good at and honest about (when caught). And no Bercow will not censure him this afternoon, it will be all smiles and winks!!

  9. I don't think even Balls knows what he's talking about. It seem's he has chosen the view of teachers over parents, with little understanding that workplaces have politics of their own where all types of personal philosophies exist. He is picking one type of view and ignoring the rest, from what I've read on news websites.

    The voter will suffer in the long term because teachers have problems doing their jobs and expect parents to do it for them. And Balls has bent to the strongest politcial wind, regardless of whether its viewpoint is right or not, just best for them.

    That's Labour all over, Iain. Crooked and without a viewpoint of its own.

  10. Ok, let's see what Bercow does this time...

  11. Brown anointed Balls as next Labour leader. Do Labour do democracy?

  12. Speaker Bercow will take no action against "Chancellor in all but name" Ed Balls. The warning was a marker and it will be first used against a Conservative Minister after the general election.

  13. Balls is an absolute w@nker.....He is my MP regrettably.

    Rather than worrying about becoming "leader of the opposition," he would do better to worry about winning his new seat of Morley & Outwood, which is by no means a certainty.

    Worth a punt on the Conservatives here. The bookies have slashed the odds on Antony Calvert from 6/1 to 2/1.

  14. I can't believe that anyone would label Cameron as a bully in a month of Sundays.


    I see the economy has shrunk at the fastest rate for 50 yrs though so that's all right then.

  15. Michael Heseltine 1994:
    "There you have it! The final proof. Labour's brand new, shining, modernists' economic dream. But it's not Brown's - it's Balls".

  16. You do seem to have a bee in your bonnet about speaker bercow asserting his authority. of course this never happend in the good ole tory days did it ian.

    How many people will watch the statment this afternoon comapared to people who listen to the today program or radio 5 live? You presume that people demand that all policy statments should be made exclusively in the house i don't agree. the anoraks amongst us might huff and puff but that doesn't mean there right.

    you need to get out of the westminster bubble people don't give a hoot.

    I do think the HOC does have an important role but predominantly debate related where issues can be scrutinised far better than a 5 minute intewview on the radio.

  17. The problem with the Balls-Coopers and every other member of this wicked bunch who have inveigled their way into power, is that there is no sanction available to us the people that would cause them to behave in a civilised manner. In my fantasy, there is a group of vigliantes who kill virtually all the socialists. But i know this will never happen. However, it still remains a fact that there is absolutely nothing that these entities are afraid of and so they do what they do and will continue to do so till the day they die. I'm a great believer in fear as a constraint on the worst aspects of human nature. So, how can fear be instilled in the so-called ruling elite?

  18. Balls cockiness is based on his preferred status with Mandleson. Ferrets are alive and well but the sack is getting quite a shredding!

  19. Camo may or may not be bullying Cyclops Brown but I can assure you of one thing: Came certainly didn't throw any Nokias at the Cyclops' monocular head. Nor did he push Cyclops to the grounds. Nor did he throw a printer around the room in a fit of rage.

    Can the Cyclops (aka The Eternal Victim of Everyone and Everything) say the same?

  20. @ golden_balls

    So it's OK for the Speaker to lie? What was that he said about Ministers making policy announcements in the House?

  21. I see the economy has taken a dive. -2.4% this quarter I believe. Only -0.1% to go and Darling has hit his target!! For the year!! He managed it in on quarter!! Now that is achievement! And they say we don't give them credit for anything.
    Didn't he also say that he expected to see growth in July.....Only one day to go! Can't wait!!

  22. Balls says Brown is being bullied because its a line of attack he'll have had tested out in focus groups.

    I've heard people, usually women, say they feel sorry for Brown.

    David Cameron needs to let the public vent its anger - stoking that up by providing the information on what Labour is doing to everyone, but not provide that retribution all the time.

    PS Of course you could argue that certain unelected office holders bullied their way into office ....

  23. Ber Cow has shown that he is no man- just a wee mouse with a big voice. Thus giving more credibility to the old adage "Empty barrels make the most noise".

