Saturday, May 23, 2009

Unless of Course, You Know Different

A reader has sent me this picture of Margaret Moran's office door. Looks like Esther has been busy... :)


  1. I assume Ms Moran is happily sunbathing in her Spanish Villa a la Toynbee in her Italian pad.

  2. That picture is from the Grauniad:

    The article is worth a read. They find a Kenyan who compares the present regime to Moi and Mugabe. Kenyan: "Margaret Moran should go if she has any shame – but she doesn't." He has a keen grasp of UK politics. The most shocking part of the article was the final paragraph:

    'The constituency office looked neglected : paint was peeling and someone has painted "Thats Life" (sic) across the door. There was nobody inside. A man shambled up to me, took off his headphones and said: "Looks bad, doesn't it? But you know what? I'm still gonna vote Labour." The political future of Luton South, like that of Britain, is still not clear.'

    People wonder on the right leaning blogs how Labour get even 20% in opinion polls. It bewilders me too. But how anyone could consider voting for Moron is beyond bewilderment. I thought the insane were denied the vote.

  3. humorous, but given the public anger out there lets hope the humour remains.

    Public reaction is increasingly turning ugly and think we need to be very careful how this develops

  4. I really hope that this is not a PhotoShop job!

  5. Sincerly hope Rantzen stands and wins.

  6. Whilst I hold no brief for MM this is now beginning to appeal to the lowest common denominator in society and that IS dangerous...The worst leak is the drip - drip variety. Think the Telegraph has made its point. What we all need is some leadership out of the mess....

  7. If she isn't toast, then I struggle to understand what would sway a constituency Labour party.

    Full confidence, apparently.

  8. When she's flitting between Southampton, Spain and Westminster, and is lobbying for other businesses, I'd really love to know just how much time she spends in Luton attending to the needs of her constituents.

    I'd imagine that many of these MPs are doing very little constituency work at all, other than the occasional bit of "headline" stuff.

    It's totally disgraceful the state to which things have come.

  9. Dave’s doing what he said he was doing, he told Mp’s to talk to constituents and they are having their say, he’s now having his, if they can’t explain themselves adequately to constituents and the seat can’t be saved, they are gone.

    They must face the constituents and then go, none of this I’ll just stand down, i want them to face the people first and apologise before they stand down.

    Brown must be hating this, Cameron having word after word with Tory after Tory and getting them out, so far have i seen what exactly from Brown but kick it into an enquiry, typical labour, bury it so far into committee, you wont hear about it until 3 years later.

    Cameron will soon be able to stand up and say I’m cleaning house, what the hell have you done.

    Also, I agree, i think we are going to need you for the GE, Iain, i think you deserve a seat as decent new Tory blood.

  10. If ever vandalism and indeed criminal damage can be excused then this is a prima facie example.

    I salute the person who did it as it is both so apt and indeed hilarious.

    Nice one !!!

  11. It looks more dilapidated than when I used to walk past it when I was at Uni, which was often considering most of my lectures took place in the Humanities block just down the road

  12. I think another claim is in order, that boarding above the office door looks like a definite case of wet-rot; Go for it Margaret with the non-checks at the Fees Office £20grand should not be out of the question....

  13. Decrepid and neglected, a quick look at the expense claims to see what has been "spent" on repairs and maintenence for this office may be interesting.

  14. Margaret Moran MP, she just keeps on giving. At the Daily Politics our investigative reporters have been digging, it doesn't look good: Margaret Moran MP – The Trilogy. Latest first.

  15. Oh dear - that's rather despicable, and at the same time, totally hilarious. I am horribly conflicted.

  16. I find Moran utterly despicable and feel a criminal investigation wouldn't be out of order BUT I don't like that daubing on the door at all. Something unpleasant emerging now.

  17. Looks like she's got more rot to sort out, in that sign board.
    Obviously spends to much time in Southampton, and not enough in Looton South

  18. Is that a bad case of dry rot above the door?

  19. Isn't it amazing. Look at the sate of the place. All those allowances and she keeps the front of the office looking like a shithole and doesn't even paint that peeling concrete. One wonders why no money was being spent on it...had it run out?

  20. If she had spent a bit more money on the signage it could have been made big enough to cover up all the rot ----something like Labour policies that throw money at problems , but never tackle the rotten stuff underneath !!!!
    Amusing bit of artwork though!
