Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Winging It

Well that was an evening I don't want to repeat in a hurry. Normally, it takes an hour and a quarter to drive from Tunbridge Wells to the Sky studios in Osterley. I left at 8.45pm to get there in good time to scan the front pages before appearing at 10.30. Only I hadn't reckoned with the M25 being shut because of an overturned lorry and cows wandering across the motorway. In the end I got to Sky with only two minutes to spare before the longer review was due to start at 11.30. So to those who emailed complaining I wasn't wearing a tie, there was no time to put it on! Indeed, there was no time to read the papers either. I had to scan them as Gillian Joseph was doing the introduction. I was on with a comedian called Rob, so I had to do all the political stories in the first half. It's strange, I always seem to perform better when I am completely unprepared. Maybe it's the adrenalin rush of knowing you're about to wing it. It's the same with speeches. I always seem to do better when I have done little preparation and have no notes at all. One day I suspect I will come a cropper...


  1. Oh Iain my comment was in jest. Your performance was exceptional under the circumstances. Is that enough confidence boosting for today?

  2. Could have put your tie on whilst waiting in the traffic jam. Preperation Iain preperation.

  3. I taught people debating in a previous life, and most people are actually better without notes, but feel that they need them as a kind of comfort blanket.

    Not everybody though - look up "Obama without teleprompter" on youtube if you want to see somebody who needs everything written down for him.

  4. I cannot understand why the M25 and other major and minor roads are now completley shut by the police whenever an accident occurs. Even fatal accidents do not warrrant the complete closure for hours on end. The priority used to be to get traffic moving ASAP now they don't care if people are trapped for hours. Ludicrous and the excuse of scene preservation doesn't wash.

  5. I thought you had prepared! So there. well done. It is all down to confidence in your own ability. I bet, though, that you still get nervous before standing up to speak, or do the papers or whatever.

    Those that say they do not feel nervous, I have found, do come a cropper. That is over confidence.

    Whilst I can understand it with cows wandering about. The police, these days, block roads off and cause so much trouble for drivers, for, it appears, any accident.

    Whole stretches of motorways are cordoned off. I suspect it is the Health and Safety Executive at it again. In my day it was drummed into us that we had to keep the traffic moving! Now, it is damn them they can wait!

  6. People who cause accidents and inconvenience thousands because their driving is moronic should be put in the stocks.

  7. No it's normal to work better under pressure, you're not worried about little cards or soundbites or plans of things you had to say, therefore it's all the more genuine and convincing!

  8. Never mind Iain,
    We still love you.

  9. Look on the bright side Iain, if you're late, Sky can always check your story with the Government.

    ANPR to the rescue:


    Say Cheese!

  10. I think you are right, Iain. Adrenalin is a great tool for broadcasters and journalists. "Write me a 250 word filler. And the magazine must og ot press in 30 minutes!" I sometimes grumble a bit when that happens. But I love the challenge, really!

    Richard Askwith wants people to be subject to a compulsory call up and compelled to serve for four years.

  11. Iain

    I've been a motivational and after dinner speaker for 18 years. You are ALWAYS better without pre prepared notes. The reason is that you will speak from the heart and only on topics you know something about. As soon as I see someone reading a pre prepared statement I switch off.

  12. Looked fine to me. If anything you were better than normal! I don't think there were any stories that were unexpected though and you should be well up to speed on most political stories as editor of Total Politics! :-)

  13. bugsmalone from norfolkMay 26, 2009 10:52 am

    spelling, Johnny Norfolk, spelling

  14. I am not sure your personal style lends itself to academic or journalistic rigour. You will have to settle for being the vox populi - primus inter pares blogoli - and that is a function of your natural affinity with media things. Meanwhile, the rest of us must do it the hard way and seethe with envy.

  15. And did anybody on Twitter advise you to take an alternative route? If not, this seems to demonstrate the limitation of the system!

  16. Loved your references to 'man in the street' on more than once occasion. We're in the jet age now, Iain; let's say 'man or woman'
    and keep Ms Harman happy.

  17. Why did you you need to wear a tie? People complained!?!?

  18. Watch the burst of adrenaline Iain, not good For those with our condition!!!

    Anonymous @ 7.21am...totally agree, it was another crackpot idea from the Traffic taleban in North Wales aka Brunstrom.Once had to listen to a talk he gave on legalising drugs and honestly he really did need the men in white coats!!

  19. Like our human friends, we also enjoy watching your newspaper reviews on Sky News and we were gutted not to see yourself and your eccentric ties on the television at 10.30pm last night. So, on behalf of myself and all my fellow cows who were wandering across the M25 last night, I apologise unreservedly for causing you so many problems yesterday.

  20. Iain, You shouldn't have posted this - I wouldn't have been any the wiser !!

    Perhaps you should also go on with a full bladder to give your performance even more 'edge'...

  21. you want to try talking without any real facts to substantiate your argument, oh and without a pipe as a prop.

    I'm recalling a question time from years back when Tony Benn made a tit of himself trying to bullshit Michael Hesletine with the usual old labour, lets make it up as we go along stuff.

    Truly a great battle that one!

  22. Maybe preparing gets you stumbling alot where as improvising comes directly from the heart and mind. good adrenaline, just like the zone for sports people :D