    As for Balls. We can see that the General Election, IF and when it comes, will be a very very dirty affair. More the need for Cameron to have David Davis in his front team alongwith Redwood and Rafkind to take the fight to them.

    Can you imagine Letwin, Maude or Lansley against the likes of Balls or Mandleson?

  24. @ Unsworth

    I don't give a rats a** whether the policy is given firstly to parliment or the today program. neither do the majority of people imo.

    The HOC is a debating chamber where policy should be scrutinized and that role should be strengthened. Regular debates not only ministers but also the pm. Of course DC wouldn't want this as he has no policies to debate.

  25. Well yes, there's "sorry for" as in "bad luck, give the poor fellow another chance" and then there's "sorry for" as in "he needs to be put out of his misery, call the vet". My guess would be that the second type would be the majority view by a goodish margin.

  26. I'm just so very grateful Ed Balls has nothing to do with education here in Scotland. We're improving standards here, at long last, but I do sympathise with those who are in the English education system.

  27. I'm a man; and I feel sorry for Brown. I feel more sorry for the country and for the fact that his family don't put him out of his (and ours) misery - by putting him out to grass. They must be able to see his personality problems and how they are getting worse

  28. Balls, Byrne, Brown, Mandelson. They've all been at it this week. Telling lies in a desperate bid to cling on to power and to hell with the consequences for the country or its inhabitants.
    And I really wish they'd stop pasting on those appalling matey smiles in a pathetic attempt to seem human.

  29. @ golden_balls

    So that's a yes, then. It's OK for Bercow to lie.

    What's the point of debate - any debate - if those taking part continually lie (like Brown, Darling and Balls) - and those chairing the debate do likewise?

    You seem to believe there are two different standards of behaviour.

    Whether you give a rat's arse or not will make no difference whatsoever.

  30. "The warning was a marker and it will be first used against a Conservative Minister after the general election."

    but all the 'media management' by labour have done them no good (or us either). its pointless - so lets hope the Tories do not do it.

    Lets not forget that for all Browns talk of Building a better Britain - all his measures he announced in parliament referred only to England.

  31. According to the BBC, and confirmed by Balls, £200 million of the money planned to go towards Browns announcement yesterday of more housing will come from Balls Education budget.

    "Schools Secretary Ed Balls confirmed that £200m was being transferred from his department's budget to the DCLG to help pay for new homes."


    So that is a £200 million cut in education - before we even get to the election.

  32. I have been waiting since Friday morning when Balls was
    reported to the Deputy Speaker for leaking his Schools nonsense to the Guardian and BBC but so far dead silence from Speaker Bercow. What's the US expression - all hat and no cattle?

  33. More to the point - when are the BBC going to stop handing Today over to ministers to make Party Political broadcasts? Balls was shocking this morning, just talked through the interviewer and lied about the Tories.

    As ever, there were no opposition reps of any sort there.

    I've complained. Will you?

  34. swivel-eyed, frothing LabBot. there are precious few people who by their very demeanour make me want switch their lights off ... but balls is one of them. and when he opens his mouth, the desire becomes medieval in its creativity.

    the man is an utter sleaze. those lizard, lying eyes ... that razored, der fuhrer fringe ... looks like a deviant psycho and is about as honest.

    i never went in for such things but he is the sort of creepy freak who was unmercifully bullied at school for killing small animals.

  35. Bercow fails at the first then.

    What I regret here is that Brown is behaving so badly that he makes David Cameron appear extreme and angry . DC is actually a moderate and sensible man but what can you do when someone will not say anything that even approximates to the truth.

    I think is time that people started not only to talk about how awful Brown is but what a wonderful PM we have in waiting . David Cameron fills me with hope and confidence when he speaks and I trust him.
    The Heffers of this world do more damage than they know with this drip drip whining from the octogenarian Tory right. Its time to start setting out the way ahead for people interested in the truth and balanced successful Britain

    David Cameron is more than just - Not Brown

  36. Would not go on Politics today, Labour put up Barry Sheerman and said it was the fault of the Baker report of the cons 20 years ago. Also said on the national educations tables the UK had gone from 10th to 27th were all wrong.

    Iain, it's the four horses not the three.

  37. Now he is telling Fraser Nelson to stop calling him a liar! Debt and ratio's and allsorts were talked about. All very funny. Is the heat getting to him today?
    I thought Darling was chancellor anyway?
    Everyone seems to be having a try at the moment, Mandelson, Balls, Bryne...who next?

  38. Sunder is wittering over at Next Left about some supposed Tory ProgCon tendancy - party within a party - are this group of ten the same as the far more convincing NeoCon tendancy?

  39. You're accusing Balls of talking balls? That's as clear-cut a case of anti-semitism as ever I've seen. It's probably also racist and homophobic too.

    What do you say to that, Dale, you jew-baiting queer-bashing BNP-voting fascist?

  40. Nope that would be me, Fraser Nelson and the rest of the country!!
    What a bunch we are!!
    Must be the weather!

  41. I think Cameron should come out and call Brown a LIAR to his face, in parliament.

    I also think Bercow needs to grow a pair of Eds. I remain singularly unimpressed so far...


  42. Your all acting like this never happend in the tory years is anyone actually saying that ?

    If/when DC becomes PM he will do exactly the same will you still be bleating about this then ?

    I think debate about policy is much more important then announcements whether it be in the HOC or on the today program.

    You may want bercow to fail as speaker and he may indeed do so but this for me and probably the majority of people isn't an issue.

    the tories petty vendetta is quite enjoyable to watch though lol

  43. This from the man who said in the House "So what?" And then later tried to make out that he had really said "So wet" (common parliamentary language).
    Or... I can't remember... maybe he said "So wart" (form of insult).
    "So white?"

  44. Berty Brown-StainesJune 30, 2009 2:18 pm

    Golden_Balls: "Your all acting like this never happend in the tory years is anyone actually saying that ?"

    "You're" not "your", "happened" not "happend", "Tory" not "tory" and I suspect that you should have put a full point between "years" and "is".
    To answer what I believe your question to be - no.

    "If/when DC becomes PM he will do exactly the same will you still be bleating about this then ?"

    No, if DC starts doing the same, we will "bleat" about him doing it not Ed Balls (if you haven't understood, ask your grammar teacher or your care worker)

    "I think debate about policy is much more important then announcements whether it be in the HOC or on the today program."

    "Than" not "then" and "programme" not "program".

    I, too, think debate on policy is very important. That, however is not the point. Bercow made a specific statement of intent, did he not? He was going to haul anyone, who made policy statements outside of Parliament, up in the HOC and demand an explanation - correct?

    "You may want bercow to fail as speaker and he may indeed do so but this for me and probably the majority of people isn't an issue."

    It should be. The speaker wields a lot of political power and, it would seem, that Bercow is no better than his predecessor.

    "the tories petty vendetta is quite enjoyable to watch though lol"

    No petty vendetta, as far as I'm concerned, just another lying Labour minister.

  45. What a shame that Bercow is unable to stand by his pledge not one week into his new job.

    I for one felt he deserved a chance, but after watching Bercow allow Brown to continue to lie and not answer questions, to allow ministers to leak details that are supposed to be announced in the House, and to do nothing more than make patronising remarks to the Tories, shows hom for what he really is.

    Bercow is just patsy that the Tories feared he would be, and that Liebour knew he would be.

  46. Hawkeye (Leftist shill)

    "It must be great to be one of the "3000 richest families" since Osborne is going to fund their IHT cut by diverting all the money in the schools budget, the social services budget, the housing budget, etc, etc."

    For the 1,534,532.3rd time, you do not "divert" money when you cut taxes, you just don't get it anymoe. Unlike you, who appear to have never got it.

  47. The "Cojones Kid" and his wife are a joke.The Berc won't touch Cojones for are they not both the chosen ones of the dear leader?

  48. iain. if bercow bottles it and fails to hold ministers to account for pre-announcing policies to the media ahead of parliament, please will you volubly challenge him on our behalf?


  49. Cameron needs to go for the throat repeatedly and provoke GB into a rage. After all, telling the truth is pretty easy for most people but GB of course has no concept of such a thing.

    A general election is needed before the country sinks even further into the economic abyss.

  50. I don't know enough about Parliamentary procedure to know - is there anything the Speaker can do about it? Other than remonstrating with them?

  51. Apparently, Balls has just tried bullying Fraser Nelson from the Spectator into withdrawing a blog that said Balls (let's be diplomatic) was inaccurate about the level of national debt

  52. Here's the link.


  53. Burcow has been tried and found wanting

  54. And another one bites the dust, Harry Cohen " my expenses are part of my salary " MP for Leyton is retiring to spend more time with his bank book.

  55. @Berty Brown-Staines

    i neither have a care worker or a grammar teacher but thanks for the english lesson. english is not my first language as i have said on quite afew occasions. but don't let that put you off poking fun i actual expect it on this forum. I won't hold that against you though and won't prevent me from commenting :-)

    So we know it happend in the tory years but now at this special time its more important than at any other time hmmm.

    bercow did indeed make that statement and its upto him to decide whether balls has crossed the line.

    Just because you and afew other tories say he has doesn't prove it.

    I come into this debate with an open mind and i wish bercow well can most of you say the same.

  56. Balls is a complete and utter wan... Very odious in a Government of very odious people.

  57. The whiter than white (are they really doing that)Berc is farce taken just a bit too far.We now know that whatever Brown/Balls get up to the Berc will be looking the other way.What the Berc called his ground rules have amounted to nothing more than political flatulence.

  58. Talking of bullying


    The audacity of Balls is amazing!

  59. Saw him on C4 news. Mr and Mrs Balls manage to get right under my skin in a way few other people can, with the possible exception of Harperson.
    There would be a big crowd watching Balls if he ever happened to face an unpleasant demise....

  60. Greg Hands points out some alarming examples of insults and ignorance on a visit by Balls and brown to a school in his constituency today


  61. Balls is a sound-bite cretin, as is his wife. Labour have been a tota ldisaster for the economy of the UK.

    Brown is a thug who passes himself off as the saviour of the country. Bollocks. He's just another Jock Socialist.

    I'm Scottish and am quite happy to say that.

    Bring on an election and get rid of this unscrupulous rabble of political sound-bites.

  62. I presume that - until Balls sues Fraser Nelson for calling him a liar - we can all quote Fraser to our hearts content.

    Surely - until this happens - Balls' career is finished.

    Or has he no shame?

  63. Just seen Osbourne on bbc news at 10.He said he will cut spending in schools, how thick can you get, school spending is more important than NHS spending,sorry but i cannot vote for a party who could do such a thing.THAT IS ALOAD OF BALLS...

  64. Anon 10:28

    Do you really believe that the huge building industry payoff (i.e. the schools building programme) does anything at all to raise academic standards? I think you probably do.

    Even that is now falling apart. Many 'Academies' are struggling because all the cash has been dissipated or pillaged, new school buildings are standing half empty because of a failure to understand and forecast likely demographics etc etc. And Balls and Brown pissing ever more of our money away on damn fool exercises like that saying that they are 'investing' in education.

    What has this led to? A 40% overproduction of graduates. Where are all these highly qualified people going to end up? MacDonald's flipping burgers? Call centres? What?

    Meanwhile manufacturing, service industries and R&D have been entirely outsourced to other continents.

    Absolute success.

  65. Bercow's lack of action in line with his (well rehearesed in readiness) 'lecture' to ministers excludes 'certain' ministers - who happen to be laborites.

    The 'threat' was an undemocratic attempt to thwart opposition ministers' right to free speech to whomsoever they chose.
